LifeReasoning From the Scriptures
[outside our solar system] have definitely been detected. But for each planet that might exist outside the solar system, there is a chance that life began and evolved into an advanced civilization.” (1977, Vol. 22, p. 176) (As reflected in this statement, could it be that a major motivation in the extremely costly search for life in outer space is the desire to find some proof for the theory of evolution, some evidence that man was not created by God and so is not accountable to Him?)
The Bible reveals that life on this earth is not the only life there is. There are spirit beings—God and the angels—that are vastly superior to man in intelligence and power. They have already communicated with humankind, explaining the origin of life and what the solution is to the overwhelming problems that confront the world. (See the main headings “Bible” and “God.”)
MarriageReasoning From the Scriptures
Definition: The union of a man and a woman to live together as husband and wife according to the standard set out in the Holy Scriptures. Marriage is a divine institution. It provides for intimate relationship between husband and wife along with a feeling of security because there is a climate of love and because a personal commitment has been made by each mate. When establishing marriage, Jehovah did so not only to provide a close companion who would be a complement of man but also to make provision for producing more humans and doing so within a family arrangement. Legally registering a marriage relationship that is acceptable to the Christian congregation is required wherever possible.
Is it really important to get married in accord with legal requirements?
Titus 3:1: “Continue reminding them to be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers.” (When people heed these instructions, the name of each party to the union is kept above reproach, and any children are spared the reproach that falls on those whose parents are not married. Additionally, legal registration of the marriage safeguards the property rights of family members in the event of death of one of the mates.)
Heb. 13:4: “Let marriage be honorable among all, and the marriage bed be without defilement, for God will judge fornicators and adulterers.” (Getting legally married plays an important part in having a marriage that is accepted as being “honorable.” When defining “fornication” and “adultery,” we should keep in mind what is stated at Titus 3:1, quoted above.)
1 Pet. 2:12-15: “Maintain your conduct fine among the nations, that, in the thing in which they are speaking against you as evildoers, they may as a result of your fine works of which they are eyewitnesses glorify God in the day for his inspection. For the Lord’s sake subject yourselves to every human creation: whether to a king as being superior or to governors as being sent by him to inflict punishment on evildoers but to praise doers of good. For so the will of God is, that by doing good you may muzzle the ignorant talk of the unreasonable men.”
Were there any “legal formalities” when Adam and Eve began to live together?
Gen. 2:22-24: “Jehovah God proceeded to build the rib that he had taken from the man [Adam] into a woman and to bring her to the man. Then the man said: ‘This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one will be called Woman, because from man this one was taken.’ That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh.” (Notice that it was Jehovah God himself, the Universal Sovereign, who brought Adam and Eve together. This was not a matter of a man and a woman deciding to live together without concerning themselves about legal authority. Observe, too, the emphasis that God placed on the permanence of the union.)
Gen. 1:28: “God blessed them [Adam and Eve] and God said to them: ‘Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature