Submission to Authority That Is RewardingChoosing the Best Way of Life
He committed no sin, nor was deception found in his mouth.
Submission to Authority That Is RewardingChoosing the Best Way of Life
24 Thus the apostle reminded Christian slaves that one of the reasons for which they were called to be disciples of the Son of God was to demonstrate a spirit like his while subjected to unjust suffering. Especially on the final day of his life as a man on earth, Jesus Christ endured much. He was slapped, hit with fists, spit on, scourged with a whip (which was probably fitted with pieces of lead or bone or barbs to tear the flesh), and, finally, nailed to a stake like a criminal of the worst kind. Yet, he submitted to all these indignities, never reviling or threatening the men responsible for meting out such unwarranted treatment. Jesus Christ knew that his life course had been pure, but he did not take matters into his own hands to vindicate himself. He committed his cause to the Father, confident that his God and Father would render a righteous judgment in his behalf. We, too, can be sure that the Almighty takes note of any injustices that we may experience. He will balance the scales of justice, provided we continue to bear up patiently under suffering. Surely, if the sinless Son of God was willing to endure mistreatment, we followers of his have even greater reason to do so, recognizing that we are sinful creatures.