Study Book for Our Life and Preaching Meeting
MARCH 4-10
“Show Say You Love Your Christian Brothers and Sisters”
(Romans 12:10) Make wuna get deep love for each other like brothers for the same family. And make wuna be first to show wuna brother honor.
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The Greek word for the love wey e dey among brothers from the same family na Phi·la·del·phiʹa. Na this kind love brothers and sisters for congregation suppose get for each other. (Ro 12:10; Heb 13:1; still check 1Pe 3:8.) So, brothers and sisters for congregation suppose dey close and get deep love like people for the same family. Na true say people for congregation already de show this kind love, but Jehovah want make they show-am more.—1Th 4:9, 10.
The Greek word phi·loʹstor·gos, mean “deep love.” And na this kind love wey two people wey they be tight friend de get. One meaning for this word wey they call sterʹgo, de always describe the kind love wey e dey among family members. Apostle Paul advice Christians make they get this kind love. (Ro 12:10) Paul still talk say for last days, people no go get the kind ‘love wey they suppose get for their family’ (Gr., aʹstor·goi). And e talk say those kind people deserve to die.—2Ti 3:3; Ro 1:31, 32.
(Romans 12:17-19) No do anybody bad because they do you bad. De do things wey everybody go see say e good. 18 Make wuna do everything wey wuna fit do, to dey in peace with everybody. 19 My brothers, make wuna no pay back bad with bad, but leave-am for God make e show say e de vex for the bad wey they do; because they write say: “Jehovah talk say, ‘to repay dey my hand; So, I go pay them back’.”
w09 10/15 8 ¶3
“Make Wuna Dey In Peace With Everybody”
3 Read Romans 12:17. Paul talk say when people treat us bad, make we no treat them bad too. And this advice dey important pass for house wey some people no de worship Jehovah. Make Christian husband or wife no answer bad word with bad word. We no go gain anything if ‘we do anybody bad because e don do us bad.’ But, that one go even make the matter worse.
w07 7/1 24-25 ¶12-13
“No Do Anybody Bad Because They Do You Bad”
12 The next advice from Paul na how we go treat people, whether them de worship Jehovah or not. E talk say, “No do anybody bad because they do you bad.” This one go dey easy, if we think of the first thing wey Paul talk. E talk say: “Really hate bad thing.” So, how person fit talk say e really hate bad thing, if e de do other people bad because they do-am bad? If we do like that, e mean say the love wey we get, “na for mouth.” Then Paul talk say: “De do things wey everybody go see say e good.” (Romans 12:9, 17) How we fit do wetin that verse talk?
13 For the first letter wey Paul write to Christians for Corinth, e tell them about how they suffer the apostles. E talk say: “We don be like people wey they put for stadium make the whole world and angels de look us. . . . When they condemn us we bless; when they suffer us, we bear-am; when they talk lie about us, we beg.” (1 Corinthians 4:9-13) Na the same way too, people for this world, de look true Christians. When people see say we de behave fine even when they treat us bad, e fit make them want listen to the message wey we de preach.—1 Peter 2:12.
(Romans 12:20, 21) Instead, “give your enemy food if e de hungry, give your enemy something make e drink if e de thirsty, if you do this one, you de pack hot charcoal for e head.” 21 No allow bad thing win you, but make you de win bad thing with good thing.
w12 11/15 29 ¶13
De Forgive With All Your Heart
13 Sometimes, person wey e no be Christian fit vex you. But, you fit help the person understand say e dey important to follow Bible advice. Apostle Paul write say: “ ‘Give your enemy food if e de hungry, give your enemy something make e drink if e de thirsty, if you do this one, you de pack hot charcoal for e head.’ No allow bad thing win you, but make you de win bad thing with good thing.” (Rom. 12:20, 21) If you de show say you dey kind even when people provoke you, you fit make them change their bad behavior. You fit help person wey e vex you learn Bible truth, how? If you do your best to understand why e behave the way e behave, and how e feel. But anyhow e be, if you answer the person well, even when e de vex for you, e fit make the person think about your good behavior.—1 Pet. 2:12; 3:16.
Fine-Fine Things Wey You See for Bible
(Romans 12:1) So brothers, I de beg wuna with the soft heart wey God get, say make wuna give wuna body and life to God as sacrifice, wey e dey holy and wey God go accept. If wuna do this one, wuna de worship God with all wuna sense.
lvs 76-77 ¶5-6
How We Fit Choose Good Entertainment
5 Everything wey we de do for life, connect with our worship. And na wetin Paul explain, when e talk say: “Make wuna give wuna body and life to God as sacrifice, wey e dey holy and wey God go accept.” (Romans 12:1) Jesus talk say: “You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your life and with all your mind and with all your power.” (Mark 12:30) We always want give Jehovah our best. For Israel that time, when person want use animal do sacrifice for Jehovah, e must make sure say the animal no get any problem. If the animal get any problem, Jehovah no go accept-am. (Leviticus 22:18-20) The same thing fit happen to us. Jehovah fit no accept our worship. Why?
6 Jehovah talk say: “Wuna must dey holy because I dey holy.” (1 Peter 1:14-16; 2 Peter 3:11) Na only if our worship dey holy and clean, Jehovah go accept-am. (Deuteronomy 15:21) Jehovah hate things wey e concern demons, sex wey e no clean, and fight-fight. So, if we de do this kind things, our worship no go dey clean. (Romans 6:12-14; 8:13) Jehovah go still vex with us if we like to watch or de read things like that. This one fit make Jehovah no accept our worship and e fit spoil the friendship wey we get with him.
(Romans 13:1) Make everybody de obey people wey they get authority to rule, because no authority dey except the one wey God allow. Na God allow the people for high authority for the position wey them dey.
w08 6/15 31 ¶4
Lesson From the Book of Romans
13:1—Wetin this verse de teach us about “people wey they get authority to rule”? This verse show say na God allow people for government make them dey that position. And for some of them, God don talk-am say they go rule even before they start de rule. This one dey clear from things wey Bible be talk about some kings.
MARCH 11-17
“Get Hope Say Jehovah Go Comfort You and Help You Endure”
(Romans 15:4) Because all the things wey they write before our time na to teach us, so that as we de endure and de get comfort from Scriptures, we fit get hope.
w17.07 14 ¶11
“Cry With People Wey De Cry”
11 Bible talk say Jesus feel deep pain when Lazarus die. The story of how Jesus feel, na one of those place for Bible wey e de comfort our heart when our person die. But we no surprise because Bible talk say, “all the things wey they write before our time na to teach us, so that as we de endure and de get comfort from Scriptures, we fit get hope.” (Rom. 15:4) If your person don die, you too fit get peace of mind and comfort from Bible verse like:
▪ Ps. 34:18, 19—“Jehovah dey near people wey they get pain for heart; E de save people wey their heart don weak.”
▪ Ps. 94:19—“When things de worry me for heart, you comfort me and you make me get joy.”
▪ 2 Thess. 2:16, 17—“Make our Lord Jesus Christ e self and God our Father wey love us and give us comfort wey no go ever end and good hope through e favor, comfort wuna heart and make wuna strong for every good thing wey wuna de do and talk.”
(Romans 15:5) Now make the God wey e de give endurance and comfort, help wuna to think like Christ Jesus.
w16.04 14 ¶5
“Make Endurance Complete E Work”
5 Beg Jehovah make e give you power. Jehovah na “the God wey e de give endurance and comfort.” (Rom. 15:5) Na only Jehovah understand all the problem wey we de face. And na only Jehovah know how things like, the place wey we de stay, how we de feel, and the behavior wey we don inherit from our papa and mama, de affect us. So, na Jehovah be the best Person wey e fit give us things wey we need to endure. Bible talk say: “People wey them de fear God de get wetin they want from God; God de hear as them de beg make e help them, and e go save them.” (Ps. 145:19) But how God go answer our prayer, when we pray make e help us endure?
(Romans 15:13) Make the God wey e de give hope, fill wuna with complete joy and peace because wuna trust him. So that with the power of holy spirit, wuna hope go strong more-more.
w14 6/15 14 ¶11
“Wuna Must Love Jehovah Wuna God”
11 Jehovah de ‘give hope and this hope de fill us with joy and peace.’ (Rom. 15:13) Hope from God, de help us endure test of faith. Anointed Christians wey they no leave Jehovah, go get the crown of life. (Rev. 2:10) People wey hold Jehovah tight and wey get hope to live for this earth, go enjoy blessing wey e no go ever end for Paradise. (Luke 23:43) How this promise de make us feel? E de make us get joy and peace. And e de make us love Jehovah, the Person wey e de give us everything wey good.—Jas. 1:17.
Fine-Fine Things Wey You See for Bible
(Romans 15:27) Yes, they really like as they do-am, and true-true they owe the holy ones for Jerusalem; because if this ones don share the things of God with Christians wey they no be Jew, then they too, go use their property help the holy ones.
w89 12/1 24 ¶3
“I Want Know Whether Wuna Love Na Real Love”
True-true, their brothers wey no be Jews for do their best to help them now wey they no get anything. Even self, they be like people wey de “owe” their brothers for Jerusalem. No be for Jerusalem they first hear the good news? Paul talk say: “If Christians wey be Jews don share the things of God with Christians wey they no be Jew, then e mean say the Christians wey they no be Jew, go use their property help them.”—Romans 15:27, The New English Bible.
(Romans 16:25) The good news wey I de preach and the message about Jesus Christ de show say God fit make wuna strong. This good news connect with the holy secret wey God don reveal. And e really hide-am for long time
it-1 858 ¶5
God don know-am before e happen
God promise say na Jesus Christ wey be the Messiah go be the “seed.” And na him God go use bless all righteous people for all the family for this earth. (Ga 3:8, 14) The first time wey Bible talk about the “seed,” na for Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve don sin but before they born Abel. (Ge 3:15) And this one na about 4,000 years before people know the “holy secret” about the person wey be the Messiah. So, e clear say God ‘really hide this holy secret for long time.’—Ro 16:25-27; Eph 1:8-10; 3:4-11.
MARCH 18-24
“Na the Spirit of God De Direct You or Na Your Flesh?”
(1 Corinthians 2:14) But person wey e flesh de control no de accept things wey e concern the spirit of God, because they be nonsense for him; and e no fit know them because na the spirit of God de help person check-am well.
w18.02 19 ¶4-5
Wetin E Mean for the Spirit of God to Direct Person?
4 Make we first talk about how person wey e flesh de control, de behave. For this world, wetin dey important pass for plenty people, na wetin their flesh want. Apostle Paul talk say na so people for this world, de behave. (Eph. 2:2) This one de make them just de follow wetin other people de do. Because of this one, plenty of them de do things wey they feel say e good. They no care whether God like things wey them de do. Person wey e flesh de control, de always think of how e go make money, get plenty things and make big name. E still de feel say to defend e right dey important pass any other thing.
5 Which other thing we fit use know person wey e flesh de control? This person de do anything wey e flesh want. (Gal. 5:19-21) For the first letter wey apostle Paul write to the congregation for Corinth, e talk other things wey this kind people de do. E talk say they like to cause problem, de support one side when two people get problem, de tell other people make they stubborn, de take their brothers go court, they no de respect people wey Jehovah de use direct us, and them de over-eat and drink. And when temptation come, they go just fall. (Prov. 7:21, 22) Jude talk say people wey their flesh de control fit no get the spirit of God again.—Jude 18, 19.
(1 Corinthians 2:15, 16) But, the person wey the spirit of God de control, de check all things well, but nobody fit judge this person. 16 Because “who fit know the mind of Jehovah, so that e fit advice him?” But we get the mind of Christ.
w18.02 19 ¶6
Wetin E Mean for the Spirit of God to Direct Person?
6 Wetin e mean for the spirit of God to direct person? Person wey the spirit of God de direct different from person wey e flesh de control. This person de always think about e friendship with God. Person wey the spirit of God de direct, de do e best to imitate God. (Eph. 5:1) E de try to learn how Jehovah de think, and e de see things the way Jehovah de see-am. E de live e life like say e de see Jehovah face to face. E no de behave like people wey their flesh de control. But, e de follow the law of God for everything wey e de do. (Ps. 119:33; 143:10) E no de do wetin e flesh want, but e de show say e get the character wey the spirit of God de give. (Gal. 5:22, 23) Make we use this example explain-am well: When person really sabi do business, people de call-am businessman. Na so too with person wey the spirit of God de direct, e sabi put e heart for things wey e concern God.
w18.02 22 ¶15
Wetin E Mean for the Spirit of God to Direct Person?
15 How you fit follow the example of Jesus Christ? For 1 Corinthians 2:16, Bible talk say make we get “the mind of Christ.” And Romans 15:5 talk say make we de “think like Jesus Christ.” So, if we want imitate Jesus, we must learn how Jesus think, and everything about how e live e life. Then, we must do as e do. For Jesus, na e friendship with God, dey important pass. So, if we follow the example of Jesus, we go fit near Jehovah more. Because of all this one, e dey clear say e dey important make we de think the way Jesus de think.
Fine-Fine Things Wey You See for Bible
(1 Corinthians 1:20) So for this world, where the sense of man wey e get sense? Where the sense of man wey e sabi the Law, or the sense of person wey sabi argue? God don show say the sense for this world, na nonsense.
it-2 1193 ¶1
Because of the kind sense wey the world get, they reject the sacrifice wey Jehovah use Jesus give us. They see-am as nonsense. Na true say rulers for this world fit get sense to judge well but no be wetin they do for Jesus. Instead they kill Jesus. (1Co 1:18; 2:7, 8) But now, God don show them say the sense for this world, na nonsense. God use people wey the world de see as foolish people, wey no get power and wey no know anything, do wetin e get for mind. E do this one so that shame go catch people for this world wey they think say they get sense. (1Co 1:19-28) Paul tell the brothers for Corinth say make they no forget say small time the sense wey this world and people wey de rule the world get, go end. So, the sense for this world no dey among the things wey apostle Paul be preach about. (1Co 2:6, 13) E warn the brothers for Colossae say make them dey careful so that they no go believe the sense from people and their lie-lie tradition.—Col 2:8; compare vss 20-23.
(1 Corinthians 2:3-5) And when I come meet wuna, I dey weak, I de fear and I de really shake; 4 and I no use sweet-mouth and my own sense when I de talk and preach, but the things wey I talk show the power of the spirit of God, 5 so that wuna faith no go be because of the sense from man but because of the power of God.
w08 7/15 27 ¶6
Lessons From the book of Corinthians
2:3-5. When Paul de preach for Corinth, e fit de worry say e no go fit make the people believe wetin e de teach. Why? Because that place na the main place wey people de learn about the sense wey Greek people get. But, e no gree make fear or anything stop him make e no preach the message of God. Make we do like Paul. Make we no gree make anything stop us to preach the good news about the Kingdom. Paul trust Jehovah and Jehovah help him. If we trust Jehovah, e go help us as e help Paul.
MARCH 25-31
“Na Small Yeast De Make Bread Rise”
(1 Corinthians 5:1, 2) Na true say sex wey e no clean de happen among wuna? I hear say one man among wuna don take the wife of e papa. And this kind sex no even de happen among people wey they no know God. 2 So wetin wuna do about this case? Instead make wuna cry and remove the man wey e do this bad thing, wuna dey proud?
(1 Corinthians 5:5-8) wuna must give the man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that the spirit of the congregation fit save for the day of the Lord. 6 E no fine as wuna de proud. Wuna no know say na small yeast de make bread, rise? 7 Make wuna remove the old bread wey get yeast, so that wuna go be new bread wey no get yeast, since wuna no suppose get wetin go make wuna rise. Because Christ wey e be our Passover lamb, don already sacrifice e life. 8 So, make we de do the festival with bread wey e no get yeast but wey e get truth and good things, no be with old bread wey e get yeast, wey e get sin and bad things.
(1 Corinthians 5:13) and God go judge people for outside? “Remove wicked person from among wuna self.”
it-2 230
Apostle Paul still use yeast as example when e command the congregation for Corinth say make they remove the man wey e do sex wey no clean. E talk say: “Wuna no know say na small yeast de make bread rise? Make wuna remove the old bread wey get yeast, so that wuna go be new bread wey no get yeast, since wuna no suppose get wetin go make wuna rise. Because Christ wey e be our Passover lamb, don already sacrifice e life.” Then, e explain wetin e mean when e talk “yeast,” so that the brothers go understand. E talk say: “So, make we de do the festival with bread wey e no get yeast but wey e get truth and good things, no be with old bread wey e get yeast, wey e get sin and bad things.” (1Co 5:6-8) Paul use things wey e de happen for the Festival of Bread Wey No Get Yeast, teach them lesson. Them de do this festival just after Passover celebration. Just as small yeast no de take time to make bread rise, na so the whole congregation no go clean again for the eye of Jehovah, if they no remove this man wey e commit serious sin. They must remove “the yeast” from among theirself, just as people of Israel de remove yeast from their house for the festival.
it-2 869-870
Wetin Paul mean when e talk say make the congregation “give the man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh”?
When Paul de tell the congregation for Corinth wetin they go do the man for their congregation wey e take the wife of e papa, e tell them say: “Wuna must give the man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh.” (1Co 5:5) Paul de command them say make they disfellowship the man from the congregation and stop de do anything with the man. (1Co 5:13) When they give the man to Satan, e mean say they don remove the man from congregation, and put the man for this world wey Satan de control. Just like the “small yeast,” wey de make bread rise, this man na “the flesh” or bad example for inside that congregation. As the congregation wey the spirit of God de control, disfellowship this man wey e take the wife of e papa, they don destroy “the flesh,” from among them. (1Co 5:6, 7) Na the same thing apostle Paul do for Hymenaeus and Alexander. E give them to Satan, because they don lost their faith and good conscience, so their faith don die.—1Ti 1:20.
(1 Corinthians 5:9-11) For my letter I tell wuna say, make wuna stop to join people wey them de do sex wey e bad, 10 I no mean all the people for this world wey them de do sex wey e bad or people wey they want everything for theirself, or people wey them de cheat people, or people wey them de worship idols. If na so, e mean say wuna go comot for this world. 11 But now I de write wuna to stop to join any person wey e de call e self brother but wey e de do sex wey e bad or person wey e want everything for e self, person wey e de curse people, or person wey e de over-drink, or person wey e de cheat people, no even chop with that kind person.
lvs 241, endnote
When person commit serious sin, and e no gree repent and e no de do things the way Jehovah want-am, the person no go fit be part of the congregation again. They must disfellowship the person. When they disfellowship person, we no de do anything with or talk with that person again. (1 Corinthians 5:11; 2 John 9-11) When they disfellowship person, e de protect the name of Jehovah and the congregation. (1 Corinthians 5:6) Disfellowship de help person correct e bad life, so that e go repent and come worship Jehovah well again.—Luke 15:17.
▸ Chapter 3, paragraph 19
Fine-Fine Things Wey You See for Bible
(1 Corinthians 4:9) For me, e be like say God don put us, the apostles, for stage as the last group of people wey they don judge say they go die, because we don be like people wey they put for stadium make the whole world and angels de look us.
w09 5/15 24 ¶16
The Angels De Work for Jehovah
16 Angels de look all Christian like ‘people for stadium’ when Satan de test their faith. (1 Cor. 4:9) E de make them glad to see say our faith no weak. They still de glad when person wey be don sin, repent. (Luke 15:10) Angels de see the good character wey Christian women get. Bible show say “woman suppose get sign of authority for e head because of the angels.” (1 Cor. 11:3, 10) E really de make the angels glad when Christian women and other servants of God de follow the arrangements of God. As we de obey, e de help angels see say they too must obey Jehovah.
(1 Corinthians 6:3) Wuna no know say we go judge angels? So why we no go judge things wey e concern this life?
it-2 211
Law for Angels. Even though angels high pass us, they still de obey the law and commandment of God. (Heb 1:7, 14; Ps 104:4) Jehovah even command Satan and tell him wetin e no suppose do. (Job 1:12; 2:6) When Michael wey be the archangel de argue with Devil, e tell Devil say: “Na Jehovah go judge you.” This one show say e de respect the position of Jehovah, as the number one judge. (Jude 9; compare Zec 3:2.) Jehovah don put Jesus for high position. E still put Jesus in charge of all the angels. (Heb 1:6; 1Pe 3:22; Mt 13:41; 25:31; Php 2:9-11) This one make Jesus fit send angel go meet John. (Re 1:1) But, for 1 Corinthians 6:3, apostle Paul talk about anointed Christians as people wey Jehovah don choose to judge angels. This one fit be because they go join fight and destroy the demons.