Lessons You Can Learn From the Bible Lessons You Can Learn From the Bible Title Page/Publishers’ Page Table of Contents A Letter From the Governing Body Introduction to Section 1 LESSON 1 God Made Heaven and Earth LESSON 2 God Made the First Man and Woman Introduction to Section 2 LESSON 3 Adam and Eve Disobeyed God LESSON 4 From Anger to Murder LESSON 5 Noah’s Ark LESSON 6 Eight Survive Into a New World Introduction to Section 3 LESSON 7 The Tower of Babel LESSON 8 Abraham and Sarah Obeyed God LESSON 9 A Son At Last! LESSON 10 Remember the Wife of Lot LESSON 11 A Test of Faith LESSON 12 Jacob Got the Inheritance LESSON 13 Jacob and Esau Make Peace Introduction to Section 4 LESSON 14 A Slave Who Obeyed God LESSON 15 Jehovah Never Forgot Joseph LESSON 16 Who Was Job? LESSON 17 Moses Chose to Worship Jehovah LESSON 18 The Burning Bush LESSON 19 The First Three Plagues LESSON 20 The Next Six Plagues LESSON 21 The Tenth Plague LESSON 22 The Miracle at the Red Sea Introduction to Section 5 LESSON 23 A Promise to Jehovah LESSON 24 They Broke Their Promise LESSON 25 A Tabernacle for Worship LESSON 26 The Twelve Spies LESSON 27 They Rebelled Against Jehovah LESSON 28 Balaam’s Donkey Speaks Introduction to Section 6 LESSON 29 Jehovah Chose Joshua LESSON 30 Rahab Hid the Spies LESSON 31 Joshua and the Gibeonites LESSON 32 A New Leader and Two Brave Women LESSON 33 Ruth and Naomi LESSON 34 Gideon Conquered the Midianites LESSON 35 Hannah Prays for a Son LESSON 36 Jephthah’s Promise LESSON 37 Jehovah Speaks to Samuel LESSON 38 Jehovah Made Samson Strong Introduction to Section 7 LESSON 39 Israel’s First King LESSON 40 David and Goliath LESSON 41 David and Saul LESSON 42 Brave and Loyal Jonathan LESSON 43 The Sin of King David Introduction to Section 8 LESSON 44 A Temple for Jehovah LESSON 45 A Kingdom Divided LESSON 46 A Test on Mount Carmel LESSON 47 Jehovah Strengthened Elijah LESSON 48 A Widow’s Son Came Back to Life LESSON 49 A Wicked Queen Is Punished LESSON 50 Jehovah Defends Jehoshaphat Introduction to Section 9 LESSON 51 The Warrior and the Little Girl LESSON 52 Jehovah’s Fiery Army LESSON 53 The Courage of Jehoiada LESSON 54 Jehovah Was Patient With Jonah LESSON 55 Jehovah’s Angel Protected Hezekiah LESSON 56 Josiah Loved God’s Law Introduction to Section 10 LESSON 57 Jehovah Sends Jeremiah to Preach LESSON 58 Jerusalem Is Destroyed LESSON 59 Four Boys Who Obeyed Jehovah LESSON 60 A Kingdom That Will Last Forever LESSON 61 They Did Not Bow Down LESSON 62 A Kingdom Like a Big Tree LESSON 63 The Writing on the Wall LESSON 64 Daniel in the Lions’ Pit LESSON 65 Esther Saves Her People LESSON 66 Ezra Taught God’s Law LESSON 67 The Walls of Jerusalem Introduction to Section 11 LESSON 68 Elizabeth Has a Baby LESSON 69 Gabriel Visits Mary LESSON 70 Angels Announce the Birth of Jesus LESSON 71 Jehovah Protected Jesus LESSON 72 Young Jesus LESSON 73 John Prepares the Way Introduction to Section 12 LESSON 74 Jesus Becomes the Messiah LESSON 75 The Devil Tests Jesus LESSON 76 Jesus Cleanses the Temple LESSON 77 The Woman at the Well LESSON 78 Jesus Preaches the Kingdom Message LESSON 79 Jesus Performs Many Miracles LESSON 80 Jesus Chooses Twelve Apostles LESSON 81 The Sermon on the Mountain LESSON 82 Jesus Teaches His Disciples How to Pray LESSON 83 Jesus Feeds Thousands LESSON 84 Jesus Walks on Water LESSON 85 Jesus Cures on the Sabbath LESSON 86 Jesus Resurrects Lazarus Introduction to Section 13 LESSON 87 Jesus’ Last Supper LESSON 88 Jesus Is Arrested LESSON 89 Peter Denies Jesus LESSON 90 Jesus Dies at Golgotha LESSON 91 Jesus Is Resurrected LESSON 92 Jesus Appears to the Fishermen LESSON 93 Jesus Returns to Heaven Introduction to Section 14 LESSON 94 The Disciples Receive Holy Spirit LESSON 95 Nothing Could Stop Them LESSON 96 Jesus Chooses Saul LESSON 97 Cornelius Receives Holy Spirit LESSON 98 Christianity Spreads to Many Nations LESSON 99 A Jailer Learns the Truth LESSON 100 Paul and Timothy LESSON 101 Paul Is Sent to Rome LESSON 102 The Revelation to John LESSON 103 “Let Your Kingdom Come” Lessons You Can Learn From the Bible