Luke 2:2New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures
2 (This first registration took place when Qui·rinʹi·us was governor of Syria.)
Luke 2:2The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures
αὕτη ἀπογραφὴ πρώτη ἐγένετο ἡγεμονεύοντος τῆς Συρίας Κυρηνίου·
Luke 2:2New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References
2 (this first registration took place when Qui·rinʹi·us was governor of Syria;)
Luke 2:2The Bible in Living English
2 (This was the first registration while Quirinius was governor of Syria.)
Luke 2:2American Standard Version
2 This was the first enrolment made when Quirinius was governor of Syria.
Luke 2:2The Emphasized Bible
2 this enrolment first was made while Cyrenius was governor of Syria:
1. The True Light of the WorldThe Good News According to Jesus—Video Reference Guide
Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem; Jesus is born (gnj 1 35:30–39:53)