From Our Readers
Resistant Germs I read your magazine with great interest. I especially liked the series “Resistant Germs—A Global Menace.” (October 22, 2003) I would very much like to obtain your magazine in the future and also have a Bible study with Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Y. G., Russia
Parents’ Shadow A big thank-you for the article “Young People Ask . . . How Can I Come Out From Under My Parents’ Shadow?” (October 22, 2003) My father is an elder in a congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I have always been considered a model to follow. I considered rebelling in order to maintain my own identity. Thanks to this article, I learned that I would regret doing so later. I now realize that I must find my place in the congregation and just be myself.
L. D., France
I understand the feelings of the young ones quoted in the article. In the past I was overly conscious that the congregation expected a lot from me because of my well-known father and uncle. My family name was like a product brand name that followed me wherever I went. When I was unable to fulfill expectations, I felt like a failure. But now I am learning that the most important thing is how Jehovah views us.
S. S., Japan
God’s Name In the year 1983, I bought a book for my children about Hawaii. It told of how, in about the year 1800, a chieftain’s wife gave a witness about her God, Jehovah. At that time it was very rare in Slovakia, then a socialist country, to read God’s name in published literature. And for years it was a mystery to us how the chieftain’s wife could have known God’s name back then. Thus, when reading the article “Jehovah’s Name in the Pacific” (October 22, 2003), we rejoiced to see the explanation.
E. G., Slovakia
Missionary in Africa I appreciated the life story of Ernest Pandachuk, “My Foundation for a Purposeful Life.” (October 22, 2003) I face various problems, such as rearing my son on my own and coping with poor health. But my problems cannot be compared with what some of our Christian brothers in Africa have faced. The article touched my heart and moved me to meditate on Jesus’ promise found at Matthew 6:33 that Jehovah will care for those who seek first the Kingdom.
M. C., Russia
Watching the World I want to express my appreciation for the section called “Watching the World.” It’s the first thing I read in the magazine, and I can’t wait to see the illustrations. The drawings encourage me to read about subjects to which I would not normally be drawn—for example, the item “Noisy Fish,” in the October 22, 2003, issue. How funny!
N. N., United States
In the “Watching the World” item “Mosquito Protection” (August 8, 2003), you refer to a report that recommends taking “300 milligrams of vitamin B1 daily.” A daily intake of this amount would have an adverse effect on the body.
H. M., Japan
“Awake!” responds: Authorities do not agree on how much vitamin B1 (thiamine) is harmful. Some recommend a daily intake of as little as 1.1 milligrams. However, a report published by the World Health Organization says that according to some reports, “oral doses of 500 mg taken daily for a month were found to be nontoxic.” At any rate, this will no doubt be a subject for further research.