‘I Did Not Expect to Enjoy It’
THAT is what a person wrote to a friend who had sent a gift copy of the book Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? “I’m sure you have wondered if I got the book,” the person wrote. “Yes! Thank you! Did I read it? Also yes. I was very surprised to find it thrilling.
“I did not at all expect to enjoy it, in fact, just started it so I could say to you ‘Well, I tried.’ To my dismay I wasn’t able to put it aside. . . . It took maybe 10 days to finish. I was entranced. I quickly told some friends about it—loaned it to two of them and promised it to a third! So at least 4 of us here will read it and many more, I expect. It is really a wonderful book. Again, thank you.”
Do you know someone to whom you could send a book that they would truly enjoy? Then why not send a gift copy of Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? You can do so simply by filling in and mailing the coupon below, enclosing just $3 with the coupon.
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