Chapter 10
A Kingdom “That Will Not Be Brought to Ruin”
1, 2. (a) What fact is emphasized each day by world events, and how? (b) What is the only solution?
WORLD events each day underscore the fact that humans have not found happiness by rejecting Jehovah’s sovereignty and, instead, trying to govern themselves. No system of human government has brought benefits impartially to mankind. Although men have developed their scientific know-how to an unprecedented extent, they have not been able to root out sin, conquer sickness and put an end to death, not for even one of their subjects. On the contrary, the nations continue to develop new and more horrible weapons. Criminal violence flourishes. Technology, greed and ignorance combine to pollute the land, water and air. Skyrocketing inflation and unemployment are making it extremely hard for many to obtain life’s necessities. People are desperate for a way out.—Eccl. 8:9.
2 What is the answer? God’s Kingdom, for which Jesus taught his followers to pray. (Matt. 6:9, 10) How grateful we should be that the relief it will bring is now very near!
3. (a) In connection with this Kingdom, what took place in heaven in 1914 C.E.? (b) Why is that important to us?
3 Already, since 1914 C.E., God’s Kingdom in the hands of Jesus Christ has been in operation.a In that year the events that Daniel had seen in prophetic vision actually took place in heaven. The “Ancient of Days,” Jehovah God, conferred upon the Son of man, Jesus Christ, “rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him.” Reporting on the vision, Daniel wrote: “His rulership is an indefinitely lasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom one that will not be brought to ruin.” (Dan. 7:13, 14) It is by means of this Kingdom that God will enable lovers of righteousness to enjoy the countless good things that he purposed when he put our first human parents in Paradise.
4. What details regarding the Kingdom are of keen interest to us, and why?
4 Loyal subjects of the Kingdom are keenly interested in the structure and operation of this government. They want to know what it is doing now, what it will accomplish in the future and what it requires of them. They examine it closely, and as they do, their appreciation for it grows and they equip themselves to tell others about it.—Ps. 48:12, 13.
A Heart-stirring Inspection
5. (a) How do the Scriptures show whose sovereignty is expressed by means of the Messianic Kingdom? (b) So how are we affected by what we learn about the Kingdom?
5 One of the first things that such an examination reveals is that this Messianic Kingdom is an expression of Jehovah’s own sovereignty. He it is who gave “rulership and dignity and kingdom” to his Son. Thus, after this Kingdom began to rule, voices in heaven appropriately declared: “The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord [Jehovah God] and of his Christ, and he [Jehovah] will rule as king forever and ever.” (Rev. 11:15) So everything that we observe about this Kingdom and what it accomplishes draws us closer to Jehovah himself. It instills in us a desire to submit to his sovereignty forever.
6. Why is it of special interest to us that Jesus Christ is Jehovah’s deputy ruler?
6 How fine it is that Jehovah has put Jesus Christ on the throne as His deputy ruler! As the Master Worker whom God used to make the earth and man, Jesus knows our needs better than any of us do. Furthermore, he demonstrated from the beginning of human history his ‘fondness for the sons of men.’ (Prov. 8:30, 31; Col. 1:15-17) So great is that love that he personally came to earth and gave his life as a ransom in their behalf. Thus he made available for us the means of release from sin and death, and the opportunity for eternal life.—Matt. 20:28.
7. (a) In contrast with rulership by any human, why will this government endure? (b) What relationship does the “faithful and discreet slave” have to the heavenly government?
7 This is a stable, enduring government. Its enduring quality is assured by the fact that Jehovah himself is not subject to death. (Hab. 1:12; Ps. 146:3-5, 10) In contrast with human kings, Jesus Christ, the one to whom God has entrusted kingship, is also immortal. (Rom. 6:9; 1 Tim. 6:15, 16) Associated with Christ on heavenly thrones will be 144,000 others, loyal servants of God taken out of “every tribe and tongue and people and nation.” These, too, are given immortal life. (Rev. 5:9, 10; 1 Cor. 15:42-44, 53) Already the vast majority of them are in the heavens, and the remnant of them yet on earth make up the “faithful and discreet slave” class, which loyally furthers the interests of that Kingdom here.—Matt. 24:45-47.
8, 9. (a) What divisive, corrupting influences will the Kingdom remove? (b) So, if we are to avoid becoming enemies of God’s Kingdom, in what organizations and activities would we avoid becoming entangled?
8 Soon now, at Jehovah’s appointed time, his executional forces will go into action to cleanse the earth. They will destroy forever those humans who because of their own choice do not know God, refusing to acknowledge his sovereignty, and who treat with scorn the loving provisions that he makes through Jesus Christ. (2 Thess. 1:6-9) This will be Jehovah’s day, the long-awaited time for his vindication as Universal Sovereign.
9 All false religion, and also all human governments and their armies, which have been manipulated by the unseen wicked ruler of this world, will be annihilated forever. All who identify themselves as part of this world by pursuing a self-centered, dishonest, immoral way of life will be cut off in death. Satan and his demons will be removed from contact with earth’s inhabitants, securely confined for a thousand years. What a relief this will be for all who love righteousness!—Rev. 18:21, 24; 19:11-16, 19-21; 20:1, 2.
Its Objectives—How Attained
10. (a) How will the Messianic Kingdom accomplish Jehovah’s purpose for the earth itself? (b) What will this mean for people living on earth then?
10 This Messianic Kingdom will fully accomplish God’s original purpose for the earth. (Gen. 2:8, 9, 15; 1:28) To this day, man has failed to carry out that purpose. However, “the inhabited earth to come” has been subjected to the Son of man, Jesus Christ. All who survive the execution of Jehovah’s judgment on this old system will work unitedly under Christ as King, gladly doing whatever he directs so that the earth becomes a global Paradise. (Heb. 2:5-9) All mankind will enjoy the work of their hands and benefit fully from the abundance of earth’s produce.—Ps. 72:1, 7, 8, 16-19; compare Isaiah 65:21, 22.
11. (a) How will perfection in mind and body be brought about for the Kingdom’s subjects? (b) What will this include?
11 When Adam and Eve were created they were perfect, and it was God’s purpose for the earth to be filled with their offspring, all of them enjoying perfection in mind and body. Under the rule of the Kingdom, that purpose will come to glorious reality. This requires the removal of all the effects of sin, and to that end Christ serves not only as King but also as High Priest. Patiently he will help his obedient subjects to benefit from the sin-atoning value of the sacrifice of his own human life. Blind eyes will be opened. Deaf ears will be unstopped. Flesh disfigured by age or disease will become fresher than that of a child. Chronic weaknesses will give way to vigorous health. The day will come when no one will have reason to say, “I am sick,” because God-fearing humans will be relieved of the burden of sin and its grievous effects.—Compare Isaiah 33:22, 24; 35:5, 6; Job 33:25; Luke 13:11-13.
12. (a) What else does human perfection require? (b) How will that be achieved, and what will result from it?
12 Attaining perfection, however, involves much more than having a sound body and a sound mind. It includes properly reflecting the qualities of Jehovah’s personality, because man was made ‘in God’s image, according to his likeness.’ (Gen. 1:26) To that end, much education will be required. This is a New Order in which “righteousness is to dwell,” so, as the prophet Isaiah foretold, “righteousness is what the inhabitants of the productive land will certainly learn.” (2 Pet. 3:13; Isa. 26:9) This quality leads to peace—between people of all nations, among close associates, in one’s family and, above all, with God himself. (Isa. 32:17; Ps. 85:10-13) Those who learn righteousness will progressively be educated in God’s will for them. As love for Jehovah’s ways comes to be deeply rooted in their hearts, they will follow these in every aspect of their lives. The perfect man Jesus was able to say, ‘I always do the things pleasing to my Father.’ (John 8:29) How enjoyable life will be when that is true of all humankind!
Accomplishments Already Evident
13. Use the questions above to highlight accomplishments of the Kingdom and what we should therefore be doing.
13 Already the impressive accomplishments of the Kingdom are clearly evident to persons who have eyes of faith. The following questions and Scripture citations will remind you of some of these, as well as of things that all subjects of the Kingdom can and should be doing now:
Against whom did the King first take action, and with what result? (Rev. 12:7-10, 12)
The gathering of the final members of what group was given prompt attention after Christ was enthroned? (Matt. 24:31; Rev. 7:1-4)
At Matthew 25:31-33, what other work did Jesus foretell that he would do after taking his throne and before destroying the wicked?
How is this work accomplished? Who are participating in it? (Matt. 24:14; Ps. 110:3; Rev. 14:6, 7)
Why have political and religious opposers been unable to stop it? (Acts 5:38, 39; Zech. 4:6)
As a result of the educational work being carried out, what changes have already taken place in the lives of persons who submit to Kingdom rule? (Isa. 2:4; 1 Cor. 6:9-11)
Enduring Quality of the Kingdom
14. (a) How long will Christ rule? (b) What will be accomplished during that time?
14 After the abyssing of Satan and his demons, Jesus Christ along with his 144,000 joint heirs will rule for a thousand years. (Rev. 20:6) During that time mankind will be brought to perfection. All government and authority and power in opposition to Jehovah will be removed. That having been accomplished, Jesus will turn the Kingdom back to his Father, “that God may be all things to everyone.”—1 Cor. 15:24, 28.
15. How is it true that this Kingdom will ‘never be brought to ruin’?
15 Jesus’ own position in relation to the earth will therefore change. Nevertheless, his rulership will be “indefinitely lasting” and his Kingdom “will not be brought to ruin.” (Dan. 7:14) In what sense? In that the ruling authority will not pass into the hands of others who have different aims. The accomplishments of the Kingdom will ‘never be brought to ruin.’ What the Kingdom does to vindicate Jehovah’s name and his purpose regarding this earth will stand forever.
a See the book “Let Your Kingdom Come,” pages 127-139.
Review Discussion
● Why is God’s Kingdom the only solution to mankind’s problems? When did it begin to rule?
● What is especially appealing to you about God’s Kingdom and what it will accomplish? Why?
● What accomplishments of the Kingdom can we already see? What part do we have in these?
[Picture on page 84, 85]
Righteousness is what the people will learn