The Peace and Unity of Jehovah’s WitnessesThe Watchtower—1960 | January 1
working underground, because today there are, on an average, 120,952 publishers preaching in communistic lands and they have reached a new peak of publishers, 131,996, during the 1959 service year. In fact, in the communistic countries there has been a 22-percent increase in the number of those associating themselves with God’s people, dedicating their lives to his service and going out preaching the good news of the Kingdom.
23. (a) What will be evident from a reading of the Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses? (b) What blessed condition among Jehovah’s people will continue?
23 One who reads the 1960 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses will see that being a Christian in this old world is not easy. It has its hardships and its blessings beyond measure. Paul stated it very well: “If one member suffers, all the other members suffer with it; or if a member is glorified, all the other members rejoice with it.” (1 Cor. 12:26) How true that is! Jehovah’s visible organization is bound together so closely that if anything affects one part of the organization it is felt by the other members too, because they are all one body, one in spirit, one in mind, one in faith, serving Jehovah. Within the organization of Jehovah’s witnesses itself there is peace and unity, and no matter what pressures are brought upon it from the outside they will stand these pressures and together press on, proving themselves to be God’s Christian ministers pursuing peace and praising Jehovah day and night.
Part 29—“Your Will Be Done on Earth”The Watchtower—1960 | January 1
Part 29—“Your Will Be Done on Earth”
During the course of the centuries since the conflict between the king of the north and the king of the south began in the fourth century before the Christian era, the identity of the two kings has changed. In 64 B.C. the rulers of the Roman Empire assumed the role of the king of the north. At the death of the Roman Emperor Theodosius in 393 (A.D.) the empire became divided into an eastern and a western part. But it was not till the Roman Catholic pope, Leo III, crowned the Frankish king, Charlemagne, as emperor of the western empire that it became historically correct to speak of the Western Empire as well as of the Eastern Empire, which latter empire had its capital at Constantinople. That was on Christmas Day of the year 800.
78. When emperorship of the West became elective, to whom did it finally come, to remain till the end, and how was the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation established and brought to an end?
78 In 911 (A.D.) the emperorship of the West became elective. Five centuries later it was obtained by the members of the house of Hapsburg of Austria, and was held by them till 1806, when the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved. The German Empire received this title during the reign of Otho (Otto) the Great. In 961 he was crowned as king of Italy; and on February 2, 962, Pope John XII crowned him at Rome as Otho I, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. It came to be known as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. It had its capital in Germany, and the emperors and most of their subjects were Germans. So under Otho I Germany and Italy were brought into close relationship, but with Germany on top, for Italy was