Isaiah 11:14 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 14 And they will swoop down on the slopes* of the Phi·lisʹtines to the west;Together they will plunder the people of the East. They will thrust out their hand against* Eʹdom+ and Moʹab,+And the Amʹmon·ites will become their subjects.+ Amos 1:8 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 8 I will destroy the inhabitants from Ashʹdod,+And the one ruling* from Ashʹke·lon;+I will turn my hand against Ekʹron,+And the remaining Phi·lisʹtines will perish,”+ says the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.’
14 And they will swoop down on the slopes* of the Phi·lisʹtines to the west;Together they will plunder the people of the East. They will thrust out their hand against* Eʹdom+ and Moʹab,+And the Amʹmon·ites will become their subjects.+
8 I will destroy the inhabitants from Ashʹdod,+And the one ruling* from Ashʹke·lon;+I will turn my hand against Ekʹron,+And the remaining Phi·lisʹtines will perish,”+ says the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.’