Matthew 6:33The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures
ζητεῖτε δὲ πρῶτον τὴν βασιλείαν καὶ τὴν δικαιοσύνην αὐτοῦ, καὶ ταῦτα πάντα προστεθήσεται ὑμῖν.
Matthew 6:33The Bible in Living English
33 But seek first the Reign, and his righteousness, and you will have all this added.
Matthew 6:33American Standard Version
33 But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33The Emphasized Bible
33 But be seeking first the kingdom and its righteousness,—And all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33King James Version
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
MatthewWatch Tower Publications Index 1986-2024
6:33 ijwbv article 15; lff lesson 37; wp20.2 14-15; it-1 1008; it-2 810; w16.07 12; w16.12 25; w15 9/15 24-25; w14 9/15 22; kr 65, 67; w12 4/15 14-15; w11 2/15 24; w11 9/15 12-14; w11 10/15 10-11; w10 10/15 7-8; w08 9/15 24; g 6/07 9; w06 1/1 20-29; w05 3/15 4-5; g03 9/8 27; w02 3/15 11-13; be 281; wt 101-109; w98 5/1 16; w98 9/1 20-21; w97 10/1 26-27; w96 2/1 20; w95 9/15 32; w94 11/15 24-25; jv 283-303; w90 10/1 19-20; si 165-166; w89 7/15 11, 14; w88 2/15 12; w88 8/15 18-19; w87 11/15 4-5, 11
MatthewWatch Tower Publications Index 1930-1985
6:33 w85 11/15 28; w84 7/15 20; w84 10/1 17; uw 87-94; w82 8/15 11; w81 10/15 21-22; w78 1/15 22; w78 8/1 22; w78 10/1 26; w78 11/1 17-18; w78 11/15 20; g78 4/22 27; g78 6/8 20; km 2/78 3; w77 239; w77 473; w76 499; w76 748; sl 328; fu 26-27; w74 113; w74 250; w74 534; g74 8/8 5; w73 317; w73 437; w73 489; w73 591; g73 6/22 13; w72 135-136; w72 195-196, 657; g72 10/22 16; w71 767; ad 695, 1064, 1516; w68 715; w67 77; w65 523; g65 9/8 6; w64 535, 643; g64 10/8 29; w63 51, 104, 136, 167, 302, 519, 536; ln 28; g63 2/8 6; w62 135, 341, 434, 524, 622, 743; tc 25; g62 5/8 12; w61 111, 136, 328, 447, 529; g61 10/8 28; w60 7, 16, 629, 634; w59 396, 715; w48 248; w44 278; w39 324; w31 24
MatthewResearch Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses—2019 Edition
Matthew Study Notes—Chapter 6New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition)
Keep on . . . seeking: The Greek verb form indicates continuous action and could be rendered “Seek continually.” Jesus’ true followers would not seek the Kingdom for a time and then go on to other things. Rather, they must always make it their first concern in life.
the Kingdom: Some ancient Greek manuscripts read “God’s Kingdom.”
his: Refers to God, the “heavenly Father” mentioned at Mt 6:32.
righteousness: Those who seek God’s righteousness readily do his will and conform to his standards of right and wrong. This teaching stood in stark contrast with that of the Pharisees, who sought to establish their own righteousness.—Mt 5:20.