Are you one of those Jesus mentioned in the illustration of the sower who produces fruit in abundance? If you are, it means life in the new world for you. The seed, God’s Word of truth, sown in a good heart is like a seed sown in good soil, as it is written, “As for the one sown upon the right kind of soil, this is the one hearing the word and getting the sense of it, who really does bear fruit and produces, this one a hundredfold, that one sixty, the other thirty.” (Matt. 13:23, NW) Those who receive this seed and use it in the proper way spread the life-giving Word. This work of planting seed and cultivating the soil is being engaged in by Jehovah’s witnesses, and during the month of November they will plant seed by offering to everyone three bound books on a contribution of $1. You may share in bearing fruit manyfold by taking part in this activity. Why not write in to us, or attend the meetings of Jehovah’s witnesses in your vicinity, and learn how you may share in this fruitful work of preaching his Word and kingdom?
That is the title of the latest book published by the Watchtower Society. Its release was made in August, 1951, at an international convention of Jehovah’s witnesses held in Wembley Stadium, London, England. This 352-page book is an indispensable aid to every student of religion. Facts about the history and beliefs of the main religions of the world, both ancient and modern, are taken up in its 27 chapters. The development of religion from its origin to the present day, together with the influence exerted by religion upon nations and peoples, is interestingly shown. Have this excellent work in your possession for study and reference and thus be able to determine for yourself which religion is true and which false. Bound in gold-colored cover and stamped title, it is available on a contribution of 50 cents. Send for your personal copy.
Week of November 18: Making the Mind Over for New World Living.
Week of November 25: Keeping the Mind Renewed.