To the Ephesians
2 Furthermore, [it is] YOU [God made alive] though YOU were dead in YOUR trespasses and sins,+ 2 in which YOU at one time walked according to the system+ of things* of this world,* according to the ruler+ of the authority of the air, the spirit+ that now operates in the sons of disobedience.+ 3 Yes, among them we all at one time conducted ourselves in harmony with the desires of our flesh,+ doing the things willed by the flesh+ and the thoughts, and we were naturally children of wrath+ even as the rest. 4 But God, who is rich in mercy,+ for his great love with which he loved us,+ 5 made us alive together with the Christ, even when we were dead in trespasses+—by undeserved kindness YOU have been saved+— 6 and he raised us up+ together and seated us together in the heavenly places+ in union with Christ Jesus, 7 that in the coming+ systems of things* there might be demonstrated the surpassing riches+ of his undeserved kindness in his graciousness toward us in union+ with Christ Jesus.
8 By this undeserved kindness, indeed, YOU have been saved through faith;+ and this not owing to YOU,+ it is God’s gift.+ 9 No, it is not owing to works,+ in order that no man should have ground for boasting.+ 10 For we are a product of his work+ and were created+ in union+ with Christ Jesus for good works,+ which God prepared in advance+ for us to walk in them.
11 Therefore keep bearing in mind that formerly YOU were people of the nations as to flesh;+ “uncircumcision” YOU were called by that which is called “circumcision” made in the flesh with hands+— 12 that YOU were at that particular time without Christ,+ alienated+ from the state of Israel and strangers to the covenants of the promise,+ and YOU had no hope+ and were without God in the world.*+ 13 But now in union with Christ Jesus YOU who were once far off have come to be near by the blood+ of the Christ. 14 For he is our peace,+ he who made the two parties*+ one+ and destroyed the wall+ in between* that fenced+ them off. 15 By means of his flesh+ he abolished the enmity,+ the Law of commandments consisting in decrees,+ that he might create the two peoples+ in union with himself into one new man+ and make peace; 16 and that he might fully reconcile+ both peoples in one body+ to God through the torture+ stake, because he had killed off the enmity+ by means of himself.* 17 And he came and declared the good news of peace+ to YOU, the ones far off, and peace to those near,+ 18 because through him we, both peoples,+ have the approach+ to the Father by* one spirit.+
19 Certainly, therefore, YOU are no longer strangers+ and alien residents,+ but YOU are fellow citizens+ of the holy ones+ and are members of the household+ of God, 20 and YOU have been built up upon the foundation*+ of the apostles+ and prophets,+ while Christ Jesus himself is the foundation cornerstone.+ 21 In union with him the whole building, being harmoniously joined together,*+ is growing into a holy temple* for Jehovah.*+ 22 In union with him+ YOU, too, are being built up together into a place for God to inhabit by spirit.+