1 Timothy 2:2The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures
ὑπὲρ βασιλέων καὶ πάντων τῶν ἐν ὑπεροχῇ ὄντων, ἵνα ἤρεμον καὶ ἡσύχιον βίον διάγωμεν ἐν πάσῃ εὐσεβείᾳ καὶ σεμνότητι.
1 Timothy 2:2American Standard Version
2 for kings and all that are in high place; that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and gravity.
1 Timothy 2:2King James Version
2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
1 TimothyWatch Tower Publications Index 1930-1985
2:2 w83 2/1 10; w79 11/15 25-26; g78 2/22 27-28; w64 563; w62 684, 721; g62 6/8 7; w58 505; w54 727; g53 6/22 25; w52 377; w43 379; w34 104; jh 154; w33 137