Filling the House with GloryThe Watchtower—1953 | October 15
will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths. For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and Jehovah’s word from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall reprove many peoples; and they shall forge their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-knives: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”—Isa. 2:2-4, Da; AS.
41. When shall we have total and permanent disarmament of the worldly nations? Why?
41 The nations of this world are not the ones that pay attention to Jehovah’s judgments or that heed his reproof. Their disarmament conferences and resolutions are not for total disarmament but for mere limitation of armaments, and these have never led and will never this side of Armageddon lead the nations to forge swords into plowshares and spears into pruning knives and to lay down the sword and quit teaching war. When the “war of the great day of God the Almighty” strikes them, they will be fully armed with all the improved weapons of modern science, of many of which we now have no knowledge. But when Armageddon is finished, Jehovah’s King will have dashed all those anti-Kingdom nations to bits. Then first we shall have total disarmament of those nations and permanently so.
42. Who, then, of the nations is it that now heed Jehovah’s judgments and reproof, and how will they do so even at Armageddon? Why?
42 Hence it is the “great crowd” of desirable ones out of all such nations and peoples that now heed Jehovah’s judgments and reproof and now walk in the paths he teaches them from Zion and its temple. These now practice total disarmament, converting to peaceful, productive uses what was formerly devoted to mortal combat, laying down the sword that they literally used to raise against one another and learning such carnal warfare no more. When Armageddon strikes and Jehovah confounds his enemies, those enemies will turn every man his hand against his brother. Not so this “great crowd” that have come out of all nations to the highly-lifted “mountain of Jehovah”! They will lend every man a helping hand to his brother, that they may all stand united in the “peace of God that excels all thought.” This will be because they have all flowed together to the house of Jehovah, “the God of Jacob,” and there He enforces his purpose: “In this place will I give peace, saith Jehovah of hosts.”—Hag. 2:9, AS.
43. In witnessing what sight, how are we blessed, and how shall we be further blessed in this connection?
43 Behold, then, his house of worship today filled with glory, gifted with divine peace. Blessed are we to live to witness this sight in vindication of Jehovah’s word. Blessed shall we be to abide in his house worshiping him purely, “in holy array,” and tirelessly working for the filling of his house with yet greater glory by helping all the remaining desirable ones of all the nations to come in.
Which Papers Do You Read?The Watchtower—1953 | October 15
Which Papers Do You Read?
“We are convinced that Catholics are the most tolerant of all people. They never hear another organization attacked from their pulpit, while they are taught that they must love every individual, friend or enemy.”—Our Sunday Visitor, January 25, 1953.
“The Evangelical Confederation of Colombia has listed 23 new cases of alleged persecution of Protestants in this predominantly Catholic country, including the murder of a Protestant lay preacher and the dynamiting of a Presbyterian chapel. . . . In another serious incident, the report said, a parish priest: with a revolver led the mayor and police of La Plata, in the Huila Department, in a shooting attack on a building where Protestant services were being held.”—Cincinnati (Ohio) Times Star, January 29, 1953.
Is that tolerance?