Grand Human Prospects in a Paradise of PleasantnessThe Watchtower—1989 | August 1
Then the man said: ‘This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one will be called Woman, because from man this one was taken.’
Grand Human Prospects in a Paradise of PleasantnessThe Watchtower—1989 | August 1
10. How did the perfect man respond when the perfect woman was presented to him, and what may his words have indicated?
10 There was complete satisfaction expressed in his words when the perfect woman was presented to him as a helper and complement: “This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” In view of these words when he finally saw his newly created wife, it could be that he had waited some time to receive his delightful human counterpart. Describing his complement, Adam called his wife “Woman” (ʼish·shahʹ or, literally, “female man”), “because from man this one was taken.” (Genesis 2:23, New World Translation Reference Bible, footnote) Adam felt no fleshly kinship to the flying creatures and land animals that God had previously brought to his notice for him to name. His flesh was different from theirs. But this woman truly was of his fleshly kind. The rib bone taken from his side manufactured the same sort of blood that was in his own body. (See Matthew 19:4-6.)