Matthew 6:33The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures
ζητεῖτε δὲ πρῶτον τὴν βασιλείαν καὶ τὴν δικαιοσύνην αὐτοῦ, καὶ ταῦτα πάντα προστεθήσεται ὑμῖν.
Matthew 6:33The Bible in Living English
33 But seek first the Reign, and his righteousness, and you will have all this added.
Matthew 6:33American Standard Version
33 But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33King James Version
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
MatthewWatch Tower Publications Index 1986-2024
6:33 ijwbv article 15; lff lesson 37; wp20.2 14-15; it-1 1008; it-2 810; w16.07 12; w16.12 25; w15 9/15 24-25; w14 9/15 22; kr 65, 67; w12 4/15 14-15; w11 2/15 24; w11 9/15 12-14; w11 10/15 10-11; w10 10/15 7-8; w08 9/15 24; g 6/07 9; w06 1/1 20-29; w05 3/15 4-5; g03 9/8 27; w02 3/15 11-13; be 281; wt 101-109; w98 5/1 16; w98 9/1 20-21; w97 10/1 26-27; w96 2/1 20; w95 9/15 32; w94 11/15 24-25; jv 283-303; w90 10/1 19-20; si 165-166; w89 7/15 11, 14; w88 2/15 12; w88 8/15 18-19; w87 11/15 4-5, 11
MatthewWatch Tower Publications Index 1930-1985
6:33 w85 11/15 28; w84 7/15 20; w84 10/1 17; uw 87-94; w82 8/15 11; w81 10/15 21-22; w78 1/15 22; w78 8/1 22; w78 10/1 26; w78 11/1 17-18; w78 11/15 20; g78 4/22 27; g78 6/8 20; km 2/78 3; w77 239; w77 473; w76 499; w76 748; sl 328; fu 26-27; w74 113; w74 250; w74 534; g74 8/8 5; w73 317; w73 437; w73 489; w73 591; g73 6/22 13; w72 135-136; w72 195-196, 657; g72 10/22 16; w71 767; ad 695, 1064, 1516; w68 715; w67 77; w65 523; g65 9/8 6; w64 535, 643; g64 10/8 29; w63 51, 104, 136, 167, 302, 519, 536; ln 28; g63 2/8 6; w62 135, 341, 434, 524, 622, 743; tc 25; g62 5/8 12; w61 111, 136, 328, 447, 529; g61 10/8 28; w60 7, 16, 629, 634; w59 396, 715; w48 248; w44 278; w39 324; w31 24