From Our Readers
Electronic Games I am 13 years old. When I saw the magazine with the cover series “Electronic Games—Is There a Dark Side?” I knew it was for me! (December 22, 2002) On page 7, a game was described that I was addicted to at one time. I want to thank you for putting those articles in the magazine because they helped me to change my ways and to love Jehovah more.
J. L., United States
I am almost 15 years old, and at school we had to give a report on a current topic of our choice. This Awake! came just in time. My report was a big hit with the class. I got good grades too! Please keep writing such articles.
J. A., Germany
I have always wanted to express appreciation for the information provided through the magazines you publish, but when I read the articles on electronic games, I decided to write this note immediately. I am a mother of two children, aged 11 and 3. Hence, the information was very timely for me. I can clearly see the love and protection of our Creator by means of such publications.
O. V., United States
Abrolhos I am 13 years old. I enjoyed reading the article “Abrolhos—An Eye-Opener.” (December 22, 2002) I have always been interested in unusual birds, but I am especially interested in what happens on the ocean floor and on the islands. I do hope that you will continue publishing such articles.
V. J., Serbia and Montenegro
I was delighted to read this article. It was written in such a way that I could really imagine the acrobatic whales, the colorful birds flying over the sea, and the coral reefs with various kinds of fish eating out of a person’s hand. I am filled with admiration for the Creator, and I would love to see this beautiful corner of the world. In the meantime, I will use this article when talking to people who think it would be boring to live forever on earth.
M. P., Poland
Faith Under Trial I enjoyed the article “Faith Under Trial in Slovakia.” (December 22, 2002) As soon as I finished reading it, I began writing this letter. Just as Ján Bali overcame his trials, we will have to remain faithful. The most beautiful part of the article was his recollection of the vivid mental picture of paradise described in the 1924 book The Way to Paradise. I enjoyed this part because it talks about the new world. I am nine years old.
E. K., Hungary
Peer Pressure As a family we have always wanted to write and thank you for the wonderful magazines. Finally, we decided to do so after reading the article “Young People Ask . . . How Can I Deal With Peer Pressure?” (December 22, 2002) This article helped us to see how well young David knew Jehovah and how much he confided in Him. David was successful because he did not rely on his own perception or that of other humans. Really, if Jehovah is on our side, why should we fear our peers?
F. H., Estonia
I have been reading Awake! for two years, and I have never been as touched and inspired as I was when reading this article. I felt as if it were written just for me. Thank you so much for the timely information.
T. C., United States