Wetin Go Help You Make You Continue to Study Bible?
If we study Bible we go gain, but e no de always easy to study. Sometimes you fit de wonder if you go fit continue to study Bible. But why e good make you still try to continue? Wetin go help you continue to study Bible even when you de face problems?
1. Why e dey important to study Bible?
“The word of God dey alive and e get power.” (Hebrews 4:12) Bible dey important because e de show you wetin God de think and de feel about you. Bible no de only help you know things, but e still de help you get better sense and hope. And the one wey dey important pass na say e fit help you be friend of Jehovah. When you study Bible, you de allow make the power wey Bible get make your life better.
2. Why e good to know say the truth for Bible dey important?
The truth for Bible dey important like gold and silver. Na this one make Bible tell us say make we “buy truth and make [we] no ever sell-am.” (Proverbs 23:23) When we know say the truth for Bible dey important, we go try our best to continue to study even when we de face problems.—Read Proverbs 2:4, 5.
3. How Jehovah fit help you make you continue to study?
Since na Jehovah make you and e be your Friend, e want help you make you learn about the kind person wey e be. E fit move “[you] to want do something and e de give [you] the power to do the thing.” (Read Philippians 2:13.) So, if sometimes, you really need more help to do study or to do wetin you don learn, Jehovah fit help you. If you need more power to face problem or to continue to study even when people dey against you, Jehovah go give you the power. De always pray and beg Jehovah to help you make you continue to study Bible.—1 Thessalonians 5:17.
Learn how you fit continue to study Bible even when you dey busy or when people dey against you. Then learn how Jehovah go help you make you continue to study Bible.
4. Make sure say your Bible study really dey important to you
Sometimes we fit de feel say we dey busy sotey we no get time to study Bible. Wetin fit help us? Read Philippians 1:10, and talk about this questions:
Wetin be some things wey you feel say “dey important pass” for your life?
How you fit make sure say your Bible study really dey important to you?
If you fill bucket with sand and try to add stones, the stones no go enter
If you put the stones first, space go dey to add more sand. Na the same thing too, if you put “wetin dey important pass” as number one thing for your life, you go fit do them and still get time for other things
When we study Bible, e de help us know and worship God. Read Matthew 5:3, and talk about this question:
How we de gain when we make sure say our Bible study dey important to us?
5. Continue to study even when people dey against you
Sometimes, people fit de try to tell you say make you no study Bible. Make we see the example of Francesco. Play the VIDEO, and talk about the questions for under.
From the video, wetin the friends and mama of Francesco do when e tell them say e de study Bible?
Which blessing e get as e no stop to study?
Read 2 Timothy 2:24, 25, and talk about this questions:
How your family people and friends de feel as you de study Bible?
As this verses show, wetin you need to do if person no like as you de study Bible? Why you talk like that?
6. Trust Jehovah say e go help you
As we de near Jehovah more-more, na so e go de hungry us to do wetin e like. But e fit no dey easy for us to change some things for our life so that we go live our life the way Jehovah want. If na so you de feel, no tire. Jehovah go help you. Play the VIDEO, and talk about the questions for under.
For the video, wetin Jim change for e life to make Jehovah happy?
Which thing about e example you really like?
Read Hebrews 11:6, and talk about this questions:
Wetin Jehovah go do to people wey “de use all their heart” de try to know who e be and do wetin e want?
Wetin this one de tell you about how Jehovah de feel when e see as you de try your best to study Bible?
PERSON FIT ASK YOU SAY: “Why you de study Bible?”
How you go answer the person?
Na true say e no de always easy to study Bible, but e go help you make you enjoy life now and forever. Continue to trust Jehovah and e go bless you.
Wetin You Don Learn
Why the truth from Bible dey important to you?
How you fit “dey sure of wetin dey important pass”?
Why e good make you pray and beg Jehovah to help you make you continue to study Bible?
Learn about four ways wey don help plenty people to use their time well.
See how Jehovah help one woman wey e husband no understand why e de try to make God happy.
See how one man gain as e wife no stop to study Bible.
Sometimes, some people de talk say Jehovah Witness people de scatter family. But that one na true?
“Jehovah Witness People De Scatter Family or Them De Make Family Dey as One?” (E dey for jw.org)