Your Service Meetings
Theme: From Your Treasure Send Forth Good Things. (Matt. 12:35) Song 83.
5 min: Introduction, text and comments.
18 min: “What Will the Memorial Move You to Do?” Audience participation.
10 min: “Follow Through.” Talk and brief demonstrations of following up subscription promises and subscription-expiration slips.
12 min: Special April 15 “Watchtower.” Discussion with audience of talking points from main article on “Restoration of All Things of Which God Spoke,” as well as secondary articles. Include short demonstrations that give actual words publishers may use in their presentation. Suggest publishers practice at home so they have something specific in mind when they speak to householders.
3 min: Accounts report and number of subscriptions reported locally by publishers and pioneers to date in campaign.
12 min: Concluding comments. Arrangements for field service during month. Emphasize working with vacation pioneers. Encourage helping new ones who are ready for field service, even if only distributing handbills or tracts at first. Local report for March. Also, “How Did We Do in February?” Song 112.
Theme: Maintaining the Right View of the Ministry. Song 59.
5 min: Introduction, text and comments.
15 min: Telling Schoolmates God’s Good News.
(2 min.) Chairman: Outside of classroom sessions there are many opportunities for school-age witnesses to tell schoolmates God’s good news. Lunch time and walking to and from school offer fine opportunities. Often simply a matter of seizing these opportunities. Seek Jehovah’s help in prayer if shy about telling good news to schoolmates.
(7 min.) Demonstration. Young brother and sister approach book study servant. Both are shy, little fearful about being chided or ridiculed if they tell schoolmates good news. Servant turns to “1971 Yearbook” and considers experience of one who felt as they do. (p. 150, par. 1) Servant asks if they have taken literature to school. By doing so, you can show classmates what you enjoy reading; schoolmates may want copies. (p. 165, par. 3) Also if students wonder about or ask questions on certain matters, show them what God says in the Bible about such. (p. 245, par. 3) Servant mentions that timeliness of special “Awake!” will interest many students. Two youths now determined to tell schoolmates God’s good news.
(6 min.) Chairman: Another way to give a witness is by good conduct. It may attract right-hearted students. (p. 270, par. 1) Discuss local experiences. Discuss and demonstrate how to offer special magazines to schoolmates.
10 min: Branch Letter. Audience discussion.
15 min: Have You Started a Study?
(2 min.) Studies on increase. If we do not have one yet, we can ask ourselves, “Do I really want one?” Have we followed the suggestion to go to Jehovah in prayer, asking for his help? Excellent suggestions have been given in the June and August 1970 issues of “Kingdom Ministry,” as well as the February and March issues of this year. Have these been reviewed at practice sessions?
(7 min.) Three publishers practice one of the suggested means of starting studies that has worked well locally. Feature either the direct or indirect approach. Mention can be made, too, of the use of the “Good News” or “Look!” booklets to start studies when subscriptions are placed.
(6 min.) Experiences of those who have started studies recently, relating method used.
15 min: Concluding comments. Discuss use of April 22 “Awake!” Ask for suggestions from publishers on what to say about it so it will appeal to people locally. Are there certain officials or organizations in town that would be particularly interested in the subject? Report on publishers out to date. Song 106.
Theme: Render Sacrifices with Which God Will Be Well Pleased. (Heb. 13:15, 16) Song 48.
12 min: Introduction, text and comments. Also discussion of “Question Box” material. Father talks encouragingly with his son regarding son’s desire for Bethel service.
15 min: “Conduct Ourselves Honestly in All Things.” (Heb. 13:18) Talk based on “Questions from Readers” in “Watchtower,” February 15, 1971, page 127, and April 1, 1968, pages 223, 224. Deal specifically with Christians’ requirement to pay their bills and be willing to meet financial responsibilities even when faced with financial reverses.
6 min: “‘Divine Name’ District Assemblies.” Talk. Encourage all to make plans now to attend an assembly in accord with suggestions. Help members of family and interested persons to attend.
15 min: “Presenting the Good News—That People May Be Free.” Audience discussion, with demonstration of appropriate points.
12 min: Concluding comments. Cover appropriate Announcements and Theocratic News. Give report of activity to date for April. If time, have experiences on placing special magazines. Song 108.
Theme: Use All Means to Keep “Healthy in Faith.” Song 26.
5 min: Introduction, text and comments.
8 min: Talk on theme for May, from May 1 “Watchtower.”
18 min: Obedience to Jehovah Brings Blessings. Audience discussion. Draw out comments from as many in audience as possible. Material based on “Make Sure of All Things,” pages 359-362. Also, July 15, 1970 “Watchtower.” What scriptures show that obedience to God is required of all God’s servants? (1 Sam. 15:22; Deut. 10:12, 13; Acts 5:29) What does our obedience to God’s Word demonstrate? Is the Christian obligation to keep the commands of God a restrictive burden, or how should it be viewed? (1 John 5:2, 3; Ps. 112:1; Rom. 16:26) What results come from obedience and from disobedience? (Lev. 26:3-6; Jer. 7:23; Rom. 6:16; 2 Thess. 1:8, 9) Why should obedience be shown (a) to Jesus? (John 14:15, 21; Acts 3:12, 18, 22, 23) (b) to overseers? (Heb. 13:17) (c) by wives to husbands? (Eph. 5:22-24; Col. 3:18) (d) by children to parents? (Col. 3:20; Prov. 30:17) (e) to employers and to governments? (Col. 3:22; 1 Pet. 2:13, 14, 18) Should our obedience to humans make us disobedient to God? (Acts 5:29) What blessing is in store for those showing themselves obedient to Jehovah and to his Son? (Matt. 7:21; Heb. 5:9)
12 min: What Will We Say in May? Offer will be “Truth” book, with which we are well acquainted. Each chapter provides basis for a fresh approach. Discuss possibilities. May use same scripture presentation as during “Watchtower” campaign, perhaps highlighting Chapter 18, regarding obedience to law. Or use a presentation that features Chapter 14, on identifying the true religion. Demonstrate offer, featuring one chapter. Make demonstration simple and to the point.
7 min: “Is That All I Reported?” Discussion between assistant congregation servant and publisher covering points in article.
10 min: Concluding comments. Song 104.