Subject Index for “The Watchtower” 1988
Indicating date of issue in which article appears
Alexandrine Codex, 12/15
Book of Nature and the Bible, 3/1
Contradict Itself? 2/1
Evidence of Divine Preservation, 11/15
God’s Name and Bible Translators, 8/1
Lamentations, 9/1
Open to Any Interpretation? 12/15
Rescuing the Codex Sinaiticus, 10/15
Who Wrote the Bible? 2/1
Becoming an Ordained Minister—God’s Way! 6/15
Children ‘on Loan’—How Wise? 9/1
Christians—Firm yet Flexible, 9/15
God’s Undeserved Kindness—Do Not Miss Its Purpose! 8/1
How Shall We Repay Jehovah? 12/1
How to Be a Successful Parent, 5/1
How to Strengthen Family Bonds, 4/1
Maintaining Our Christian Oneness, 8/15
Meeting the Needs of Our Older Ones, 7/15
Mental Distress—When It Afflicts a Christian, 10/15
Mentally Distressed, “Spiritual Words” for, 11/15
Obedience Always Proper? 4/1
Once Associated With Jehovah’s Organization? 1/15
Prayers That Are Answered, 3/15
Prayer Worth the Effort? 3/15
Remember Christian Principles, 10/1
‘Sounding Brass or Clashing Cymbal,’ 11/1
Success—At All Costs? 8/15
What Does It Mean to Be Honest? 2/15
Why Be Thankful? 7/1
You Can Move Mountains! 12/15
1/15, 2/15, 4/15, 5/15, 6/15, 7/15, 8/15, 10/15, 11/15, 12/15
God’s Name and Bible Translators, 8/1
Has Anyone Seen God? 5/15
Annual Meeting, 8/15
Caymans—Islands Time Forgot, 10/15
Convinced of Jehovah’s Love, 6/15
“Divine Justice” District Conventions, 2/15, 5/1
Evangelizers Reap Worldwide Harvest, 1/1
Exploiters of ‘Poverty and Ignorance’? 7/1
Forward, You Witnesses! (E. Frost), 3/15
Gilead Graduations, 6/1, 12/1
Glorifying Jehovah’s Name in the Isles of the Sea, 7/1
“Go Out From Your Land,” 8/15
Milestone in Bible Education (Ministerial Training School), 3/15
Open Door to the San Blas Islands, 5/15
Our Unforgettable Journey to Vanuatu, 7/15
Pioneering Along the Amazon, 11/15
Sounding Forth the Truth in the Austrian Alps, 3/15
Staunch Fighter for the Truth (M. Poetzinger), 9/15
Thursday Island Hears the Good News, 2/15
“Trust in Jehovah” District Conventions, 1/15
Birth—Mere Legend? 6/1
“Christ, the Son of the Living God,” 7/15
God, Man, or Myth? 7/15
How Did the Crowds Hear? 6/15
Jesus Christ—God’s Beloved Son, 6/1
Who Is He? 7/15
(Articles appearing in every issue.)
(In every issue on the 1st of the month.)
I Found Justice in True Christianity (X. Noll), 7/1
Jehovah Does Not Forsake His Servants (M. Ishii), 5/1
Jehovah Fills My Every Need (J. Sewell), 11/1
‘Measuring Lines Have Fallen in Pleasant Places’ (D. H. MacLean), 8/1
My Life in Jehovah’s Spirit-Directed Organization (A. D.
Schroeder), 3/1
Pioneer Partnership for Life (M. Clark, M. Grant), 9/1
Rewarding Life as Missionaries in Africa (J. Miles), 10/1
We Turned to the Source of True Righteousness (E. Grosse), 12/1
Lamentations, 9/1
Accurate Knowledge of God and His Son Leads to Life, 6/1
Angelic Messages for Our Day, 12/15
Appreciation for Our Brothers, 10/1
Build Trust in Jehovah—By Diligently Studying His Word, 8/15
Challenge of Following in His Footsteps, 5/1
Childbearing Among God’s People, 3/1
Christendom Exposed as the Promoter of False Worship, 4/1
Detest Utterly the World’s Disgraceful Course, 6/15
Discipline That Can Yield Peaceable Fruit, 4/15
Do Not Give Up in Doing What Is Fine, 7/15
“Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled,” 2/15
Do You Appreciate Sacred Things? 6/15
“Fear God and Give Him Glory,” 12/15
God Is Not Partial, 5/15
God’s Judgments Must Be Declared, 4/1
“Good News Has to Be Preached First,” 1/1
Has God Called You to Peace? 11/1
Helping Others to Worship God, 11/15
In Our Fearful Times, Whom Can You Really Trust? 4/15
Is Your Home a Place of Rest and Peace? 11/1
“Jehovah Is My Shepherd,” 7/1
Jehovah—Our Strength, 1/15
Jehovah Rewards Faith and Courage, 12/1
Jehovah Unsheathes His Sword! 9/15
Jeremiah—Unpopular Prophet of God’s Judgments, 4/1
Jesus Christ—God’s Beloved Son, 6/1
“Keep Holding Men of That Sort Dear,” 10/1
Keep On Preaching the Kingdom, 1/1
Last Days—A Time of Harvest, 1/1
Listen—Jehovah’s Watchman Speaks! 9/15
Make Jehovah Your Trust, 4/15
Manifest Trust in Jehovah—By Practicing the Things Learned, 8/15
“May You Have Peace,” 2/15
Parents—Reach Your Child’s Heart From Infancy, 8/1
Pay Constant Attention to Your Teaching, 7/15
People Walking in Jesus’ Footsteps, 5/1
Responsible Childbearing in This Time of the End, 3/1
Serve Jehovah With One Accord, 5/15
Serving as Jehovah’s Trusting Fellow Workers, 3/15
“Show Yourselves Thankful,” 7/1
Stand Firm Against Satan’s Machinations, 9/1
“They Will Have to Know That I Am Jehovah,” 9/15
“This Is the Day of All Days,” 10/15
Trust in Jah Jehovah! 1/15
Trust in Jehovah Leads to Dedication and Baptism, 3/15
Universal Court Case That Involves You, 2/1
Unmasking the Serpent, 9/1
What Will the Lord’s Day Mean for You? 10/15
When Jehovah Taught Monarchs Lessons, 12/1
When Marital Peace Is Threatened, 11/1
Who Will Become Approved by Jehovah? 11/15
Will You Be a Witness for the True God? 2/1
Youths—Guard Against Leading a Double Life, 8/1
All Good People Go to Heaven? 9/15
Ancient Coins, 1/1
Divorce—What Does the Bible Really Say? 5/15
Eagles or Vultures? 10/15
Earth’s Bright Future, 6/15
Great World Powers—Egypt, 2/1
Great World Powers—Assyria, 2/15
Great World Powers—Babylon, 3/1
Great World Powers—Medo-Persia, 3/15
Great World Powers—Greece, 4/15
Great World Powers—Rome, 5/1
Great World Powers—Last, 5/15
Great World Powers Near End, 6/1
Mystery of the Gates, 8/15
New World Very Near! 11/15
Prayer on Mount Hiei—Breakthrough for Peace? 3/15
Really Speak With the Dead? 1/15
Religious Images—How Do You View Them? 8/1
Religious Traditions, 12/1
Sacrificing Young People, 1/15
Satan Real? 9/1
Satan Worship in Our Time, 9/1
Should I Change My Religion? 6/1
The Sign—Are You Heeding It? 10/15
The Sign—Have You Seen It? 10/1
Three Magi—Fact or Fiction? 12/15
War to End Wars, 11/1
When Children Have Children, 4/15
Where Are Our Dead Loved Ones? 9/15
Who Are the True Evangelizers? 1/1
Why So Many Runaways? 4/1
Why You Should Be Interested, 2/1
Will There Always Be Wars? 11/1
World Rulership Changing, 6/15
Abraham wrong to send Hagar into wilderness? 2/15
How would Jesus “prepare a place”? (Joh 14:2), 5/15
Jesus’ slaves or friends? 6/15
Jews could execute? (Joh 19:6), 7/1
Judas have “greater sin”? (Joh 19:11), 7/15
Memorial—why so few partake? 2/1
Miraculous healings at Bethzatha pool? 9/1
Sodom and Gomorrah resurrected? 6/1
Some humans sinless? (Joh 9:41), 8/1
“These” (Joh 21:15), 11/1
“The twelve” (1Co 15:5), 1/15
Why did Daniel accept Belshazzar’s gifts? 10/1
Why was Ezekiel’s face hardened? (Eze 3:8, 9), 7/15