How You Fit Really Gain From Bible Reading?
You don ever try to start one big work and you de feel say the work go really hard for you? To make-am easy, you fit start to do-am small-small. Na so e still be for Bible reading. You fit de ask say, ‘How I go start this big work?’ For this lesson, we go talk about some simple things wey you fit do so that you go enjoy to read and study Bible.
1. Why e good make we always de read Bible?
When person de always read Bible, or “the law of Jehovah,” e go dey happy and e go succeed for life. (Read Psalm 1:1-3) To start to read Bible, try read-am for small minutes everyday. The more you de read Bible, the more you go de enjoy to read Bible.
2. Wetin fit help us gain from our Bible reading?
If we want really gain from our Bible reading, we need to stop and think about wetin we de read. Make we read-am and “think deep about-am.” (Joshua 1:8, footnote) As you de read, ask yourself questions like: ‘Wetin this place teach me about Jehovah? How I fit do this thing wey I don learn for my life? How I fit use this Bible verses to help other people?’
3. How you fit arrange your time to read Bible?
E de hard you to get time to read Bible? E de happen to plenty of us. Try make you de “use [your] time well.” (Ephesians 5:16) To do this one, you fit plan one particular time everyday wey you go de read Bible. Some people de like to read Bible for early morning. Other people de use their break time for afternoon to read Bible. And some other people de read Bible for evening before they sleep. Which time go better for you to read Bible?
Learn wetin you fit do to make your Bible reading sweet. Still learn how you fit prepare well so that you go gain from this Bible study.
4. Learn how you fit enjoy Bible reading
E fit no easy to start to read Bible. But we fit start to make-am “hungry” us just as person fit start to like new food. Read 1 Peter 2:2, and talk about this question:
If you de read Bible everyday, you think say you go enjoy-am and want read-am more-more?
Play the VIDEO to see how some people start to enjoy Bible reading. Then talk about the questions for under.
For the video, which problem this young people face?
Wetin help them continue to read Bible?
Wetin they do to make Bible reading de sweet them?
Things wey you fit do to help you start to read Bible:
Choose Bible wey the things inside dey correct and wey they write for language wey people de use now. Try New World Translation if e dey for your language or for another language wey you know.
Start to read the part wey you like pass. To do this one, check the chart “Start to Read Bible Everyday.”
Mark the place wey you don read. Use the chart for this book wey the title na “Mark Where You Don Read for Bible.”
Use the JW Library® app. For JW Library, you fit read or listen to Bible for any place wey you dey for your phone or computer.
Use the appendixes for New World Translation. They get maps, charts, and one part to explain the meaning of words.
5. Make you prepare for your Bible study
Read Psalm 119:34, and talk about this question:
Why e good make you pray before you read Bible or before you prepare for your Bible study?
How you fit really gain when you de do your Bible Study with your teacher? As you de prepare for each lesson for this book, you fit try to do this things:
Read the paragraphs before the “Learn More Things” part.
Check and read the Bible verses, and try understand how they connect with wetin you de read for the lesson.
Mark the important words or sentence wey answer each question; this one go help you discuss the lesson with your teacher.
You know?
Jehovah Witness them don use plenty different-different Bible translations. But, we really like the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures because e dey correct, e clear and e use the name of God.—Check this topic for jw.org “Jehovah Witness People Get Their Own Bible?”
SOME PEOPLE DE TALK SAY: “To study Bible no easy. I no get time to study Bible or I no get power to study Bible.”
Wetin you think?
If you want really gain from Bible, find time to read-am, pray make God help you understand wetin you de read, and prepare for your Bible study.
Wetin You Don Learn
Wetin go help you make you really gain from Bible?
Which time go good for you to read and study Bible?
Why e good make you prepare for your Bible study?
Learn about some things wey fit help you really gain from your Bible reading.
“How to Gain From Bible Reading” (The Watchtower No. 1 2017)
Learn about three ways wey you fit read Bible.
“How Bible Fit Help Me? —Part 1: Study Your Bible” (E dey for jw.org)
Learn how you fit enjoy to read Bible.
“How Bible Fit Help Me? —Part 2: Make Your Bible Reading Sweet” (E dey for jw.org)
Learn how you fit study Bible from people wey don de study Bible for long time.