Wetin We Fit Learn From Jesus Tears?
‘Then tears comot for Jesus eye.’—JOHN 11:35.
SONG 17 “De Help Them”
1-3. Wetin be some things wey fit make us cry?
WHICH time you cry last? Sometimes when we dey happy, tears de comot from our eye. But normally, na when something de pain us for inside our heart we de cry. For example, we fit cry when our person die. One sister for America wey e name na Lorilei, talk say: “Because my daughter don die, sometimes I be de really feel the pain sotey the situation go just be like say nothing de fit cool my heart. When e be like that, I be de wonder whether I go fit endure the situation.”b
2 We fit cry because of other reasons. One pioneer sister for Japan wey e name na Hiromi, talk say: “Sometimes, I dey sad because the people wey I de preach to, no get interest to listen to wetin I want talk from Bible. Sometimes, tears go just dey my eye as I de tell Jehovah make e help me see person wey don de find the truth.”
3 You de feel like this sisters sometimes? Plenty of us de feel like that. (1 Pet. 5:9) We want dey ‘happy as we de serve Jehovah,’ but sometimes we de cry because our person die, condition tire us, or because we face problem wey make-am hard for us to hold God tight. (Ps. 6:6; 100:2) Wetin we go fit do when we de feel like that?
4. Wetin we go talk about for this article?
4 We fit learn from the example of Jesus. Sometimes, Jesus too, cry because of the things wey e face. (John 11:35; Luke 19:41; 22:44; Heb. 5:7) Make we talk about this things wey e face. As we de talk about-am, we go see the things wey we fit learn. We go still talk about things wey we fit do when we face condition wey de make us cry.
5. Wetin we learn about Jesus from John 11:32-36?
5 For winter time for the year 32 C.E., Lazarus wey be good friend of Jesus sick and e die. (John 11:3, 14) Lazarus get two sisters wey their name na Mary and Martha, and Jesus love this family no be small. The sisters really dey sad because their brother wey they love don die. After Lazarus die, Jesus travel go the village wey them de call Bethany. Mary and Martha de live for this village. When Martha hear say Jesus de come, e rush go meet Jesus quick-quick. Martha go don really dey sad when e talk say: “Lord, if you be dey here, my brother no for die.” (John 11:21) Small time when Jesus see Mary and other people de cry, Bible talk say e begin cry.—Read John 11:32-36.
6. Why Jesus cry that time?
6 Why Jesus cry that time? Insight on the Scriptures give us the answer say: “Because e friend Lazarus don die and this one de make Lazarus sisters de feel pain for inside, Jesus begin cry for inside e heart and tears just come out for e eye.”c Jesus fit don de think about the pain wey Lazarus e dear friend go don feel as e sick, and how Lazarus go don feel when e know say e go soon die. And true-true, Jesus start to cry as e see how the death of Lazarus affect Mary and Martha. If your dear friend or family member don die, then true-true, you go don feel the same way. Make we talk about three things wey you fit learn from this thing wey happen.
7. Wetin we learn about Jehovah from the cry wey Jesus cry for e friends?
7 Jehovah understand how you de feel. Jesus “really be like” e Papa finish. (Heb. 1:3) When Jesus cry, Jesus show how Jehovah de feel. (John 14:9) If person wey you love don die, you fit dey sure say Jehovah no only know your pain, but e de really feel sorry for you too. E want treat the pain wey you de feel for inside.—Ps. 34:18; 147:3.
8. Why we fit really believe say Jesus go bring back our people wey don die?
8 Jesus want bring people wey you love back to life. Small time before Jesus cry, e promise Martha say: “Your brother go come back to life.” Martha believe Jesus. (John 11:23-27) Because Martha de worship Jehovah, e go don know say prophet Elijah and Elisha don bring people back to life before. (1 Ki. 17:17-24; 2 Ki. 4:32-37) And Martha go don hear about people wey Jesus bring back to life. (Luke 7:11-15; 8:41, 42, 49-56) You too, fit really dey sure say you go see your people wey don die again. So as Jesus cry when e de comfort e friends wey their person die, wetin we learn from this one? We learn say e de really hungry Jesus to bring back people wey don die!
9. Like Jesus, how you fit support people wey their person die? Give one example.
9 You fit support people wey their person die. Jesus no only cry with Martha and Mary, but e still listen to them and talk word wey go cool their heart. We fit do the same thing for people wey their person die. One elder for Australia wey e name na Dan, talk say: “After my wife die, I need support that time. Plenty husband and wife always dey ready to listen to me. They allow me to show my pain and they no shame because I de cry. They still de help me do things. For example, them de wash my motor, de go market for me, and de cook food for me when I no fit do this things by myself. And plenty times, they pray with me. They show say they be better friends and brothers wey ‘you fit trust when problem dey.’ ”—Prov. 17:17.
10. Talk wetin happen as e dey for Luke 19:36-40.
10 Jesus go Jerusalem for Nisan 9, 33 C.E. As Jesus de reach the city, plenty people gather and they spread their clothes for the road for front of Jesus to accept Jesus as their King. True-true, that one na happy time. (Read Luke 19:36-40.) So maybe e disciples no expect the next thing wey happen. Bible talk say: “When [Jesus] reach near the city, e look the city and cry for-am.” As Jesus de cry, e talk about the serious trouble wey go soon happen to people for Jerusalem.—Luke 19:41-44.
11. Why Jesus cry for Jerusalem people?
11 Even as them de welcome Jesus, e really dey sad because e know say most Jew people no go accept the Kingdom message. Because of this one, they go destroy Jerusalem, and any Jew person wey survive go be slave. (Luke 21:20-24) The sad thing be say, just as Jesus be talk, plenty people no accept e message. Wetin plenty people de do about the Kingdom message for your area? If small number of people get interest for the truth wey you de preach, wetin you fit learn from Jesus tears? Make we see three other lessons.
12. Wetin we fit learn about Jehovah from the cry wey Jesus cry because of e people?
12 Jehovah de care about people. As Jesus cry, this one make us remember say Jehovah de really care about people. Bible talk say: “E no want destroy anybody. Instead, e want make everybody repent.” (2 Pet. 3:9) Today, we de show say we love our neighbors, when we continue to do our best to touch their heart with the good news.—Matt. 22:39.d
13-14. How Jesus show say e get deep feeling for people, and how we fit get that character too?
13 Jesus work hard for the preaching work. Jesus show say e love people as e continue to teach them with every chance wey come. (Luke 19:47, 48) Wetin make Jesus do like that? Jesus get deep feeling for them. Sometimes, plenty people want hear the things wey Jesus de teach sotey Jesus and e disciples “no fit even chop.” (Mark 3:20) And when one man want talk with Jesus for night, Jesus dey ready to meet with the man that time. (John 3:1, 2) Plenty of the people wey listen to Jesus the first time, no become e disciples. But Jesus really preach well to everybody wey listen to e message. Today, we want give everybody the chance to hear the good news. (Acts 10:42) For this one to dey possible, we fit need to change the way we de preach.
14 Dey ready to change anything wey you need to change. If we no de change the time wey we de use preach, we fit no meet some people wey go like to learn about the good news. One pioneer wey e name na Matilda talk say: “Me and my husband de try to go preach to people for different time. For early morning, we de preach for business area. For 12 o’clock for afternoon when plenty people de waka for street, we de use magazine-stand. When evening don de reach, we de see more people for their house.” Instead of us to just de follow program wey dey okay for us, we suppose dey ready to change our program to preach for time wey we fit meet people. If we do like that, we dey sure say Jehovah go dey happy.
15. Wetin happen for the last night of Jesus life, as e dey for Luke 22:39-44?
15 For Nisan 14, 33 C.E. when day don de dark, Jesus go the garden of Gethsemane. For there, e tell Jehovah everything for inside e heart. (Read Luke 22:39-44.) Jesus “beg God for prayer with serious cry and tears.” That time no easy for Jesus. (Heb. 5:7) Wetin Jesus pray for that last night before e die? E pray for power from God so that e no go leave God and e go fit de do wetin E want. Jehovah hear the prayer of e Son, e feel e pain, and e send one angel to make e Son dey strong.
16. Why Jesus really worry as e de pray for the garden of Gethsemane?
16 Jesus go don cry as e de pray for the garden of Gethsemane, because e de worry say people go de see-am as person wey no get respect for God name. Jesus still know say to continue to hold Jehovah tight and honor the name of e Papa, na really important thing. If the situation wey you de face de really worry you and de test whether you hold Jehovah tight, wetin you fit learn from Jesus tears? Make we talk about three other things wey we fit learn.
17. Wetin we fit learn about Jehovah from how e answer Jesus prayer?
17 Jehovah de listen when you de beg for help. Jehovah listen to wetin Jesus ask for. Why? Because the main thing wey Jesus get for mind na to hold e Papa tight and honor e name. If the main thing wey we get for mind na to hold Jehovah tight and honor e name, e go answer us when we pray for help.—Ps. 145:18, 19.
18. Which ways Jesus be like better friend wey de understand person?
18 Jesus understand how you de feel. When something de really worry us, we dey happy to get friend wey understand how we de feel, especially if the person don face the same problem like our own. Jesus na that kind friend. Jesus know wetin e be like for person to feel weak and to need help. E understand our condition and e go make sure say we get the support wey we need “for the right time.” (Heb. 4:15, 16) Just as Jesus accept help from angel for the garden of Gethsemane, make we dey ready to accept the help wey Jehovah de give, whether the help na from publication, video, talk, or one elder or another brother or sister visit us to encourage us.
19. How you fit get power when something de make you worry and de test whether you hold God tight? Give one example.
19 Jehovah go give you “the peace” wey e de give. How Jehovah go make us strong? When we pray, we go get ‘the peace wey God de give. This peace pass anything wey person fit understand.’ (Phil. 4:6, 7) The peace wey God de give, de calm our heart and e de balance the way we de think. Make we talk about how this one happen for one sister wey e name na Luz. E talk say: “Many times, I de feel lonely. Sometimes, this one de make me think say Jehovah no love me. But when that one happen, I no de waste time to tell Jehovah how I de feel. Prayer de help me control the way I de feel.” This experience show say prayer fit give us peace.
20. Which things we don learn from the cry wey Jesus cry?
20 Jesus tears don really teach us things wey de give us comfort and de help us! We don learn say make we de support our friends wey their person die, and make we trust say Jehovah and Jesus go support us when person wey we love die too. Our heart de move us to preach and teach with deep feeling, because Jehovah God and Jesus Christ show this fine character. And we de get comfort because we know say Jehovah and e dear Son understand how we de feel. They know say we dey weak for some things, and they want help us to endure. Make we continue to use the things wey we don learn until the day wey Jehovah go do the wonderful thing wey e promise for Bible say, e go “wipe all the tears from [our] eye”!—Rev. 21:4.
SONG 120 Get Soft Heart Like Jesus
a For Bible, we de read say Jesus cry sometimes. For this article, we go talk about three times wey Jesus cry, and we go see the things wey we fit learn.
b We change some names.
d The Greek word wey they translate as “neighbor” for Matthew 22:39, no be just people wey de live near us. E fit be anybody wey person de do things with.
e OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: Jesus comfort Mary and Martha. We fit do the same thing for people wey their person don die.
f OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: E come from Jesus heart to teach Nicodemus for night. Make we study Bible with people for time wey dey okay for them.
g OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: Jesus pray for power make e fit hold Jehovah tight. We must do the same thing when we de face test too.