Service Meetings for September
Week Starting September 4
10 min: Local announcements and selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry.
20 min: “District Convention Sounds a Stirring Call!—Joyfully Praise Jehovah From Day to Day!” Questions and answers.
15 min: “Help Others to Benefit Themselves.” Review suggested presentations, and then have two brief demonstrations.
Song 204 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting September 11
5 min: Local announcements. Accounts report.
22 min: “Maintaining a Balanced View of Computer Technology.” Insert. Questions and answers. Read key paragraphs, such as 4-8 and 12-13, as time permits.
18 min: “What Goals Have You Set for Your Children?” Questions and answers. Have one or two exemplary youths or older ones who have served Jehovah from their youth relate briefly how their parents helped them to choose worthwhile goals centered around Kingdom interests.
Song 187 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting September 18
10 min: Local announcements.
15 min: “Make the Best Use of Our Magazines.” Animated talk by service overseer, based on paragraphs 1 to 13 of insert.
20 min: “Follow Up All Interest to Benefit Others.” Review presentations suggested for return visits. Brother handling this part discusses with two or three publishers what they will say and then asks them to demonstrate their presentations.
Song 162 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting September 25
5 min: Local announcements.
15 min: “Do All Things for God’s Glory.” Talk and audience discussion conducted by an elder. As time permits, make additional comments based on the August 15, 1992, Watchtower, pages 15-20.
10 min: “Examined by Jehovah—Why Beneficial?” Encouraging talk by elder.
15 min: “Make the Best Use of Our Magazines.” Discuss with audience paragraphs 14 to 17 of insert. Stress making special effort to distribute The Watchtower and Awake! during October. Since the magazines are published in a variety of languages, we should tell foreign-language-speaking persons that the magazines are available in their native language. (The local foreign-language congregation assigned to that territory should be informed.) In frequently worked territory, distributing our magazines can be the most effective means of cultivating interest, since they provide fresh information on a weekly basis. Where interest is found on return visits, offer a subscription. Have a family group demonstrate a practice session, as described in paragraph 14. Also, point out some practical suggestions for increasing placements.
Song 193 and concluding prayer.