“Paradise” Book Helps People See Truth
Two of Jehovah’s witnesses were calling from house to house in Texas when they found a retired minister. He had been a Methodist minister for three years and a Baptist minister for two years. After several back-calls he subscribed for The Watchtower and Awake! A little later he took the book From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained. The chapter “The Falling Away from the True Belief” particularly did something to him: It opened his eyes of understanding as to Satan’s organization. With a clear vision also of Jehovah’s organization, he dedicated himself to Jehovah God at the Houston district assembly. Now, at the age of seventy, he is no longer “retired” but is busy preaching the Kingdom good news, even hoping to be a pioneer.
While a man was helping a neighbor woman in California clean up her garage, he observed that among the items in the trash can was the Paradise book. He asked the woman if he could read it, since it had a beautiful cover and he liked to read. He started reading and kept reading till he finished at three o’clock in the morning. That same day he wanted to find one of Jehovah’s witnesses but did not know where to look. Three days later, however, one of Jehovah’s witnesses called at his door. He had some home Bible studies, went to meetings and was baptized at the San Francisco district assembly.
While out in the door-to-door ministry during the Milwaukee district assembly, one of Jehovah’s witnesses met a man who had recently been in the hospital. He told the Witness that his room partner in the hospital had been reading the Paradise book. He had asked to read it also, but his room partner was so absorbed in the book that he kept on reading till late at night. So that he could also read the Paradise book this man told the Witness that he tried to get his sleep early in order to read the book while his room partner was asleep. He asked the Witness if she could possibly get him this book. Later that day the Witness returned with a copy, and the man said: “You may come back if you care to, but I know how busy you people are; and I would be willing to study with my own seven-year-old son to save you the trouble.”
In Texas the teacher asked the pupils of one class to make an oral report for the next day on a book. A girl, one of Jehovah’s witnesses, went home and made a report on the Paradise book. The next day she gave her report in class. As this young Witness gave her report, she showed the class the colorful illustrations in the book. Though the other students had taken five to ten minutes for their reports, the Witness took forty-five minutes. This was because she was asked so many questions and it took time to give the answers. Afterward the teacher and ten classmates asked for a copy of the Paradise book. The next week the Witness started a Bible study with one of these classmates.
A man in Texas came home from work one evening and was told by his wife that she was unhappy. When asked why, she explained that neither of them were doing anything to build themselves up spiritually. The husband decided that they should start attending church. About two months later a car group of Witnesses from Houston worked the isolated territory in which this family lived. A Paradise book was placed with the lady. Later, when the husband came home from work, he picked up the book and began reading it. After supper he went back into the living room to read again, continuing for three hours. Then he looked up and asked his wife: “Is there any place near here that we could assemble with the people who are teaching the things in this book? I made a mistake in joining the church where we have been going.” His wife told him she did not know but would find out. This led to their visiting a Kingdom Hall. At the end of the meeting the lady approached one of the Witnesses, asking: “Is there anyone here that could come to our home and help us to learn something about the Bible?” A Witness arranged to visit their home and conduct a home Bible study; an average of fifteen persons attended this study. Seven of these persons attended the United Worshipers Assembly in Houston, Texas.