Acts of Apostles
24 Five days later the high priest An·a·niʹas+ came down with some older men* and a public speaker, a certain Ter·tulʹlus, and they gave information+ to the governor+ against Paul. 2 When he was called, Ter·tulʹlus started accusing him, saying:
“Seeing that we enjoy great peace+ through you and that reforms are taking place in this nation through your forethought, 3 at all times and also in all places we receive it, Your Excellency+ Felix, with the greatest thankfulness. 4 But that I may not hinder you any further, I beseech you to hear us briefly in your kindliness. 5 For we have found this man a pestilent+ fellow and stirring up seditions+ among all the Jews throughout the inhabited earth and a spearhead* of the sect* of the Naz·a·renesʹ,+ 6 one who also tried to profane the temple+ and whom we seized. 7* —— 8 From him you yourself can by examination find out about all these things of which we are accusing him.”
9 With that the Jews also joined in the attack, asserting that these things were so. 10 And Paul, when the governor nodded to him to speak, answered:
“Knowing well that this nation has had you as judge for many years, I readily speak in my defense+ the things about myself, 11 as you are in a position to find out that for me it has not been more than twelve days since I went up to worship+ in Jerusalem; 12 and they found me neither in the temple+ arguing with anyone nor causing a mob+ to rush together, either in the synagogues or throughout the city. 13 Nor can they prove+ to you the things of which they are accusing me right now. 14 But I do admit this to you, that, according to the way that they call a ‘sect,’ in this manner I am rendering sacred service* to the God of my forefathers,+ as I believe all the things set forth in the Law+ and written in the Prophets; 15 and I have hope+ toward God, which hope these [men] themselves also entertain, that there is going to be a resurrection*+ of both the righteous+ and the unrighteous.+ 16 In this respect, indeed, I am exercising myself continually to have a consciousness+ of committing no offense against God and men. 17 So after quite a number of years I arrived to bring gifts of mercy to my nation, and offerings.+ 18 While I was at these matters they found me ceremonially cleansed in the temple,+ but not with a crowd or with a tumult. But there were certain Jews from the [district of] Asia, 19 who ought to be present before you and to accuse me if they might have anything against me.+ 20 Or, let the [men] here say for themselves what wrong they found as I stood before the Sanʹhe·drin, 21 except with respect to this one utterance which I cried out while standing among them, ‘Over the resurrection of the dead I am today being judged before YOU!’”+
22 However, Felix,+ knowing quite accurately the matters concerning this Way,+ began to put the [men] off and said: “Whenever Lysʹi·as+ the military commander* comes down, I shall decide upon these matters involving YOU.” 23 And he ordered the army officer* that the man be kept and have some relaxation [of custody], and that he forbid no one of his people to wait upon him.+
24 Some days later Felix+ arrived with Dru·silʹla his wife, who was a Jewess,+ and he sent for Paul and listened to him on the belief in Christ Jesus.+ 25 But as he talked about righteousness+ and self-control+ and the judgment+ to come, Felix became frightened and answered: “For the present go your way, but when I get an opportune time I shall send for you again.” 26 At the same time, though, he was hoping for money+ to be given him by Paul. On that account he sent for him even more frequently and would converse with him.+ 27 But, when two years had elapsed, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus; and because Felix desired to gain favor+ with the Jews, he left Paul bound.