Enjoy Life Forever!—An Interactive Bible Course SECTION 1SECTION 2SECTION 3SECTION 4BIBLE READING CHARTS Section 2 LESSONS LESSON 13 How False Religion Misrepresents God LESSON 14 How Can Our Worship Be Pleasing to God? LESSON 15 Who Is Jesus? LESSON 16 What Did Jesus Do While on Earth? LESSON 17 What Is Jesus Like? LESSON 18 How to Identify Real Christians LESSON 19 Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Real Christians? LESSON 20 How the Congregation Is Organized LESSON 21 How Is the Good News Being Preached? LESSON 22 How Can You Share the Good News? LESSON 23 Baptism—A Worthwhile Goal! LESSON 24 What Is the Truth About Angels? LESSON 25 What Is God’s Purpose for Us? LESSON 26 Why Do Evil and Suffering Exist? LESSON 27 How Can Jesus’ Death Save Us? LESSON 28 Show Appreciation for What Jehovah and Jesus Did for You LESSON 29 What Happens When We Die? LESSON 30 Your Loved Ones Can Live Again! LESSON 31 What Is God’s Kingdom? LESSON 32 God’s Kingdom Now Rules! LESSON 33 What the Kingdom Will Accomplish Section 2 Review MEDIA Media for Section 2