New Systems of ThingsThe Watchtower—1950 | November 1
24. Does the new covenant’s close end the Abrahamic covenant? Why?
24 One thing is certain: The end of the new covenant does not bring the end of God’s covenant with Abraham, to whom he declared the good news, “By means of you all the nations will be blessed.” That Abrahamic covenant is an “everlasting covenant”. (Ps. 105:8-10) It will extend on through the thousand years of Christ’s royal rule for the blessing of all his earthly subjects, no matter of what nationality they may have been in this old world.
Beginning the New World SocietyThe Watchtower—1950 | November 1
Beginning the New World Society
1. How will the new world have its society? How has the Kingdom’s establishment already affected us?
THE old world has its society or its people living according to a certain social arrangement. The new world, too, will have its society, all the members of which will live in harmony with a righteous arrangement. Satan the Devil, the god of this present wicked system of things, is the invisible ruler of the old-world society, but he will not be the god of the new world. His wicked system will be obliterated by the coming “war of the great day of God the Almighty”, Armageddon. (Rev. 16:14-16, NW) Jehovah, whose universal sovereignty Satan has challenged, will be the one, true living God of the new world. He will rule through the theocratic government of his faithful Son, Jesus Christ the King. That kingdom will institute new systems of things, the ones the Bible speaks of as yet coming. Come to think of it, the very establishment of God’s kingdom in the heavens by enthroning his Son in 1914 resulted in a radical change in the activities of God’s spiritual children who were under the new covenant. It has marvelously altered the message they preach in all the earth for a witness to all nations. Aye, it has put a “new song” in their mouths, the song of God’s kingdom at last brought to birth after millenniums of waiting. (Rev. 14:3; 12:1-10) The systems of things under which we have lived according to the new covenant have been grand, we must admit; but those which will obtain in the new world will be oh so much grander for all its society.
2. Why will it be different there? What is the proof?
2 Why should it not be different, yes, better? For it will have new heavens and a new earth. The destruction of this old world with its Devil-controlled heavens and earth will therefore be no calamity. We eagerly look for it, doing as the apostle Peter says: “Awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah, through which the heavens being on fire will be dissolved and the elements being intensely hot will melt. But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell.” (2 Pet. 3:12, 13, NW) The kingdom of Jesus Christ, together with his 144,000 faithful victorious followers, will spread out its power over all this globe and will form the “new heavens”. To these spiritual followers Jesus has said: “There is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God that is not certain to get many times more in this period of time and in the coming system of things everlasting life.” (Luke 18:29, 30,