Parents, Do You Train Your Children?The Watchtower—1961 | March 15
would want to be trained. Be concerned about them. Parents, where are your children now? What are they doing? When was the last time you had a good heart-to-heart talk with them? Every child needs the chance to have a parent all to himself. Give him this chance by going for a walk with him. This allows him to get acquainted with you. Take him with you in service, on picnics, for rides; play with him. Take your child to baptismal services, to all congregation meetings, to national and international assemblies of Jehovah’s witnesses. Whenever possible, work alongside him. Encourage him to preach and teach as a vacation pioneer. Have him join you to serve where the need for Kingdom witnessing is great. Instill in his young mind the missionary spirit by reading Yearbook experiences, by entertaining missionaries and pioneers in your home. Teach your child to love the brothers, the truth of God’s Word, the New World society, for this is the way of life. What greater blessing can a parent bestow upon his child than a good introduction to the Kingdom ministry, which is the way leading to everlasting life?
18. (a) Children that receive what instruction usually stand fast to their early training? (b) Of what is proper child training a vindication?
18 When children are trained to be industrious, when they are restrained and corrected with a due mixture of firmness and affection, when they are disciplined to endure hardship, to keep their place and obey, and when all this is enforced by good examples set before them and when constant prayers are made for and with them, children generally do not depart from the way. The good effects of their training can be seen wherever they go and as long as they live. Such well-trained children become a source of deep joy to their parents. Yes, parents, Jehovah’s Word says: “The father of a righteous one will without fail be joyful.” (Prov. 23:24) Therefore, parents, train up your child in the way he should go. If you do, your child will be a joy to you, a blessing to the theocratic organization, and a vindication of the arrangement that Jehovah instituted for the training of children, namely, the home, with the father and mother in the key positions.
Parents, Safeguard Your Child’s Life with Accurate KnowledgeThe Watchtower—1961 | March 15
Parents, Safeguard Your Child’s Life with Accurate Knowledge
1. What questions should parents and children ask themselves at this time, and why?
PARENTS of the New World society now stand with their children at the portals of God’s new world of promise, but they have yet to enter. Satan and his demons and a terribly corrupt and wicked world would, if possible, prevent them from entering. What can parents do to safeguard themselves and their children