Jehovah Revives the Spirit of the Lowly OnesIsaiah’s Prophecy—Light for All Mankind II
22. What future does Jehovah foretell for (a) the repentant? (b) the wicked?
22 Contrasting the future of those who repent with that of those who persist in their wicked ways, Jehovah declares: “I am creating the fruit of the lips. Continuous peace there will be to the one that is far away and to the one that is near, . . . and I will heal him. But the wicked are like the sea that is being tossed, when it is unable to calm down, the waters of which keep tossing up seaweed and mire. There is no peace . . . for the wicked ones.”—Isaiah 57:19-21.
Jehovah Revives the Spirit of the Lowly OnesIsaiah’s Prophecy—Light for All Mankind II
24. (a) Who come to know God’s peace, and with what result? (b) Who do not come to know peace, and what is the result for them?
24 What thrilling fruit of the lips the Jews must be offering as they return to their homeland singing praises to Jehovah! They must be joyful to know God’s peace, whether they are “far away”—distant from Judah, still waiting to return—or “near”—already in their homeland. In broad contrast, how different things are for the wicked! Any who fail to respond to Jehovah’s disciplinary acts, the wicked whoever and wherever they are, have no peace at all. Seething like the restless sea, they keep producing, not the fruit of the lips, but “seaweed and mire,” everything that is unclean.