From Our Readers
Cooperation—Vital to Life (September 8, 2005) I have to admit that when I first saw the cover of this issue, I did not think that I would be interested in the topic. But I read the whole series, and I loved it! Many times while reading, I stopped to thank Jehovah for the wonderful way in which he created things. It was remarkable to see how the animals work together.
B. K., United States
Young People Ask . . . How Can I Avoid Getting Involved With the Wrong People? (August 22, 2005) I was attracted to a “wrong” person who was not really rooted in Bible truth. The information helped me to understand the danger of associating with a spiritually weak person. It’s good to know that Jehovah cares for us. Thank you for the timely help.
A.B.K., Zambia
This article helped me to see the need to change my associates. Although that was difficult, the article—which I keep close by—continues to strengthen me. Thank you for the help and encouragement you give to us young ones.
L. R., United States
The Bible’s Viewpoint—Should You Pray to the Virgin Mary? (September 8, 2005) I admire Jehovah’s Witnesses because you are irreproachable in your conduct and your magazines have done me much good. However, how can you say that we should not ask favors of Mary? She intercedes with the Father for us so that we can be at peace.
E. R., Spain
“Awake!” responds: As the article explained, nowhere does the Bible authorize us to pray to anyone other than God. According to Catholic priest and writer Andrew Greeley, “the Mary symbol links Christianity directly to the ancient religions of mother goddesses.” Thus, the veneration of Mary has pagan, not Christian, roots. This may be a new thought to many of our readers, and we encourage such ones to examine the Bible to find out what it really teaches. Many of Jehovah’s Witnesses were once Catholics, but, upon studying God’s Word, they learned that God does not want us to pray through anyone except Jesus Christ, our only intercessor. (Hebrews 7:25) For more information, see the book “What Does the Bible Really Teach?”a Chapter 15, entitled “Worship That God Approves,” discusses the importance of conforming our beliefs to the Holy Scriptures.
Facing Illness With a Sense of Humor (April 22, 2005) My wife died of liver failure in December 2002. She suffered for about eight months. Still, she would only talk about positive things and told experiences that made us laugh. Right up to the end, she always kept things upbeat. After reading this article, I can understand why. She needed a positive attitude as much as we did. It must have made her feel better, as was true with Conchi. Thank you for helping me see why my wife acted the way she did.
D. H., United States
From Our Readers I always look forward to the column “From Our Readers.” Sometimes I read a letter from someone and think, ‘I feel the same way!’ At other times I ask myself, ‘Did I miss that point in the article?’ Then I read the article again, and I am often impressed and encouraged by doing so.
M. T., Japan
a Published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.