The New Order That Is Backed by Holy SpiritHoly Spirit—The Force Behind the Coming New Order!
Jesus Christ and his 144,000 fellow kings and priests will outrank any earthly government that mankind has had during its six thousand years of existence. It will be the very best and highest kind of government that God could give to mankind. It will displace all the human governments that have been manipulated by Satan the Devil and his demons. God will use it to usher in upon the earth his new order, for it will be a new governmental “heavens.”—2 Peter 3:13.
14. (a) What must happen to the present old “heavens” over mankind? (b) In what way will the new government be a “heavens” in a real way?
14 The man-made governmental “heavens” must go, along with their invisible backer, Satan the Devil, “the ruler of this world.” (John 12:31) They are nearing their destruction in the “great tribulation” that will reach its maximum destructive fury at Har–Magedon, when the “war of the great day of God the Almighty” results in crowning victory for Jehovah, the Sovereign of heaven and earth. (Revelation 16:14-16; 19:11-21; Daniel 2:44) The new governmental “heavens” must come into undisputed power and control. They must be heavenly, not merely in a figurative way, but in a real way, by being made up of spirit rulers having the “divine nature” and being immortal, incorruptible. (2 Peter 1:4) Blessed will our eyes be when we see in reality what the apostle John saw in vision. His description thereof is captivating:
“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more.