Whose Name Do You Respect More—Your Own or God’s?The Watchtower—1971 | November 1
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow—in heaven, on earth, and in the depths—and every tongue confess, ‘Jesus Christ is Lord’, to the glory of God the Father.”—Phil. 2:5-11.
Whose Name Do You Respect More—Your Own or God’s?The Watchtower—1971 | November 1
Hence all other creatures must recognize that exalted name and bow at it. But to whose glory must they do this? To the glory of the highly exalted Jesus Christ? No! But, as the apostle Paul says, “To the glory of God the Father.” The highly exalted Jesus Christ is called “Lord,” but he is not called God nor is he called Father, for always he remains the Son of God. The rank and title of “God the Father” always remain with Jehovah. He did not give his heavenly Son a name higher than His own nor a name even equal to His own. His name remains supreme, unreachably high. Jesus Christ in heaven recognizes it as such.