Genesis 1:27American Standard Version
27 And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Genesis 1:27King James Version
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
GenesisWatch Tower Publications Index 1986-2024
1:27 mrt article 89; w23.12 18; lff lesson 6; wp19.1 10; wp18.2 12; it-1 44-45, 528; bhs 53; bh 48-49; w13 5/1 3; hl section 3; g 5/13 15; g 8/13 8; w12 9/1 4; w11 2/15 9; g 12/09 12; w08 10/1 15; w05 7/1 4-5; w02 6/1 9-10; w97 2/1 9-10, 12; w97 7/15 4-5; w94 4/1 25; w94 6/15 12; si 18; w86 9/1 14; Lmn 13-14
GenesisWatch Tower Publications Index 1930-1985
1:27 w85 3/15 6; w82 12/15 21-22; g81 1/22 7; g80 4/8 4; w78 8/1 6; g78 4/8 18; lp 39-40; gh 161, 168; g75 10/22 7; w74 146; po 48; g74 10/8 23; w73 326; w73 457-458; w73 488; tp73 47; g73 10/22 27; w72 170, 556-557; pm 8-9; ad 33, 820; kj 39; g71 10/8 19; w70 170; w69 682; is 29; w65 715; im 139; g64 7/22 7; w63 208; g63 2/22 20; g63 4/22 8; w62 57, 265; g62 2/8 7; w61 106; w60 650; w59 27; yw 43; nh 63; w52 489; w32 74