‘Condemned Out of Their Own Mouths’
At one of my weekly Bible studies the lady of the home asked me to come the following morning, as her priest would be coming to bless “holy” water, and she wanted me to discuss the Bible with him in their presence. I agreed, and the next morning was waiting when he came with his satchel containing the cross, robe, incense, etc. After the ‘blessing’ she introduced me to him and said she wanted to hear a discussion on the Bible. He replied that he did not have time today, but later on. She answered that he found time to come and sprinkle “holy” water, so why not sit a while and teach her something from God’s Word?
During our discussion he remarked, “You witnesses do not honor the virgin Mary”; to which I replied, “We give her the honor due any faithful mother, but we cannot direct our prayers to her, since Jesus is the only intermediary between God and men.” “Yes, you are right,” he admitted. “But she had no other children, as you claim, but always remained a virgin,” he added. When asked to prove this from the Bible he had to admit that it was not to be found therein. At last he confessed, “You people are right and really teach the Bible and we have failed in our mission, inserting formalities to make a show for the people.” When asked why he kept on teaching those things when he knew what God’s Word teaches, he said that if he made any changes the patriarchate would fight against him and he would lose his job. At that he hurriedly left and my home Bible study happily declared themselves to be Jehovah’s witnesses from now on.—J. T., Turkey.