Ezekiel 1:13 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 13 And the living creatures had the appearance of burning coals of fire, and something that looked like torches of bright fire was moving back and forth between the living creatures, and lightning was flashing out from the fire.+ Hebrews 1:7 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 7 Also, he says about the angels: “He makes his angels spirits, and his ministers+ a flame of fire.”+ Hebrews 1:14 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) 14 Are they not all spirits for holy service,+ sent out to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation?
13 And the living creatures had the appearance of burning coals of fire, and something that looked like torches of bright fire was moving back and forth between the living creatures, and lightning was flashing out from the fire.+
7 Also, he says about the angels: “He makes his angels spirits, and his ministers+ a flame of fire.”+
14 Are they not all spirits for holy service,+ sent out to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation?