(See also Aging; Capital Punishment; Comfort; Cremation; Dead; Euthanasia; Execution; Funerals; Grief; Hospice Care; Killing; Mourning; Murder; Second Death; Suicide; Wills [Documents])
(Note centered heading below: Quotations)
ability to put off for important events: g00 8/8 28; g90 10/8 29
abolition: wp19.3 10-11; it-1 597-598; kr 237; g 8/13 9; g 12/12 25; w06 8/15 31; re 300; w93 11/15 4-7; g92 7/22 9; w91 6/15 5-7; rs 118
appreciation for: w09 9/15 25-29
“brought to nothing” (1Co 15:26): w20.12 7; it-2 249; rr 229; w14 9/15 23-27; w12 9/15 11
“hurled into the lake of fire” (Re 20:14): w06 8/15 31; re 300
“no more” (Re 21:4): ijwbv article 52; g21.1 13; w13 12/1 11; w12 8/1 22; w06 8/15 31
‘swallowed up’ (Isa 25:7, 8): w14 9/15 26-27; w09 8/15 6; w01 3/1 16-17; w01 4/15 12-13; ip-1 273-274
Adam and Eve: wp19.3 8-9
Adamic death: wp19.3 9; it-1 596-598; it-2 247, 964-965; w14 9/15 25; w90 12/15 11; g90 4/22 8; w89 10/15 4-5; rs 98-99; g88 10/8 25-26; Lmn 16
‘no discharge in the war’ (Ec 8:8): it-2 1170
“shroud,” “covering that is woven” (Isa 25:7): w14 9/15 25-27; w06 12/1 11; w01 3/1 16-17; ip-1 273
after final test at end of Millennium: w06 8/15 31
anointed Christians:
during Jesus’ presence: re 211
“executed with the ax” (Re 20:4): re 289
sacrificial: w06 2/15 23-24; re 100, 289
“souls of those slaughtered” (Re 6:9-11): w07 1/1 29-30; re 100-103
appreciation for tract What Hope for Dead Loved Ones?: w90 7/1 32
attitude toward death: w05 8/15 3-4
Christian view: w87 4/1 31
in-flight deaths: g89 1/8 29-30
terrorism and accidents: g89 9/8 28
babies: rs 99
from diarrhea: w88 10/1 6; g88 9/22 7
from disease: g88 9/22 7
from lack of physical affection: g86 9/22 3-4
from malnutrition: g88 9/22 5-6
how parents can cope: g89 2/22 11; g88 1/22 10-12
how parents feel: g 10/09 25
how to help parents: g89 2/22 11
how to prevent: g05 12/22 29; g02 6/8 28, 31
infant mortality rates: g 8/14 7; g90 6/22 29; g90 11/22 28; w88 12/15 10
murder of: g90 10/8 28; g89 7/22 29
SIDS (crib death): we 12; g03 5/8 28; g99 3/22 31; g99 11/22 30; g97 1/22 29; g95 12/22 28; g94 7/22 29; g92 2/8 28; g91 11/22 29; g90 7/22 27; g88 1/22 2-12; g88 7/22 28; g87 2/22 30; g87 8/8 9
where babies go: w88 9/15 4-5, 7
baptism into death: w20.12 14; it-1 252-253; w08 6/15 29-30; w06 2/15 23-24; rs 57; w87 2/15 13-14
beliefs about death: wp17.4 3; g 6/14 8-9; w02 6/1 5-8; w90 9/1 3-6; g88 7/8 4-7
Africa: w95 5/15 3-4
Caribbean: w19.04 16
Hinduism: vi 3-12
Islam: sh 297, 299-300; g88 7/8 8
Jehovah’s Witnesses: ijwfq article 44
Judaism: sh 219, 222-224; g89 4/8 19-20; g88 7/8 6
similarity of Hindu and Bible views: vi 4-7
Bible expressions:
‘gathered to people, to forefathers’: w05 5/1 14-15
“impotent in death”: it-2 778
“pangs of” (Ac 2:24): it-1 598-599; it-2 568
biological death (somatic death; death of tissues): it-1 596; it-2 247
abortion: g 6/09 3; w07 8/15 23; g99 5/22 29; g93 12/8 28
Adam’s sin: ijwbq article 167; wp19.3 8-9; wp18.2 13; it-1 596-597; it-2 247, 964-965; wp17.4 4; wp16.2 5; w15 3/1 5; bhs 65-67; w14 9/15 25; bh 61-63; g 8/13 9; bm 5; w08 11/1 16; w05 8/15 4-5; w99 10/15 6; g99 7/22 12; ie 21; kl 53, 55-61; g95 10/22 9; w90 12/15 11; g90 4/22 8; w89 10/15 4-5; pe 61-62, 74-75; g88 10/8 25-26; Lmn 16
aging: g95 10/22 3-4, 8-9
AIDS: g 1/07 8; g02 6/8 29; g88 10/8 4-6
alcohol abuse: g05 10/8 3
alcohol and tobacco versus other drugs: g86 10/8 30
blood transfusions: jv 184; g90 10/22 7-9; g87 7/22 29-30; g87 8/8 31; g86 5/8 18-20
boating accidents: g88 5/22 16-18
broken heart: g95 10/22 31
cancer: g99 4/8 28; g96 3/22 24
chronic insomnia: g87 5/22 30
diarrhea: g 1/09 6; g 1/07 8; g96 3/22 24; w88 10/1 6
disease: w17.11 24; g 2/14 3; g93 2/22 28; g92 9/22 28; tp 19-20
dowry deaths: g 10/14 7; g88 4/8 30
drowning: g88 5/22 17-18
drugs used by athletes: g89 11/8 11; g89 11/22 30
earthquake-related: g 9/12 27; g 10/12 27; g 12/10 29; g87 12/22 24-25
farm accidents: g00 1/8 29; g89 1/8 30
food shortage: g 10/12 27; re 95; g87 3/8 3, 9; w86 1/15 4-5
governments: w08 2/1 27; w97 4/1 9; g95 8/8 29
guns: g05 5/22 29; g96 10/8 28; g93 11/8 28; g93 12/22 29; g90 4/22 28
guns in home: g90 5/22 8-9; g90 10/8 30; g89 5/22 14; g86 10/8 30; g86 12/8 29
heart disease: g92 12/22 29
heat stroke in parked car: g 3/06 29
hepatitis B: g97 11/8 29
home accidents: g02 3/8 28
hunger: re 95; w88 4/15 12; g87 10/22 29
infectious diseases and parasites: g04 5/22 6; g01 2/8 29; g01 12/8 28; g98 9/8 28; w97 4/15 6; g97 11/22 4; g96 2/22 9
leading (Britain): w88 10/1 6
leading (world): g04 5/22 6; g01 12/8 28; g97 11/22 4; g96 2/22 9; tp 19
leading, for babies (U.S.): g89 7/22 29
leading, for children (world): g01 10/8 29; g86 8/8 30
leading, for people aged 18-35 (New York City): tp 157
leading, for people under 65 (U.S.): g87 2/22 21
leading, for women (U.S.): g86 7/22 13
leading, for women aged 25-34 (New York City): g88 10/8 10
leading, for youths (U.S.): w89 10/15 29
leading, for youths aged 15-24 (U.S.): w88 3/15 20
leading, for youths aged 16-19 (U.S.): g89 3/8 11
leading, for youths aged 16-24 (U.S.): g91 2/8 9
leading, nongenetic (U.S.): g95 6/8 28
leading, of preventable deaths (Britain): g89 2/22 30
lung cancer: g88 8/22 14
malaria: g 1/07 8
malnutrition: g98 8/8 28; gm 140; g89 11/8 28; g88 9/22 5-6
measles: g 1/07 9
pneumonia: g 1/07 9
pregnancy-related: g99 5/8 31
respiratory infections: g96 3/22 24
robot kills worker: g87 10/8 29
Satan ‘has means to cause death’ (Heb 2:14): w15 5/15 10; w11 3/15 25; w08 10/15 31-32; w06 1/15 27; w03 7/1 30
scientific theories: it-2 247; w93 11/15 3
sin: ijwbv article 42; kl 56
smallpox: g 10/12 27; g04 5/22 5
smoke from indoor cooking and heating fires: g 12/13 3; g05 6/8 14; g04 12/8 28-29
toothpicks: g89 11/22 29
traffic accidents: g 7/06 29; g04 4/8 28; g99 1/22 28; g98 1/8 31; g98 12/22 22; g90 4/22 28-29; g88 1/8 3; g88 4/22 30; g86 2/22 20, 30; g86 3/8 3
tuberculosis: g 1/07 9; g 1/06 20; g04 5/22 3; g99 1/8 28; g96 3/22 24; g96 11/8 29
violence: g03 12/8 29
war: g89 1/22 29; w86 1/15 4
children: g 12/09 14
accidents: g01 10/8 29
Africa: tp 19
chart “Main Causes of Child Deaths”: g94 5/8 7
developing nations: g92 2/22 28; g92 12/8 3-6; g89 4/8 30; w88 12/15 10; g88 9/22 2-7, 12-13
diarrheal diseases: wp18.1 7; g 1/09 6; w97 4/15 6; g96 3/22 24
from preventable causes: g 5/06 14
malnutrition: w06 9/15 4; g03 2/22 3; g03 6/8 5-6
number per day: re 95; g92 12/8 3; g91 2/8 28; g87 10/22 29
number per year: g88 9/22 3
respiratory infections: g96 3/22 24
survey on concept of death: g03 3/8 28
United States: g97 8/22 28
view that God took child: w09 3/1 29; w02 6/1 6-7; w96 8/1 3-4; g91 2/8 18-19
why God allows: g91 3/8 26-27
worldwide: g 6/15 3; g99 7/8 3; g86 8/8 30
clinical death: it-2 247; rs 100-101
revivals from: rs 100-101
contributing factors:
air pollution: g 6/15 16; g05 12/8 29; g03 5/8 29; g03 11/22 8
alcohol-related: g 7/07 22; g03 11/8 28; g01 11/22 29; tp 156; g86 3/8 3
anger: w93 12/15 32; g91 7/22 14; w90 9/15 21
blood transfusions for heart patients: g 1/09 30; g05 9/8 28-29
coal pollution: g05 6/22 13
complications in childbearing: g 5/11 29; g 11/09 27; g96 11/22 28; g90 11/8 29
death of mate: g95 10/22 31
delayed medical treatment for patients who refuse blood: g90 10/22 12; g90 11/22 24
drinking and driving: g91 2/8 3-13; yp 266; w88 3/15 20; g87 3/8 30; tp 156; g86 2/22 18; g86 3/8 3
family arguments: g16.2 16
hopelessness: g02 4/22 29
indoor air pollution: g97 11/8 29
lifestyle of well-off: g91 5/22 28
overexertion in sports: g03 9/22 29
overweight: g05 11/8 6; g03 11/22 29; g90 7/22 27; g86 6/22 31
overwork: g02 2/22 3; g93 6/22 4-5
physical inactivity: g05 5/22 5; g05 8/8 29; g94 4/22 31
pregnancy: g90 11/8 29
secondhand tobacco smoke: w14 6/1 3, 5; g02 1/8 28; g97 10/22 29
stress: g87 12/22 29
use of tobacco: w14 6/1 3; w07 4/1 5; g00 3/22 3; g98 7/8 29; g98 11/8 29; g96 3/22 24; g96 10/22 21; g95 5/22 3, 6; g91 1/22 28; g91 8/8 17; g90 3/22 28; g90 7/22 28; g90 11/8 28; g89 3/22 29; g89 4/22 28; g89 11/8 26; g88 8/22 14; g87 5/8 13, 30; g87 6/22 16; g87 9/8 29-30; g86 7/22 12-14, 16; g86 8/22 30; g86 10/8 30; g86 12/8 30
water pollution: g 6/11 29; w95 12/1 7; tp 16
wood smoke: g98 4/8 11; g96 10/22 29
coping with death of loved one: ijwbq article 189; ijwyp article 115; mrt article 31; scl 55-56; wp19.2 6-7; g18.3 6-13; w17.07 12-16; wp16.3 3-8; g 7/12 14; g 4/11 3-9; w08 7/1 4-9; w07 7/15 28-29; w06 6/15 4-6; we 14-19, 26-31; w03 1/15 12-13; w02 12/1 31; w01 4/15 22-24; w97 6/1 26; w95 6/1 11-16; g94 3/8 26-27; w93 9/15 11; w93 11/15 5-6; g92 7/22 3-9; g88 7/8 11; g87 8/8 5-10, 14-15; w86 10/1 12-13
Bible examples: w09 1/1 7-8; w02 2/15 17
chart “Some Practical Suggestions”: we 18
death of baby: g 10/09 25
death of children: wp21.1 7; wp18.1 13; w07 5/1 4-7
death of family: g 7/14 7
death of mate: w24.12 22; w17.06 6-7; wp16.3 6; w13 12/15 27-31; w12 6/1 28; w10 5/1 8-12; w10 11/15 17-18; w06 5/1 13; w04 7/1 28-29; w03 1/1 3, 6-7; w98 8/15 16; fy 170-171; g92 10/8 8-9
death of parent: ijwyp article 45; g17.2 8-9; yp1 111-118; g 9/10 30; g 8/09 10-13; g 10/09 17
first-person account of mother killed, baby removed: g02 3/8 30; g01 7/22 19-23
helping children: lff lesson 30; g 7/12 13-15; yp1 312-313; w08 7/1 18-20; we 25; g92 7/22 7
how Jehovah helps: wp18.3 9; w17.07 13; wp16.5 3, 8; w08 7/1 7-8; w95 6/1 11-12; w91 10/1 15-16
keeping personal things of deceased: w10 5/1 12
letters on: g95 6/8 30; g86 6/22 28; g86 7/22 28
offering comfort in ministry: km 4/08 8
orphaned girl: g 8/10 23
praying with bereaved: w17.07 16
terminally ill: wp17.4 8-10; w08 5/1 25-29; g00 5/22 12
video Comfort for Those Who Mourn: mrt articles 54, 69
video When a Loved One Dies: mrt article 31; mwb22.09 15; lff lesson 30
what a child feels: g17.2 10-11; we 25
what a Christian may feel: g94 3/8 26-27
what a mate feels: lfs article 5; w19.06 23-25; g18.3 3; w17.10 6; wp16.3 4; w13 12/15 27-28; w10 5/1 8-11; g 9/10 5-6; w07 9/1 12; we 5, 12-14, 16; w01 5/1 3, 5-6; g01 1/8 28; g96 12/22 27; g92 12/8 31; g90 12/22 27
what any who loved the deceased feel: g18.3 4-5; wp16.3 4; w14 1/1 3; g 4/11 4-5; w08 7/1 3-5; w06 3/15 3
what a parent feels: g 4/11 3; w07 5/1 3-4; g 1/06 32; we 3-5, 9-12, 15, 17; g04 3/22 29; w00 4/15 4; g91 2/8 18-19; g91 3/8 26; g89 7/22 14-15; g89 8/8 20; w88 9/15 3; g88 1/22 10-11; g87 8/8 2-15; g87 11/22 28; g87 12/8 28
what a youth feels: ijwyp articles 45, 115; yp1 111-115, 117; g 9/10 30; g 8/09 10-11, 13; g 10/09 17; w08 7/1 5, 7-9; we 14-16; g94 8/22 25-27; g94 9/8 21-23; w90 5/1 3; yp 127-132; g88 7/22 28; g87 12/8 13-15
what families feel: g 4/11 4-5
what families of drunk-driving victims feel: g91 2/8 5-7, 12-13
what others can do: scl 56; w22.01 16; w19.04 18-19; w19.06 23-25; w17.07 14-16; g17.2 9; wp16.3 6-7; w13 12/15 29; g 7/12 15; w10 5/1 8-12; w10 11/1 9-11; w08 7/1 9; w07 5/1 5-6; we 12, 20-25; w03 5/1 23-24; w00 4/15 7; g00 5/22 12; w99 5/15 27; g96 12/22 27; w95 6/1 12-15; w90 9/15 32; g89 7/22 14; g88 1/22 12; g87 8/8 10-12
customs at death (ancient): it-1 377-378; it-2 446-447; g88 7/8 4-5
Egypt: it-1 691; g05 12/8 22-24
embalming: it-1 721-722
mourners cutting themselves: it-1 563; w04 9/15 27
people and things buried to serve deceased: g05 12/8 20-24
perfumed ointments: it-2 547
customs at death (modern): rs 102-103
Africa: w19.04 16-18; sp 20; yb04 188; w95 8/15 28-30; w94 3/15 21-23; yb92 137; w90 9/1 3
Bible view: w19.04 16-18; w09 2/15 29-32; w05 1/1 27-30; sp 19-20; g99 2/8 10-11; w98 7/15 20-24; w98 10/1 19-20; w95 8/15 28-30
burning incense or models: g98 6/8 28; w87 2/1 3-4
facilitating exit of spirit (Sri Lanka): w01 7/15 3
flowers for family or funeral: w91 10/15 30-31; w91 12/15 30
“funeral ball” (Martinique): yb98 194
Latin America: w94 10/15 3-4
sex with relative of deceased mate (Africa): w02 7/1 27; w98 7/15 21; w95 8/15 29-30
throwing soil or flowers into or onto grave: w98 7/15 23
transporting soul to home village (Africa): g99 3/22 27
wakes: w98 7/15 21-24
Yoruba people (Nigeria): we 9; g90 4/22 20
‘day of, better than day of birth’ (Ec 7:1): w03 8/15 3; dp 313-314; w98 11/15 32; w97 2/15 12; w97 4/15 27
“death culture”: g00 7/8 3-10
desire to die: it-1 995
Bible examples: ijwbq article 158
determining when one is truly dead: g87 5/8 29-30
discussing with children: g 2/15 10-11
discussion: lmd Appendix A; w19.04 14-19; od 192; it-1 596-599; w14 1/1 3-7; g 6/14 8-9; g 12/07 3-9; w05 8/15 3-7; w02 6/1 3-8; w99 4/1 9-19; ie 3-31; rs 98-104; g88 7/8 2-11; Lmn 16-17
for Hindus: vi 3-31
enemy: w06 6/15 5; w96 8/1 7; w93 11/15 4-5; Lmn 16-17
enemy of truth: g89 12/22 17
exercise reduces risk from some diseases: g90 5/8 28
appreciation for tracts: w91 7/15 32
baby daughter dies: w08 7/15 10; w03 2/15 5-6; w03 8/1 32
bereaved man seeks Witnesses: yb17 71
boy comforted over grandfather’s death: w90 9/15 32
children who lost parent: g17.2 10-11
comforted over death of wife and daughter: yb12 82
death explained: w98 7/1 4-5
deep sadness over deaths relieved: yb93 196
dying boy asks grandmother to promise: yb96 55-56
dying mother prepares daughters: g87 8/22 11
dying son reaches mother’s heart: yb96 52
facing death: w19.01 2, 4; w09 9/15 20
faithful in face of death: yb03 143; w98 11/1 19-21; yb94 91, 97-98; g93 5/8 5-12
faithful unto death: kr 150; yb09 165-169; yb06 82; w03 1/15 32; yb03 23; g03 2/8 18-19; g03 3/8 31; yb02 152; w01 11/15 32; w00 4/1 26-28; w00 5/1 32; w98 6/15 17-18; w96 11/1 32; w95 1/15 6-7; g95 1/22 11-15; yb94 96-99, 217-218, 226; g93 2/8 21-23; g93 9/22 10-11; yb92 174-177; w91 8/1 28; w90 11/1 23, 28; w89 1/1 32; yb89 119-123; yb88 151-154; w86 9/1 22
father of baby born to dying mother: g96 12/22 26-27
father’s death leads to questions: yb08 8-9
father’s death leads to search for truth: w89 3/1 10-11
fear of death overcome: w22.06 14, 18-19
first-person account “From the Brink of Death”: g88 4/22 11-15
grief from children’s death overcome: lfs article 7; w05 9/15 9; w89 10/15 6; g89 8/8 20; w88 1/1 6
grief from death of family members overcome: wp16.3 7; w89 10/15 3, 6
grief from husband’s death overcome: wp16.3 7; w90 7/15 25
grief from mother’s death overcome: wp16.3 7; w90 5/1 3, 7
husband killed: w21.11 24
learn truth about death: g 11/07 23; w94 6/1 6
letter from dying Witness mother: w07 8/1 20
letters comfort bereaved: w19.03 25; yb12 57; w09 7/15 19; km 4/08 8
massacre survivors: w09 12/1 10-12
mother comforted over death of daughter in mass shooting: ijwex article 25
mother finds peace after death of baby: w09 7/1 11
mother’s resurrection appointment with dying daughter: w08 3/15 19-20
mourners comforted: yb88 42-43, 123-124
nine-year-old expresses confidence in resurrection before death in traffic accident: g88 7/8 10-11
parents of victim on Pan Am Flight 103 (1988): g89 7/22 14-15
pioneers before unexpected death: w90 7/15 31
schoolteacher comforted by nine-year-old student: yb09 46
sentenced eight times: yb92 178-181
son dies in auto accident: w05 8/15 4, 7
sons die mysteriously: w09 1/1 11, 13
ten-year-old’s desire to know where his dead father was: w24.05 15-16
truth frees from fear of the dead: w94 11/15 6-7
video The Resurrection Hope Imparts Courage—How?: lff lesson 30
widowers: w24.12 22; w19.06 23; w16.09 6; wp16.3 6; w13 12/15 28; w12 6/1 28
widower stunned by interest of Witnesses: w06 7/1 32
widows: w24.12 22; lfs article 5; w23.05 11; w19.06 23-24; w17.10 6; g92 10/8 8-9; w91 2/1 25-29; w91 10/1 16; g89 10/22 16
Witness girl explains where dead father is: g 8/09 32
Witness nurse’s prayer: yb03 49
Witness praised by workmates: g02 11/22 32
woman bitter over death of daughter: w07 5/1 5
woman who studied how to cope with death: g 2/10 32
youth who lost father in death: w05 8/15 3, 7
youth who lost mother in death: ijwyp article 45
youth who lost two friends in death: w94 6/15 3-4
fear of death: w22.06 18-19; w15 8/1 2; g 5/12 11; g 12/07 3-4, 9; ie 29
affects how one lives: vi 7
freedom from: ijwbq article 60; it-2 610; wt 88-89
Hindu view: vi 6-7
help for the dying: wp17.4 8-10; g 7/11 15-17; g92 3/22 30; g91 10/22 3-9
artificial life support: w12 12/15 15-16
inevitability: wp19.3 3
Jehovah’s servants:
“precious in the eyes of Jehovah” (Ps 116:15): w12 5/15 22; w12 8/15 30; w06 9/1 14
trust in Jehovah when faced with: od 176-177; w01 6/1 8
Jesus’ promise that some “will never die at all” (Joh 11:26): w05 4/15 5; ie 30; w95 2/15 16-17; w90 5/1 28; w89 1/15 31; rs 246-247
“keys of death and of Hades” (Re 1:18): it-1 897-898; it-2 149; re 28; wt 83
meaning of term: it-1 596; rs 98
misconceptions: w02 6/1 5-8
God’s will: w02 6/1 6-7; rs 103
God took loved one: w06 6/15 4-6; w05 8/15 3; w02 6/1 6-7; w96 8/1 3-4; g91 2/8 18-19
people will always die: rs 103
modern-day mummification: w89 2/15 21
near-death experiences: ijwbq article 61; g03 6/8 29; ie 17; g98 7/8 31; g95 9/8 28-29; g94 6/8 4, 6-7; rs 100-101; g88 7/8 11; w86 8/1 6
not God’s purpose for man: w22.12 3-6; wp19.3 6-7, 10; it-1 596; w15 3/1 4; bhs 64, 69; w14 9/15 23; bh 59-60; w12 11/1 6-7; g 12/07 7; g 5/06 7-8; w99 4/15 4-9; g98 6/22 8-10; w94 10/15 5; rs 98
not natural for humans: w02 6/1 5-6; g01 7/8 13
not necessarily permanent: w02 6/1 7-8
not predestined (Ec 3:2): ijwbq article 80; wp17.1 14; w09 4/1 26; w91 10/15 5-6; rs 138
obsession with:
man sitting on own coffin: yb93 184
origin: ijwbq article 54; w08 3/1 4-6
discussion for Hindus: vi 4-6
Zulu legend: sh 56
providing for family in case of: w98 1/15 19-22; w97 8/15 19
redemption from condemnation of: w25.01 21; wp19.3 10; it-1 597-598; g 5/06 8
release from: Lmn 18-22
“right to die”: g86 9/8 20-21
second death: it-1 598
lake of fire (Re 20:10, 14; 21:8): ijwbq article 76; it-2 189-190; nwt 1702; re 292-295, 304-305
‘over some, no authority’ (Re 20:6): re 290-291
“spirit goes out” (Ps 146:4): it-2 1025; w99 4/1 16-17; ie 24; kl 81-82; rs 382-383, 385
‘spirit returns to God’ (Ec 12:7): it-2 1025; bh 211; w01 7/15 5-6; w99 4/1 17; ie 24; pe 79; rs 378
spiritual death:
congregation in Sardis (Re 3:1-3): re 54-56
‘passing over from death to life’ (Joh 5:24; 1Jo 3:14): it-2 790-791; w08 4/15 30
symbolic: re 170
‘7,000 killed’ (Re 11:13): re 170
“a third of the men” (Re 9:15, 18): re 149-151, 154
change in condition: it-1 599
‘dying with reference to sin’ (Ro 6:2, 11): w16.12 10
head of wild beast (Re 13:3): re 190-191
rich man and Lazarus (Lu 16:22): jy 208; gt chapter 88; w89 4/1 24-25
two witnesses (Re 11:7-10): mwb19.12 3; rr 118; re 167-168
symbolized by rider on pale horse (Re 6:8): wp17.3 5, 7; re 96-98; w86 1/1 7; w86 1/15 5
unacceptable fact: g95 10/22 5; g88 7/8 4-5
unmarried people: g86 9/22 5
victory over death: w20.12 13
videos of: g87 5/22 29
what happens at: ijwbq article 53; lff lesson 29; it-1 596; it-2 246-247; g17.3 6; wp16.1 16; g16.1 2; w15 8/1 3-4; bhs 63, 69; bh 58-59; nwt 22; w12 11/1 6-7; w08 11/1 4-5, 17; w07 1/15 23-24; g 10/07 28-29; gf 20; w96 10/15 5-6; kl 81-82; w90 9/1 5; g88 7/8 2-10
why all people die: ijwbq article 54; w08 3/1 4-6
why good people die: w89 10/15 4-5
world’s oldest man dies: g86 8/8 31
children: g 6/15 3; g99 7/8 3; g86 8/8 30
death rate: g 12/07 3; g93 2/22 28
leading causes: g93 2/22 28; tp 19
number caused by governments: g95 8/8 29
number in 1991: w94 6/15 3-4
number killed in 20th century: w98 4/15 10
number per year: g96 3/22 24; w95 6/1 6; g92 9/22 28
pregnancy-related: g90 11/8 29
smoking: w14 6/1 3; g90 3/22 28
traffic accidents: g88 4/22 30
mystery is why people die when nothing is wrong: g00 7/8 20
some people can briefly postpone in order to reach a psychologically important occasion: g90 10/8 29