Revelation 12:17The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures
καὶ ὠργίσθη ὁ δράκων ἐπὶ τῇ γυναικί, καὶ ἀπῆλθεν ποιῆσαι πόλεμον μετὰ τῶν λοιπῶν τοῦ σπέρματος αὐτῆς, τῶν τηρούντων τὰς ἐντολὰς τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ ἐχόντων τὴν μαρτυρίαν Ἰησοῦ·
Revelation 12:17The Bible in Living English
17 And the serpent was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her issue, that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus; and it planted itself on the sand of the sea.
Revelation 12:17American Standard Version
17 And the dragon waxed wroth with the woman, and went away to make war with the rest of her seed, that keep the commandments of God, and hold the testimony of Jesus:
Revelation 12:17King James Version
17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
RevelationWatch Tower Publications Index 1930-1985
12:17 w85 3/15 18; w84 6/15 18; su 176-177; w82 12/15 14; w81 5/1 22; yb77 260-261; w76 753-756; sl 256; w74 723; po 178; w73 144-145; w73 618-620, 623; ka 29; dy 20; kj 354; fm 320-322; w66 554; w64 77, 655; w63 172, 174; bf 632; mg63 18; w61 745; w58 486; sr55 113; w53 276; w51 368; rm 305; w48 295; w46 347; na46 37; w44 267; ni 21; w43 26, 368; fd 20; w41 346; w40 69, 350; rg 86; w39 141; w36 28; w35 261; w34 137; g33 6/7 572; nw 11; w31 279, 315; v-1 138; g31 1/21 285; lt-1-30 255