United Worshipers of the Only True GodThe Watchtower—1984 | February 1
For you are great and are doing wondrous things; you are God, you alone.”
7. Why is recognition that Jehovah alone is God so important?
7 In David’s day, as today, the nations had many gods. But with genuine appreciation David said to Jehovah: “You are God, you alone.” Jesus Christ emphasized the same truth. On the night before his death he prayed to his Father, addressing him as “the only true God.” (John 17:3) However, Christendom worships a Trinity, millions bow before idols; others have made gods of prominent people, of money, of self and of sex. So, what about you? Do you personally share the conviction that “there is none like . . . Jehovah,” that he is “the only true God”?