Youths Who Make Jehovah’s Heart RejoiceThe Watchtower—2003 | April 15
Youths Who Make Jehovah’s Heart Rejoice
These study articles were prepared especially for youths among Jehovah’s Witnesses. Therefore, we encourage young ones to study this material carefully and to comment freely when it is considered at the congregation Watchtower Study.
“Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me.”—Proverbs 27:11.
1, 2. (a) Explain whether mere attraction to the things of the world means that you are not cut out to be a Christian. (Romans 7:21) (b) What do you learn from Asaph’s example? (See box, page 13.)
IMAGINE that you are shopping for clothes. While browsing, you catch sight of a garment that immediately appeals to you. The color and style seem just right for you, and the price tag indicates that this is a real bargain. But then you take a closer look. Much to your surprise, you notice that the fabric is frayed at the edges, and the stitching is somewhat shoddy. The garment, while attractive, is cheaply made. Would you spend your money on such an inferior product?
2 Compare this to a situation that could confront you as a Christian youth. At first glance, the things of this world—much like that garment—might seem highly appealing. For instance, your schoolmates may go to exciting parties, take drugs, drink, date casually, and engage in premarital sex. Are you, on occasion, attracted to such a life-style? Do you long for just a taste of their so-called freedom? If so, do not hastily conclude that you are bad at heart and just not cut out to be a Christian. After all, the Bible acknowledges that the world can be powerfully enticing—even to a person who wants to please God.—2 Timothy 4:10.
3. (a) Why is it futile to pursue the things of the world? (b) How does one Christian describe the vanity of worldly pursuits?
3 Now please take a closer look, just as you would at an item of clothing that you were interested in buying. Ask yourself, ‘Of what quality is the fabric and stitching of this system of things?’ The Bible states that “the world is passing away.” (1 John 2:17) Any pleasure derived from it would be temporary at best. Furthermore, ungodly conduct has a high price tag. It is certainly no bargain. One Christian, who has had to endure what she calls “the pains resulting from a misspent youth,” says: “The world may appear to be glamorous and inviting. And it wants you to believe that you can have its form of fun without pain. But this simply isn’t possible. The world will use you, and when it is through, it will throw you away.”a Why waste your youth on such an inferior way of life?
Protection From “the Wicked One”
4, 5. (a) Shortly before his death, what did Jesus request in prayer to Jehovah? (b) Why was this an appropriate request?
4 Realizing that this system of things has nothing of quality to offer, young ones among Jehovah’s Witnesses strive to avoid friendship with this world. (James 4:4) Are you one of these faithful youths? If so, you are to be commended. Granted, it is not easy to resist peer pressure and to stand out as being different, but you have help.
5 Shortly before his death, Jesus prayed that Jehovah would “watch over” his disciples “because of the wicked one.” (John 17:15) Jesus made this request for good reason. He knew that the course of integrity would not be easy for his followers, regardless of their age. Why? For one thing, as Jesus acknowledged, his disciples would face a powerful, invisible enemy—“the wicked one,” Satan the Devil. The Bible says that this evil spirit creature “walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone.”—1 Peter 5:8.
6. How do we know that Satan has no compassion for young people?
6 Throughout history, Satan has taken sadistic delight in bringing the cruelest of atrocities upon humans. Consider the horrific calamities that Satan brought upon Job and his family. (Job 1:13-19; 2:7) Perhaps you can recall news events during your own lifetime that bear the stamp of Satan’s violent spirit. The Devil is on the prowl, and in his quest to devour, he shows no mercy to youths. At the turn of the first century C.E., for instance, Herod hatched a scheme to have put to death all boys in Bethlehem who were two years of age or younger. (Matthew 2:16) It was likely Satan who motivated Herod—all in an effort to destroy the child who would one day become God’s promised Messiah and bring God’s judgment upon Satan! (Genesis 3:15) Clearly, Satan has no soft spot for young people. His sole intention is to devour as many humans as possible. This is especially true now, for Satan has been cast out of heaven down to the earth, “having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.”—Revelation 12:9, 12.
7. (a) How does Jehovah stand out in stark contrast with Satan? (b) How does Jehovah feel about your enjoying life?
7 In stark contrast with Satan, who has “great anger,” Jehovah has “tender compassion.” (Luke 1:78) He is the very epitome of love. In fact, this grand quality so characterizes our Creator that the Bible says: “God is love.” (1 John 4:8) What a difference between the god of this system of things and the God you are privileged to worship! While Satan seeks to devour, Jehovah “does not desire any to be destroyed.” (2 Peter 3:9) He views every human life as precious—including yours. When Jehovah in his Word exhorts you to be no part of the world, he is not trying to stifle your enjoyment of life or restrict your freedom. (John 15:19) On the contrary, he is watching over you because of the wicked one. Your heavenly Father wants you to have something far better than the fleeting pleasures of this world. His desire is that you attain to “the real life”—everlasting life on a paradise earth. (1 Timothy 6:17-19) Jehovah wants you to succeed, and he is urging you on toward that goal. (1 Timothy 2:4) Furthermore, Jehovah extends to you a special invitation. What is it?
“Make My Heart Rejoice”
8, 9. (a) What gift can you present to Jehovah? (b) How does Satan taunt Jehovah, as illustrated in the case of Job?
8 Have you ever purchased a gift for a close friend and then watched your friend’s face beam with surprise and appreciation upon receiving it? You probably thought long and hard about what type of gift would be appropriate for that person. Now consider this question: What kind of gift can you offer your Creator, Jehovah God? At first, the very idea might sound absurd. What does the Almighty need from a mere human? What could you possibly give him that he does not already possess? The Bible answers at Proverbs 27:11: “Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me.”
9 As you likely know from your study of the Bible, it is Satan the Devil who taunts Jehovah. He asserts that any who serve God do so, not out of love, but for selfish reasons. Let them suffer hardship, Satan claims, and they will quickly abandon true worship. Consider, for instance, what Satan said to Jehovah regarding the righteous man Job: “Have not you yourself put up a hedge about him and about his house and about everything that he has all around? The work of his hands you have blessed, and his livestock itself has spread abroad in the earth. But, for a change, thrust out your hand, please, and touch everything he has and see whether he will not curse you to your very face.”—Job 1:10, 11.
10. (a) How do we know that Satan called into question the integrity of more than just Job? (b) How are you involved in the issue of sovereignty?
10 As revealed in the Bible account, Satan called into question not only Job’s loyalty but also that of all others who serve God—including you. In fact, speaking of mankind in general, Satan said to Jehovah: “Everything that a man [not just Job but anyone] has he will give in behalf of his soul.” (Job 2:4) Do you see your role in this vital issue? As indicated at Proverbs 27:11, Jehovah is saying that there is something you can give to him—a basis for him to make a reply to his taunter, Satan. Imagine—the Universal Sovereign is calling upon you to share in addressing the greatest issue of all time. What an awesome responsibility and privilege is yours! Can you fulfill what Jehovah is asking of you? Job did. (Job 2:9, 10) So did Jesus as well as countless others throughout history, including many youths. (Philippians 2:8; Revelation 6:9) You can do the same. Make no mistake about it, though, there is no neutral ground in this matter. By your course of action, you will show that you support either Satan’s taunt or Jehovah’s reply. Which will you choose to uphold?
Jehovah Cares for You!
11, 12. Does it make a difference to Jehovah whether you choose to serve him or not? Explain.
11 Does it really matter to Jehovah which choice you make? Have not enough people already remained faithful for him to give an adequate reply to Satan? True, the Devil asserted that no one serves Jehovah out of love, a charge that has already been proved false. Still, Jehovah wants you to take his side on the issue of sovereignty because he cares about you as an individual. Jesus said: “It is not a desirable thing with my Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish.”—Matthew 18:14.
12 Clearly, Jehovah is interested in the course you choose. More than that, he is affected by it. The Bible makes clear that Jehovah has deep feelings that are stirred by the good or the bad actions of humans. For example, when the Israelites repeatedly rebelled, Jehovah was “pained.” (Psalm 78:40, 41) Before the Deluge of Noah’s day, when “the badness of man was abundant,” Jehovah “felt hurt at his heart.” (Genesis 6:5, 6) Think about what this means. If you adopted a wrong course, you could cause your Creator to feel pain. This does not mean that God is weak or is ruled by emotion. Rather, he loves you and cares about your welfare. On the other hand, when you do what is right, Jehovah’s heart rejoices. He is happy not only because he has a further reply to give to Satan but also because he can now become your Rewarder. And that is something he wants to become. (Hebrews 11:6) What a loving Father you have in Jehovah God!
Rich Blessings Now
13. How does serving Jehovah bring blessings right now?
13 The blessings that come from serving Jehovah are not to be experienced only in the future. Many youths among Jehovah’s Witnesses are blessed with joy and satisfaction right now, and for good reason. “The orders from Jehovah are upright, causing the heart to rejoice,” wrote the psalmist. (Psalm 19:8) Better than any human, Jehovah knows what is good for us. Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah stated: “I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk. O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.”—Isaiah 48:17, 18.
14. How can Bible principles help you avoid the pain of debt?
14 Conforming to Bible principles will help you to avoid much pain and heartache. For example, the Bible says that those who have developed a love for money “have stabbed themselves all over with many pains.” (1 Timothy 6:9, 10) Have any of your peers experienced the harsh reality of this scripture? Some young men and women are heavily in debt simply because they must have the latest brand-name clothes and cutting-edge technological gadgets. Being saddled with long-term, high-interest payments for things you cannot really afford is a painful form of slavery!—Proverbs 22:7.
15. In what ways do Bible principles protect you from the pain resulting from sexual immorality?
15 Consider also the matter of sexual immorality. Throughout the world each year, countless unwed teens become pregnant. Some give birth to a child that they have neither the desire nor the ability to raise. Others submit to an abortion and pay the price of a tormented conscience. Then there are young men and women who contract a sexually transmitted disease, such as AIDS. For one who knows Jehovah, of course, the greatest consequence of all would be a damaged relationship with Jehovah.b (Galatians 5:19-21) For good reason, the Bible says: “Flee from fornication.”—1 Corinthians 6:18.
Serving “the Happy God”
16. (a) How do we know that Jehovah wants you to enjoy your youth? (b) Why does Jehovah set out guidelines for you to follow?
16 The Bible describes Jehovah as “the happy God.” (1 Timothy 1:11) He wants you to be happy too. In fact, his very own Word says: “Enjoy your youth. Be happy while you are still young.” (Ecclesiastes 11:9, Today’s English Version) But Jehovah sees beyond the present moment and can perceive the long-term consequences of both good and bad behavior. That is why he admonishes you: “Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood, before the calamitous days proceed to come, or the years have arrived when you will say: ‘I have no delight in them.’”—Ecclesiastes 12:1.
17, 18. How did one young Christian express her happiness in serving Jehovah, and how can you find the same joy?
17 Today, many youths have found great happiness in serving Jehovah. For example, 15-year-old Lina says: “I can hold my head high. I have a healthy body because of abstaining from smoking and drugs. I have valuable guidance given me through the congregation that helps me to combat Satan’s awful pressure. My face has a happy glow because of the upbuilding association made available at the Kingdom Hall. Best of all, I have the unbeatable prospect of eternal life on earth.”
18 Like Lina, many Christian youths are putting up a hard fight for the faith, and this brings them joy. They realize that their life—though challenging at times—has real purpose and a real future. Continue, therefore, to serve the God who has your best interests at heart. Make his heart rejoice, and he will make you rejoice now and to time indefinite!—Psalm 5:11.
a See the article “The Truth Gave Me Back My Life,” appearing in the October 22, 1996, issue of Awake!
b It is comforting to know that when a person repents, stops doing wrong, and confesses his sins, Jehovah “will forgive in a large way.”—Isaiah 55:7.
Youths—Jehovah Will Not Forget Your Work!The Watchtower—2003 | April 15
Youths—Jehovah Will Not Forget Your Work!
“God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name, in that you have ministered to the holy ones and continue ministering.”—HEBREWS 6:10.
1. How do the Bible books of Hebrews and Malachi show that Jehovah appreciates your service?
HAVE you ever performed a kind deed for a friend and then received no expression of thanks? It can hurt deeply when a generous act is taken for granted or, worse yet, completely forgotten. How different it is, though, when we render wholehearted service to Jehovah! The Bible says: “God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name, in that you have ministered to the holy ones and continue ministering.” (Hebrews 6:10) Think about what that means. Jehovah would actually consider it an act of unrighteousness on his part—a sin—if he were to forget what you have done and what you continue to do in his service. What an appreciative God!—Malachi 3:10.
2. What makes serving Jehovah truly special?
2 You have a special opportunity to worship and serve this grateful God. Since there are only about six million of your fellow believers compared with some six billion people worldwide, your privilege is a rare one indeed. Furthermore, the fact that you are listening and responding to the message of the good news is evidence that Jehovah takes a personal interest in you. After all, Jesus said: “No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him.” (John 6:44) Yes, Jehovah helps people individually to take advantage of the benefits of Christ’s sacrifice.
Appreciating Your Grand Privilege
3. How did the sons of Korah express appreciation for the privilege of serving Jehovah?
3 As discussed in the preceding article, you are in a unique position to make Jehovah’s heart rejoice. (Proverbs 27:11) This is something that you should never take for granted. In one of their inspired psalms, the sons of Korah expressed their appreciation for the privilege of serving Jehovah. We read: “A day in your courtyards is better than a thousand elsewhere. I have chosen to stand at the threshold in the house of my God rather than to move around in the tents of wickedness.”—Psalm 84:10.
4. (a) What might make some view worship of Jehovah as restrictive? (b) In what way does Jehovah show himself eager to notice and reward his servants?
4 Is that the way you feel about your privilege to serve your heavenly Father? Admittedly, at times it may seem that worship of Jehovah restricts your freedom. It is true that living according to Bible principles requires a measure of self-sacrifice. Ultimately, though, whatever Jehovah asks of you is for your benefit. (Psalm 1:1-3) In addition, Jehovah sees your efforts and demonstrates his appreciation for your faithfulness. Indeed, Paul wrote that Jehovah “becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” (Hebrews 11:6) Jehovah is looking for opportunities to do this. A righteous prophet in ancient Israel stated: “As regards Jehovah, his eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him.”—2 Chronicles 16:9.
5. (a) What is one of the finest ways you can show that your heart is complete toward Jehovah? (b) Why might talking to others about your faith seem difficult?
5 One of the finest ways you can show that your heart is complete toward Jehovah is to talk to others about him. Have you ever had the opportunity to speak to some of your schoolmates about your faith? At first, doing this may seem daunting, and the very idea might cause a bit of fear. ‘What if they laugh at me?’ you may ask. ‘What if they think that my religion is strange?’ Jesus acknowledged that not everyone would listen to the Kingdom message. (John 15:20) This does not mean, however, that you are doomed to a life of ridicule and rejection. On the contrary, many Witness youths have found a listening ear and have even commanded greater respect from their peers by standing up for their convictions.
“Jehovah Will Help You”
6, 7. (a) How was one 17-year-old girl able to witness to her classmates? (b) What have you learned from Jennifer’s experience?
6 But how can you summon the courage to speak up about your faith? Why not resolve to be honest and straightforward when people ask you about your religion? Consider the experience of 17-year-old Jennifer. “I was at lunch in school. The girls at my table happened to be discussing religion, and one of the girls asked me what religion I belonged to,” she says. Was Jennifer nervous about giving a reply? “Yes,” she acknowledges, “because I wasn’t sure what kind of reaction I would get.” So what did Jennifer do? “I told the girls that I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses,” she continues. “At first they seemed surprised. Apparently, they had the notion that Jehovah’s Witnesses were strange people. This prompted them to ask me questions, and I was able to clear up some misconceptions they had. Even after that day, some of the girls approached me from time to time with a question.”
7 Did Jennifer regret having taken the opportunity to speak up about her beliefs? Not at all! “I felt very good about it when the lunch period was over,” she says. “Now those girls have a better idea of who Jehovah’s Witnesses really are.” Jennifer’s advice now is simple: “If you find it hard to witness to classmates or teachers, say a quick prayer. Jehovah will help you. You will be glad that you made good use of your opportunity to give a witness.”—1 Peter 3:15.
8. (a) How did prayer help Nehemiah when he faced an unexpected situation? (b) What are some situations at school when you might need to offer a brief, silent prayer to Jehovah?
8 Note that Jennifer recommends ‘saying a quick prayer’ to Jehovah when an opportunity presents itself to give a witness about your faith. This is precisely what Nehemiah, cupbearer to Persian King Artaxerxes, did when he faced an unexpected situation. Nehemiah was visibly distressed because he had been informed about the plight of the Jews and had learned that the wall and gates of Jerusalem were in ruins. The king noticed that Nehemiah seemed anxious, so he asked Nehemiah what was wrong. Before answering, Nehemiah prayed for guidance. Then he boldly requested permission to return to Jerusalem and help rebuild the fallen city. Artaxerxes granted Nehemiah’s request. (Nehemiah 2:1-8) The lesson? If you feel nervous when an opportunity arises to give a witness concerning your faith, do not neglect your opportunity to offer a silent prayer. “Throw all your anxiety upon [Jehovah],” wrote Peter, “because he cares for you.”—1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 55:22.
“Ready to Make a Defense”
9. How was 13-year-old Leah able to place 23 copies of the Young People Ask book?
9 Consider another experience. Leah, aged 13, was reading the book Questions Young People Ask—Answers That Worka during her lunch break at school. “Others were watching me,” she says, “and soon a crowd was hovering over my shoulder. They began asking what the book was all about.” By the end of the day, four girls had asked Leah for a copy of the Young People Ask book. Soon these girls were sharing the book with others, and then they too wanted a copy. Over the next few weeks, Leah placed 23 copies of the Young People Ask book with her schoolmates and their friends. Was it easy for Leah to speak up when others initially inquired about the book she was reading? Hardly! “At first, I was nervous,” she admits. “However, I prayed, and I knew that Jehovah was with me.”
10, 11. How was a young Israelite girl able to help a Syrian army chief learn about Jehovah, and what changes did he thereafter make?
10 Leah’s experience may remind you of a similar situation that confronted a young Israelite girl who had been taken captive to Syria. Naaman, a Syrian army chief, was a leper. His wife might well have initiated the conversation that prompted this little girl to speak up about her faith. “If only my lord were before the prophet that is in Samaria!” she said. “In that case he would recover him from his leprosy.”—2 Kings 5:1-3.
11 As a result of this young girl’s boldness, Naaman came to know that “there is no God anywhere in the earth but in Israel.” He even resolved that he would “no more render up a burnt offering or a sacrifice to any other gods but to Jehovah.” (2 Kings 5:15, 17) Jehovah certainly blessed the courage of that little girl. He can and will do the same for young ones today. Leah found that to be true. In time, some of her schoolmates approached her and said that the Young People Ask book was helping them with their behavior. “I was glad,” Leah says, “because I knew that I was helping others to learn more about Jehovah and helping them to change their life.”
12. How can you be strengthened to make a defense of your faith?
12 You can have experiences similar to those of Jennifer and Leah. Follow the admonition of Peter, who wrote that as a Christian you should always be “ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect.” (1 Peter 3:15) How can you do that? Imitate the course of the first-century Christians who prayed to Jehovah that he would help them to preach “with all boldness.” (Acts 4:29) Then be courageous in talking to others about your beliefs. You may be surprised at the results. Moreover, you will make Jehovah’s heart rejoice.
Videos and Special Projects
13. What opportunities have some youths taken advantage of to give a witness? (See boxes on pages 20 and 21.)
13 Many youths have explained their faith to schoolmates or teachers by using videos. At times, school projects have also opened up opportunity to bring praise to Jehovah. For example, two 15-year-old boys, both Jehovah’s Witnesses, received an assignment as part of their world history class to write a report on one of the world’s religions. These two teamed up to write their report on Jehovah’s Witnesses, using the book Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom as their source.b They also had to present a five-minute oral report. Afterward, the teacher and students had so many questions that the boys were in front of the class for an additional 20 minutes. For several weeks thereafter, their classmates continued to ask questions about Jehovah’s Witnesses!
14, 15. (a) Why is fear of man a snare? (b) Why should you feel confident about sharing your beliefs with others?
14 As the foregoing experiences illustrate, great blessings can be experienced by telling others about your beliefs and convictions as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Do not let fear of man deprive you of the privilege and joy of helping others come to know Jehovah. The Bible states: “Trembling at men is what lays a snare, but he that is trusting in Jehovah will be protected.”—Proverbs 29:25.
15 Remember, as a Christian youth, you have something that your peers sorely need—the best way of life now and the promise of everlasting life for the future. (1 Timothy 4:8) Interestingly, in the United States—where you might think that people in general are apathetic or secular-minded—one poll revealed that fully half of the youths take religion very seriously, and a third say that religious faith is “the most important influence” in their life. The situation likely is similar in many other parts of the world. It may well be, then, that your peers at school would be glad to listen to what you have to say about the Bible.
As a Youth, Draw Close to Jehovah
16. What is involved in pleasing Jehovah besides talking to others about him?
16 Of course, making Jehovah’s heart glad involves more than simply talking about him. You also need to conform your conduct to his standards. The apostle John wrote: “This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome.” (1 John 5:3) You will find this to be true if you draw close to Jehovah. How can you do that?
17. How can you draw close to Jehovah?
17 Take time to read the Bible and Bible-based publications. The more you learn about Jehovah, the easier it will be to obey him and to talk to others about him. “A good man brings forth good out of the good treasure of his heart,” said Jesus, “for out of the heart’s abundance his mouth speaks.” (Luke 6:45) So fill your heart with good things. Why not set goals in this regard? Perhaps you can improve as to preparing for congregation meetings this coming week. Your next goal could be to participate by offering a brief but heartfelt comment. Of course, it is vital that you also put into practice the things you learn.—Philippians 4:9.
18. Even if you suffer some opposition, of what can you be confident?
18 The blessings that come from serving Jehovah are long-lasting—indeed, everlasting. True, you occasionally may experience a degree of opposition or ridicule for being one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. But think of Moses. The Bible says that “he looked intently toward the payment of the reward.” (Hebrews 11:24-26) You too can be confident that Jehovah will reward you for the efforts you make to learn about him and talk about him. Indeed, he will never “forget your work and the love you showed for his name.”—Hebrews 6:10.