“Faith Divorced from Deeds Is Lifeless as a Corpse”The Watchtower—1974 | January 1
5. For the expression of faith to result in a righteous standing before God, it must include faith in whom?
5 Concerning the “faith that leads to righteousness,” Paul wrote to the Romans: “What shall we say, then? That people of the nations, although not pursuing righteousness, caught up with righteousness, the righteousness that results from faith;
“Faith Divorced from Deeds Is Lifeless as a Corpse”The Watchtower—1974 | January 1
(Rom. 9:30, 31) It is quite evident that due to Paul’s evangelism many Gentiles were aided to catch up with righteousness. The other disciples, too, through their teaching in many cities brought thousands of Gentiles to a knowledge of Christ Jesus, and these caught up with righteousness, the righteousness that results from faith in the Son of God.