Kingdom Proclaimers Report
Conduct That Adorns Our Christian Ministry
THE apostle Peter admonishes Christians: “Maintain your conduct fine among the nations.” (1 Peter 2:12) The apostle Paul shows that by our good conduct, we “adorn the teaching of our Savior, God, in all things.” (Titus 2:10) Jehovah’s Witnesses all over the world have a reputation for good conduct. Notice some examples.
Teacher’s Impression of Good Conduct
◻ The Watch Tower Society’s branch office in Costa Rica reports that a large number of young people in that country set a fine example. One brother tells what drew him to the truth. He relates: “The thing that attracted me most was the fine conduct of both youths and adults but especially the youths. While working as a teacher, I had the opportunity to observe closely the Witnesses at my school. And since I boarded with a family of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I observed the conduct of the children there too.
“I could not help but notice the difference between the students who were Witnesses and the other students in my school. The Witnesses were always punctual and well-behaved, never lied, and always did their assignments. I also noted that they were honest when taking exams, even though the other students generally cheated. Furthermore, they were very polite and respectful to me as their teacher. Impressed by the young Witnesses at school and in the home where I boarded, I started to investigate this religion and eventually accepted the truth.”
Good Results From Christian Conduct at a Convention
◻ One of Jehovah’s Witnesses in a congregation in the western part of El Salvador desired to share the good news of the Kingdom with his two fleshly brothers. One listened and began studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses. The other brother belonged to the Evangelical church called Prince of Peace, and he said to his brother: “Don’t talk to me; you are serving the interests of the Devil.”
When the time came for the district convention, the one who was studying invited his brother to go with him to the convention. The brother said: “All right, I’ll go along; I’m going just to see where I can catch the Witnesses.” The two brothers attended the convention together. The large attendance and the good order at the convention impressed the Evangelical, who said he had never seen anything like it before. When he got home, he said to his brother: “Give me your hand.” “What is this all about?” asked his brother. “Just give me your hand,” was the reply. They shook hands, and the brother who had belonged to the Evangelical church stated: “From now on I’m going to study with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Really, I didn’t know what I was missing.” Now he too is an active and zealous proclaimer of the good news of God’s Kingdom.