Meaning of Words Wey Dey Inside Bible
Na from the Greek word aʹbys·sos, wey mean “over deep” or “something wey them no fit see where e deep reach, something wey no get end.” Them use-am for Christian Greek Scriptures to talk about place or condition wey them fit put person and e no get freedom to move. One example of abyss na grave, but grave no be the only example.—Lu 8:31; Ro 10:7; Re 20:3.
For Christian Greek Scriptures, na one area wey Rome de control for the south side of Greece, and the capital na Corinth. Achaia cover everywhere for one area wey them de call Peloponnese and the center of one area wey them de call continental Greece.—Ac 18:12.
This one na contract between God and people or between two people say them go do something or say them no go do-am. Sometimes na only one person de do the things for the agreement (and the main thing for this kind agreement na promise). Other times, na the two people de do the things for the agreement. Apart from the agreement wey God make with people, Bible talk about agreement between people, tribes, nations, or groups of people. Among the agreements wey don really affect people na the ones wey God do with Abraham, David, the nation of Israel (Law agreement), and the Israel of God (new agreement).—Ge 9:11; 15:18; 21:27; Ex 24:7; 2Ch 21:7; Lu 22:29; Ac 3:25; 2Co 3:6; Heb 8:6.
Na the name wey them de call small perfume containers wey them first make with one stone wey dey near Alabastron, for Egypt. So people start to call the stone the same name too. Them de normally make this kind containers to get thin neck so that person go fit lock-am well make the fine perfume no leak comot.—Mr 14:3.
Alpha and Omega.
Something wey them build high. Them make-am with soil, rock, stone, or wood wey them cover with something like iron; and ontop-am, them de do sacrifice or de give incense for worship. One small gold altar dey the first room of the tabernacle and the temple, and them de use-am burn incense. Them make-am with wood wey them cover with gold. One altar wey big pass that one wey them make with copper dey outside the place of worship for the compound and them de burn sacrifice ontop-am. Them still de use altars for lie-lie worship.—Ex 39:38, 39; 1Ki 6:20; Mt 5:23, 24; Lu 1:11; Ac 17:23.
“Make e be like that,” or “surely.” The word come from the Hebrew word ʼa·manʹ, and e mean “to dey faithful, to trust something.” Them talk “Amen” to agree with wetin person swear about, prayer, or wetin person talk. For Revelation, them use-am as title for Jesus.—De 27:26; 1Ch 16:36; Ro 1:25; Re 3:14.
The name come from the Hebrew word mal·ʼakhʹ and the Greek word agʹge·los. The two words mean “messenger” but them de translate-am as “angel” when e talk about spirit messengers. (Ge 16:7; 32:3; Jas 2:25; Re 22:8) Angels na powerful spirits wey God make long time before e make people. Bible still call them “plenty-plenty holy angels,” “sons of God,” and “morning stars.” (De 33:2; Job 1:6; 38:7; Jude 14) God no make them for way wey them fit born other angels but e make them one by one. Their number plenty pass hundred million by far. (Da 7:10) Bible show say each of them get their own name and their different-different character. Even with that one, them dey humble as them no gree make people worship them, and many of them no even gree talk their names. (Ge 32:29; Lu 1:26; Re 22:8, 9) They get different-different position and God give them different-different work. Some of the work wey them de do na to serve for front of the throne of Jehovah, to carry im message to people, to help servants of Jehovah for this earth, to give punishment from God, and to support the preaching work. (2Ki 19:35; Ps 34:7; Mt 4:11; Lu 1:30, 31; Re 5:11; 14:6) For future them go support Jesus to fight the war of Armageddon.—Re 19:14, 15.
The main meaning of the Hebrew word na “to pour liquid ontop something.” Them be de pour oil ontop person or something as sign to show say them don give the person or the thing for special work. For Christian Greek Scriptures, them still use the word to talk about how God pour holy spirit ontop people wey e don choose to go heaven.—Ex 28:41; 1Sa 16:13; Lu 4:18; Ac 10:38; 2Co 1:21.
The Greek word get two meaning. E mean to dey against Christ. E fit still mean lie-lie Christ, wey be person wey take the place of Christ. Them fit call all the people, organizations, or groups wey de lie say them de represent Christ or say them be the Messiah or wey dey against Christ and im disciples antichrists.—1Jo 2:22.
Na one language among the group of language wey them de speak for olden days wey want be like Hebrew language; e get the same alphabet like Hebrew. Na Aramaic people first de speak this language but after, e become language wey people de use do business and de talk with each other for all the place them wey Assyria and Babylon be de rule. Na still the main language wey people be de use for government for the area wey Persia be de rule. (Ezr 4:7) Them write part of the book of Ezra, Jeremiah, and Daniel for Aramaic language. Them use some Aramaic words for Christian Greek Scriptures.—Ezr 4:8–6:18; 7:12-26; Jer 10:11; Da 2:4b–7:28; Mr 14:36; Ac 9:36.
Na one high hill for Athens, wey dey north-west of one place wey them de call Acropolis. Na still the name of the group of people (court) wey de do meeting there. People wey de follow Ep·i·cu·rus and the people wey de follow Ze′no take Paul go the Areopagus make e explain the things wey e believe.—Ac 17:19.
Ark of the agreement.
This one na box wey them make with acacia wood and cover with gold, and wey them be de keep for the Most Holy of the tabernacle and after, for the Most Holy wey dey the temple wey Solomon build. E get strong gold cover with two cherubs wey face each other. The main things wey dey inside na the two stone slate of the Ten Commandments.—De 31:26; 1Ki 6:19; Heb 9:4.
This word come from the Hebrew word Har Meghid·dohnʹ, wey mean “Mountain of Megiddo.” The word connect with “the war of the great day of God the Almighty” wey “the kings for the whole earth” gather to fight war against Jehovah. (Re 16:14, 16; 19:11-21)—Check GREAT TRIBULATION.
Atonement Day.
This one na the number one important holy day for Israel people, wey them still de call Yom Kippur (from Hebrew word yohm hak·kip·pu·rimʹ, wey mean “day to cover” sins). Them de celebrate this day for the month of Ethanim 10. For Hebrew Scriptures them de call-am Day of Atonement. Na only for this day of the year the high priest de enter the Most Holy for the tabernacle to give the blood of the sacrifice them for im own sins, the sins of the other Levites, and the sins of the people. Those sacrifice de show the sacrifice wey Jesus go do, wey go cover for the sins of everybody once and for all, and give people the chance to make peace with Jehovah. Na time of holy convention and fasting, and na still sabbath, wey be time wey person no go do work.—Le 23:27, 28; Ac 27:9; Col 1:20; Heb 9:12.
This one na god wey Canaan people de see as the god wey get the sky and wey de give rain and wey de make plants grow well and animals to plenty. Them still de call other small-small gods for the area “Baal.” The Hebrew word mean “Owner; Master.”—1Ki 18:21; Ro 11:4.
Bad-bad sickness wey de spread.
This kind sickness de quick spread, and e fit reach plenty area and kill people too.—Lu 21:11.
Baptism; Baptize.
This one na name wey them de use for Satan, wey be the prince, or ruler, of the demons. E fit be say the name wey them change na Baal-zebub, and this one na the Baal wey Philistia people for Ekron de worship.—2Ki 1:3; Mt 12:24.
This one na different-different kind of plant or trees wey de bitter well-well and wey de scent well-well. The “bitterplant” wey Bible mention for Revelation 8:11, mean something wey de bitter and fit poison person. Them still de call-am absinthe.
Bread wey them put as offering to God.
This one na twelve pieces of bread wey them arrange six-six for two groups ontop the table wey dey the Holy room for the tabernacle and for the temple. Them still de call-am “layer bread” and “showbread.” Every Sabbath, them de change this offering to God with fresh bread. Normally, na only the priests suppose chop the bread wey them don remove.—2Ch 2:4; Ex 25:30; Le 24:5-9; Mt 12:4; Heb 9:2.
This one na family name for Rome wey them later use as title for people wey de rule for Rome. Bible use this name for Augustus, Tiberius, and Claudius. And even though say them no use the name for Nero, the name still concern-am too. Them still use the name “Caesar” for Christian Greek Scriptures to represent government, or the country.—Mr 12:17; Ac 25:12.
This one na the kanda wey them de remove from the part of grain wey them de chop. Them de remove-am as them de separate and blow the grain from the kanda. Them still de use the word chaff to mean something wey no get value and wey them no want.—Ps 1:4; Mt 3:12.
Chaldea people.
This people de live for waterside near Tigris and Euphrates river. For old time, the number one important city for the land of Chaldea people na Ur, and na for this town Abraham grow.—Ac 7:4.
This ones na angels wey get high position and de do special work. Them dey different from seraphs.—Ge 3:24; Ex 25:20; Isa 37:16; Heb 9:5.
Chief angel.
Chief priest.
For Hebrew Scriptures, this one na another name for “high priest.” For Christian Greek Scriptures, e clear say “chief priests” de talk about priests wey get high position among the priests. And e fit be say some people wey dey among them na high priests wey them don remove from their position and the heads of the 24 groups of priests.—2Ch 26:20; Ezr 7:5; Mt 2:4; Mr 8:31.
For Bible, no be only something wey clean for body them de use this word for. But them still de use-am talk about to maintain or bring back condition wey no get stain, and wey no get mark. And them still de use-am for something wey no get anything wey fit make another thing dirty, something wey fit spoil another thing, or wey fit spoil how person de behave or de worship. For the Law of Moses, the word mean to dey clean as the Law talk.—Le 10:10; Ps 51:7; Mt 8:2; 1Co 6:11.
This one na the open area wey them fence wey surround the tabernacle. And later when them build the temple, na one of the open area around the main building of the temple, and them build wall around-am. The altar where them de use do full animal sacrifice dey for the compound of the tabernacle and for the open space wey them de call inner courtyard of the temple. Bible still talk about compounds wey dey house and palace.—Ex 8:13; 27:9; 1Ki 7:12; Mt 26:3; Mr 15:16; Re 11:2.
Na group of people wey gather together to do something with the same reason. For Hebrew Scriptures, the main thing wey this word de talk about na the nation of Israel. For Christian Greek Scriptures, e de talk about each congregation wey Christians dey, but many times e mean the whole Christian congregation.—1Ki 8:22; Ac 9:31; Ro 16:5.
This one na the length wey reach like from the elbow to the top of the middle finger. Israel people de normally use one cubit wey dey around 44.5 cm (17.5 in.), but them still de use another one wey long pass that one by one handbreadth, and this one na around 51.8 cm (20.4 in.).—Ge 6:15; Mt 6:27; Lu 12:25; Re 21:17.
This one na to threaten or talk evil thing wey go happen to person or something. This one no be the same thing as to insult person or to vex talk bad word. Plenty times, curse na evil thing wey person talk for public say e go happen. And if na God talk-am or person wey get authority to talk that kind thing, the curse get more power to happen.—Ge 12:3; Nu 22:12; Mr 11:21; Ac 23:12; Ro 12:14; Ga 3:10.
This one na group of Greek cities, and na ten cities first dey this group. (Na from the Greek word deʹka, wey mean “ten,” and poʹlis, wey mean “city.”) Na still the name of the area wey dey east of the Sea of Galilee and River Jordan, and na this area plenty of this cities dey. For this places, people de really follow Greek culture and de do business for there no be small. Jesus pass this area, but no place for Bible talk say e visit any of the cities.—Mt 4:25; Mr 5:20.
Them be wicked spirits wey person no fit see with eye and them get power wey humans no get. Genesis 6:2 call them “the sons of the true God” and Jude 6 call them “angels,” so God no make them as wicked spirits. Instead, them first be angels wey later make theirself enemies of God because them no obey God for the time of Noah and them join Satan to dey against Jehovah.—De 32:17; Lu 8:30; Ac 16:16; Jas 2:19.
Christian Greek Scriptures use this name for Satan, and e mean “Person Wey De Lie to Spoil the Name of Another Person.” Them give Satan the name Devil because e be the chief and number one person wey de talk wicked lie against Jehovah, the good things wey E don talk, and Im holy name.—Mt 4:1; Joh 8:44; Re 12:9.
Dey around.
For some place them for the Christian Greek Scriptures, this word de talk about when Jesus Christ don dey around for the last days of this world or system of things, wey be, from the time wey e start to rule for heaven as King of God Kingdom. When Bible talk about the time when Christ dey around, e no mean the way person de come and just comot quick-quick; instead, e de talk about some time wey go pass, with things wey go happen to show say Christ don dey around.—Mt 24:3.
For Christian Greek Scriptures, this word na Greek coin wey them make with silver, and that time the weight na 3.4 g (0.109 oz t).—Mt 17:24.
Elder; Old man.
This one na man wey mature for age, but for Bible, the main meaning na person wey get position and important work for community or nation. The book of Revelation still use this word for things wey get life for heaven. Them translate the Greek word pre·sbyʹte·ros as “elder” when e de talk about the work wey people wey de direct the congregation de do.—Ex 4:29; Pr 31:23; 1Ti 5:17; Re 4:4.
This one na olden days country wey dey south of Egypt. Before, part of the area wey this country cover na the far south side of the Egypt wey dey today and half of the north side of Sudan wey dey today.—Ac 8:27.
This one na man wey them castrate. Plenty times, this kind men de work for palace as attendants or to take care of the queen and the concubines. The word still mean man wey them no castrate but wey de work for king for palace. Bible still use the word to talk about person wey be “[eunuch] because of the Kingdom.” This one na person wey de control imself so that e go fit use imself well for the work of God.—Mt 19:12; Es 2:15; Ac 8:27.
Na this river long pass and dey important pass for southwest Asia, and na one of the two main rivers for Mesopotamia. Bible first talk about-am for Genesis 2:14 as one of the four rivers of Eden. Plenty times, the name wey them de call-am na “the River.” (Ge 31:21) For old time, e dey the boundary for north side of the land wey God give Israel people.—Ge 15:18; Re 9:14; 16:12.
This one mean say person no go chop any food for some time. Israel people be de do fasting for Atonement Day, when them dey for trouble, and when them need God to show them way. Jew people start to do four kind of fast every year to remember some serious bad things wey happen for their country. No be must for Christians to fast.—Ezr 8:21; Isa 58:6; Mt 4:2; 9:14; Lu 18:12; Ac 13:2, 3; 27:9.
This one na the length of how water deep reach. And this one na the same as 1.8 m (6 ft).—Ac 27:28.
For the Christian Greek Scriptures, this one na tax wey each person de pay.—Ne 5:4; Ro 13:7.
Festival of Bread Wey No Get Yeast.
This one na the first among the three main festivals wey Israel people de do every year. E de start from Nisan 15, wey be the day after Passover, and continue for seven days. Na only bread wey no get yeast them fit chop, to remember when them comot from Egypt.—Ex 23:15; Mr 14:1.
Festival of Dedication.
This one na the day of the year wey them de use remember how them clean the temple after Antiochus Epiphanes don spoil-am. The date wey this celebration de start na Chislev 25 and e de last for eight days.—Joh 10:22.
Festival of Tabernacles.
Them still de call-am Festival of Booths, or Festival of Ingathering. Them de do this festival for the Hebrew month of Ethanim 15-21. This celebration na for the harvest wey Israel people de do for the end of their farming year. Na time of joy and thanksgiving for the way Jehovah don bless their crops. For the days of the festival, people de live for booths, or under roof wey them put ontop sticks to hold-am. This one de remind them of the time wey them comot from Egypt. Na one of the three festivals wey males suppose go Jerusalem go do.—Le 23:34; Ezr 3:4; Joh 7:2.
The main thing wey e mean na, the oldest son wey papa get. For Bible time, to be firstborn son na position wey get honor for the family and them de give the son the head of the house when the papa die. Apart from say Jesus na the firstborn of Jehovah, Jesus na still the firstborn of everything wey God make and the firstborn among people wey come back to life.—Ge 25:33; Ex 11:5; Col 1:15; Re 1:5.
This na the first-first fruits for harvest season; the first result or product of anything. Jehovah tell the nation of Israel to give-am their firstfruits, whether na man, animal, or the things wey them harvest from wetin them plant. Israel people as nation give firstfruits to God when them de do Festival of Bread Wey No Get Yeast and for Pentecost. Them still use the word “firstfruits” for Christ and the anointed ones.—1Co 15:23; Nu 15:21; Pr 3:9; Re 14:4.
For Jesus time, this one no be the one wey them de use ordinary cain flog person. Na something wey be like koboko, wey get small-small iron or pieces of bone, them de use flog person.—Joh 19:1.
This one na the liquid wey them don dry (gum resin) from trees and some other kind of plants. E de bring out fine smell when them burn-am. E dey part of the things wey them de use for the holy incense for the tabernacle and the temple. Them still de use-am together with grain offering and them be de put-am for each row of the showbread inside the place wey them de call the Holy.—Ex 30:34-36; Le 2:1; 24:7; Mt 2:11.
Free person; Person wey them don free.
When Rome be de rule, “free person” na person wey get full right as citizen when them born-am. But, “person wey them don free” na slave wey don get freedom. If na government give the slave freedom, e go be citizen for Rome, but e no go fit get any position for politics. If na the oga give the slave freedom, the slave no go get full right as citizen for Rome.—1Co 7:22.
Full animal sacrifice.
This one na the Greek name for the Valley of Hinnom, wey dey southwest of olden days Jerusalem. (Jer 7:31) Bible don talk about-am as place where them go throw dead body put. (Jer 7:32; 19:6) Nothing show say them be de throw animals or people for Gehenna to burn them when them dey alive or to punish them. So e no go fit mean place where them de punish human soul forever for real fire and wey human eye no fit see. Instead, Jesus and im disciples be use Gehenna to mean punishment wey go last forever wey be the “second death,” and this one mean say the destruction go be forever.—Re 20:14; Mt 5:22; 10:28.
Gifts to help poor people.
Them be de give this kind gifts to help person wey need help. Hebrew Scriptures no talk about this gifts direct, but the Law tell Israel people wetin and wetin them must do for poor people.—Mt 6:2.
God Kingdom.
Good news.
Grave of remembrance.
This na place wey them de carry person wey don die put. Them use this word translate the Greek word mne·meiʹon, wey come from one word wey mean “to remind person,” and this one fit mean say them de remember the person wey don die.—Joh 5:28, 29.
When them write-am with small letter, e de talk about the grave of each person wey don die. But when them write-am with capital letter, e de talk about the Hebrew word “Sheol” and the Greek word “Hades.” And for Bible, this one na the condition wey dead people dey, as all the things wey them be know and de do don stop.—Ge 47:30; Ec 9:10; Mt 27:61; Ac 2:31.
Great tribulation.
The Greek word for “tribulation” mean trouble or suffer wey de happen because of the hard condition for life. Jesus talk about one “serious trouble” wey never happen before wey go happen for Jerusalem. E still talk of one especially, wey go later happen to people for the earth and wey connect with when e go come for future with “big honor.” (Mt 24:21, 29-31) Paul talk say this trouble na correct thing wey God go bring against “people wey no know God and people wey no obey the good news” about Jesus Christ. Revelation chapter 19 show say na Jesus de lead the army them for heaven against “the big wicked animal, and the kings for the earth and their army them.” (2Th 1:6-8; Re 19:11-21) Bible show say “plenty-plenty people” survive that trouble. (Re 7:9, 14)—Check ARMAGEDDON.
Na language wey people from Greece de speak; and na still the name wey them de call person from Greece or person wey im family come from there. For Christian Greek Scripture, them still use the word to talk about all the people wey no be Jew or people wey de speak Greek language and de follow their culture.—Joe 3:6; Joh 12:20.
Grinding stone.
This na round stone wey them de carry put ontop another round stone, and them de use-am grind things like wheat. Them de fix one stick put for the center of the stone wey dey under, and na im them de use turn the one wey dey ontop. For Bible time, na grinding stone wey women de use hand turn, na im most of the people get for their house. As e be say na this kind grinding stone the family food de come from everyday, the Law of Moses talk say make person wey them borrow money from, no seize the grinding stone of the person wey borrow money from-am or the stone wey dey ontop-am. Na animals de turn big grinding stones wey dey ontop each other.—De 24:6; Mr 9:42.
This one mean group of people wey de follow some kind teaching, or wey de follow one person as their leader, and wey get their own things wey them believe. For Bible, them use-am talk about the two group wey people know pass for Jew people religion, wey be, Pharisee and Sadducee people. People wey no be Christians still call Christians, “group” or “group wey them de call the Nazarenes.” Maybe them call them this name because them de think say the Christians na people wey separate theirself from Jew people religion. Later-later, them come de get different-different group for the Christian congregation; Bible even mention “Nicolaus group,” for the book of Revelation.—Ac 5:17; 15:5; 24:5; 28:22; Re 2:6; 2Pe 2:1.
Group wey de support Herod.
This one na group wey de put hand for politics matter to support the Herods wey de rule under Rome. E fit be say some Sadducee people dey this group too. This group wey de support Herod join hand with Pharisee people to give Jesus trouble.—Mr 3:6.
This one na Greek word wey mean the same thing as the Hebrew word “Sheol.” We translate-am as “Grave” (with capital letter), to show say e dey different from the normal grave.—Check GRAVE.
Them first use-am for Abram (Abraham), and this one make Abram dey different from the Amorite people wey de live around-am. After, them use-am for Abraham children-children wey come from im grandpikin Jacob, and still use-am as the name wey them de call their language. For time of Jesus, many Aramaic words don enter Hebrew language and na this language Christ and im disciples speak.—Ge 14:13; Ex 5:3; Ac 26:14.
This one na Greek god wey be the son of Zeus. For Lystra, people think say Paul na messenger of the gods and the god wey them believe say e sabi talk well; because of that one, them call Paul Hermes.—Ac 14:12.
This one na family name of some people wey rule Jew people, and na government for Rome put them for that position. The first person na Herod the Great, and people know-am as the person wey build the temple for Jerusalem again and person wey command make them kill children so that e go fit kill Jesus. (Mt 2:16; Lu 1:5) Them put Herod Archelaus and Herod Antipas, wey be sons of Herod the Great, to rule some areas wey their papa be de rule. (Mt 2:22) Antipas rule the fourth part for the area, and them know-am as “king.” E rule for the time wey Jesus do im preaching work for three and half years go reach the time wey the things for Acts chapter 12 happen. (Mr 6:14-17; Lu 3:1, 19, 20; 13:31, 32; 23:6-15; Ac 4:27; 13:1) After that one, God angel kill Herod Agrippa I, wey be grandpikin of Herod the Great, after e don rule for short time. (Ac 12:1-6, 18-23) Im son, wey be Herod Agrippa II, start to rule and e rule go reach the time wey some Jew people fight against Rome.—Ac 23:35; 25:13, 22-27; 26:1, 2, 19-32.
High priest.
For the Law of Moses, this one na the main priest wey de represent the people for front of God and wey de direct the other priests. Na only the high priest fit enter the Most Holy, wey be one room wey dey inside-inside the tabernacle, or temple. E de enter only for the Day of Atonement every year. Them still de call Jesus Christ “high priest.”—Le 16:2, 17; 21:10; Mt 26:3; Heb 4:14.
This one na character wey be part of who Jehovah be. To dey holy na to dey pure and clean for complete way. (Ex 28:36; 1Sa 2:2; Joh 17:11) When them use-am for people (Mr 6:20; Ac 3:21), things (Ro 7:12; 11:16; 2Ti 3:15), place them (Mt 4:5; Ac 7:33; Heb 9:1), and work (Ex 36:4), the original Hebrew and Greek word mean to dey separate or pure for the holy God; to keep person or something separate for the work of Jehovah. For Christian Greek Scriptures, them still use the word “holy” to talk about the pure character wey person get.—2Co 7:1; 1Pe 1:15, 16.
Holy Place 1.
Na the first room for the tabernacle or the temple, and e dey different and big pass the Most Holy, wey be the room wey dey inside-inside. For the tabernacle, the things wey dey the Holy Place na the gold lampstand, the gold altar of incense, table of showbread, and the other things wey them make with gold; for the temple, the things wey dey inside na the gold altar, ten gold lampstands, and ten tables of showbread.—Ex 26:33; Heb 9:2.
Holy place 2.
Normally, this na place wey them de use worship God. But many times, them de use-am talk about the tabernacle or the temple for Jerusalem. Them still de use-am talk about heaven, the place wey God de stay.—Ex 25:8, 9; 2Ki 10:25; 1Ch 28:10; Re 11:19.
Holy secret.
Holy spirit.
Holy work.
Horns of the altar.
This one na things wey them make like horn wey shoot come out from the four corners of some altars.—Le 8:15; 1Ki 2:28; Re 9:13.
This one na animal horns wey them be de use drink things, de put oil inside, de use as containers for ink and cosmetics, and as instrument for music or to give signal. (1Sa 16:1, 13; 1Ki 1:39; Eze 9:2) Plenty times, them de use “horn” to mean power and to mean say person win.—De 33:17; Mic 4:13; Lu 1:69.
This one na plant wey get fine branches and leaves; them be de use-am sprinkle blood or water when them de clean people or things as the Law talk. For Bible, different kind of plants dey for inside the Greek and Hebrew word wey them use. The “hyssop” wey John 19:29 talk about, fit be the type wey de grow tall sotey them fit use the long stick from this plant to carry the sponge wey sour wine dey to put for Jesus mouth.—Heb 9:19.
Idol; Idol worship.
This one na area wey Rome be de rule wey dey northwest of Greece. Paul travel this far distance for im preaching work, but Bible no talk whether e preach for Illyricum or e only reach there.—Ro 15:19.
Incense containers.
This one na containers wey them make with gold, silver, or copper. Them de use-am for the tabernacle and the temple to burn incense and to remove charcoal from the altar where them de do sacrifice and to remove lamp threads wey don burn from the gold lampstand. Them still de call them fire holders.—Ex 37:23; 2Ch 26:19; Heb 9:4.
This one na something wey them make from plants, and e de burn slow-slow to bring out fine smell. Them de use four ingredients to make one special incense wey them de use for the tabernacle and the temple. Them de burn-am morning and night ontop the altar of incense wey dey the Holy room. And for the Day of Atonement, them de burn-am inside the Most Holy room. Bible use incense to mean the prayers wey faithful servants of God de pray. Bible no talk say Christians must use-am.—Ex 30:34, 35; Le 16:13; Re 5:8.
This one na the name wey God give Jacob. Them start to use-am call all the people wey come from im family, for any period of time. Plenty times, wetin them de call the people wey come from the 12 sons of Jacob na: children of Israel, the house of Israel, the people (men) of Israel, or Israelites. Them still use the name Israel for the ten-tribe north kingdom wey separate from the south kingdom. And after, them use-am for anointed Christians, wey be “the Israel of God.”—Ga 6:16; Ge 32:28; Ac 4:10; Ro 9:6.
Na the son of Isaac and Rebekah. God later give-am the name Israel, and e become the papa-papa of Israel people (wey them still de call Israelites and after, Jew people). Jacob na the papa of the 12 sons wey, together with their children, form the 12 tribes of the nation of Israel. Them continue to use the name Jacob for the nation or people of Israel.—Ge 32:28; Mt 22:32.
The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures use the name “Jehovah” 237 times for the Christian Greek Scriptures. Na the reasons why we decide to use the name of God be this:
1. For everywhere inside the copies of the Hebrew Scriptures wey them use for the time of Jesus and im apostles, them write the name of God with four Hebrew letters wey be consonant יהוה (Tetragrammaton).
2. For the time of Jesus and im apostles, the name of God wey them write with four Hebrew letters, still dey for the Hebrew Scriptures wey them use Greek language translate.
3. The Christian Greek Scriptures show say plenty times, Jesus talk about the name of God and e make people know about-am.—John 17:6, 11, 12, 26.
4. Since the Christian Greek Scriptures na part of the Word of God wey them add join the Hebrew Scriptures, e go be like wetin no balance if the name Jehovah no dey inside.
5. The name of God dey inside the Christian Greek Scriptures for the short form.—Revelation 19:1, 3, 4, 6.
6. The things wey Jew people first write, show say Christians wey be Jews be use the name of God for the things wey them write.
7. Some people wey de study about Bible agree say e be like say the name of God dey the places wey Christian Greek Scriptures quote from Hebrew Scripture.
8. Bible translations for different-different language wey pass one hundred, get the name of God for Christian Greek Scriptures.
So we dey sure say better reason dey to put the name of God, Jehovah, back for inside the Christian Greek Scriptures. And this one na exactly wetin the translators of the New World Translation do. Them get deep respect for the name of God and them no want remove anything from wetin dey the original Bible.—Revelation 22:18, 19.
This one na name wey them use call person wey come from the tribe of Judah after the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel don fall. (2Ki 16:6) After them come back from Babylon, people start to use this name call Israel people from different-different tribes wey go back to Israel. (Ezr 4:12) After, them start to use-am for the whole world to make Israel people different from people of the nations. (Es 3:6) Apostle Paul still use this name when e want help people know say for Christian congregation, the country wey person come from no dey important.—Ro 2:28, 29; Ga 3:28.
This one na the name of the number four son of Jacob wey im wife Leah born for-am. When Jacob dey im bed just before e die, e talk say for future one strong ruler wey go rule forever go come from the family line of Judah. As human, Jesus come from the family line of Judah. Them still de use the name when them de talk about the tribe of Judah and later, them give this name Judah to one kingdom.—Ge 29:35; 49:10; Heb 7:14.
Judgment Day.
This one na one particular day, or period, when groups, nations, or people for the earth go answer to God for wetin them do. E fit be time when God go destroy people wey e don judge as people wey suppose die, or the judgment fit give some people the chance for God to save them and the chance to get life wey no go end. Jesus Christ and im apostles talk about one “Judgment Day” wey de come for future, and this one no only concern people wey dey alive but e still concern people wey don die for past.—Mt 12:36.
Judgment seat.
Normally this one na high ground wey them build for outside wey person fit climb step to reach there; and government people fit sitdown for this kind place to talk to plenty people and announce wetin them don decide. “Judgment seat of God” and “judgment seat of Christ” mean the arrangement wey Jehovah don make to judge people.—Ro 14:10; 2Co 5:10; Joh 19:13.
Lake of fire.
Bible talk about this place as place “wey de burn with fire and sulfur,” and e still describe-am as “the second death.” Them throw people wey no gree repent, the Devil, and even death and the Grave (or, Hades) for inside. Fire no de affect spirit, death and Hades. But as all of them dey among the things wey them go throw inside this lake, this one show say no be real place wey person go dey de burn forever, but e mean destruction wey go be forever.—Re 19:20; 20:14, 15; 21:8.
Last days.
When Bible talk about the things wey go happen for future, e use “last days” and other words like “the last part of the days,” to talk about the time and the things wey go happen for this earth just before the end. (Eze 38:16; Da 10:14; Ac 2:17) Na the kind thing wey Bible talk say go happen for future, go show whether e go last for just some years or e go take plenty years. E dey important to remember say, Bible use this word to talk about “the last days” of this world, the time wey Jesus go dey around and eye no go see-am.—2Ti 3:1; Jas 5:3; 2Pe 3:3.
Law of Moses.
This one na serious sickness for skin. For Bible, this name no be only for the sickness wey people know today as leprosy, because no be only people this kind sickness fit catch, e fit still catch cloth and house. Them de call person wey get leprosy leper.—Le 14:54, 55; Lu 5:12.
Levi; Levite.
This one na the third son of Jacob wey im wife Leah born for-am; them still use this name as the name of one tribe. Na im three sons start the three main groups of the Levites. Sometimes, them de call the whole tribe “Levites,” but sometimes the family of Aaron wey priest come from, no dey part of-am. The tribe of Levi no receive portion of land for the Promise Land but them give them 48 cities for inside the land wey them share for the other tribes.—De 10:8; 1Ch 6:1; Heb 7:11.
This one na different-different kind of grasshopper wey de fly as big group. For the Law of Moses, them be de see locusts as clean food wey person fit chop. If big group of locusts de chop everything as them de go and de destroy plenty things, them de see-am as punishment.—Ex 10:14; Mt 3:4.
Lord Evening Meal.
This one na food wey be bread wey no get yeast together with wine, and na sign of Jesus body and im blood. Them de do the Lord Evening Meal to remember the death of Jesus. Because Bible talk say make Christians continue to do-am, na this one make them still de call-am “Memorial.”—1Co 11:20, 23-26.
This one na small-small stones or small-small wood wey them de use make decision. Them de gather-am put for inside part of cloth wey fold wey person wear or inside container, and then them go shake-am. Na the one wey fall come out or wey them pick, them de choose. Plenty times, them de pray to do this one.—Mt 27:35; Ac 1:26.
This na one area wey dey the north side for Greece. Na the time when Alexander the Great de rule, people come know this area well-well. Macedonia people continue to rule theirself until Rome people win them. Macedonia dey among the place them wey Rome people de rule for the time wey apostle Paul first go Europe. And na three times Paul go Macedonia.—Ac 16:9.
Main Leader.
Main stone.
This one na stone wey them de put for the corner where two walls join for house wey them build; this stone dey important because e de make the walls join and stay together. The main stone wey dey important pass, na the one wey dey the foundation. Plenty times, the one wey them de choose to use for public building and city walls de really strong. The word get another meaning when Bible de talk about when the earth start. And Bible talk about Jesus as “the main stone for the foundation” of the Christian congregation, wey be like house wey God de use im spirit build.—Eph 2:20; Job 38:6.
This one na the main food wey Israel people chop for the 40 years wey them dey wilderness. Na Jehovah give them this food. Jehovah de make-am fall for ground like dew every morning, apart from Sabbath day. The first time wey Israel people see-am, them talk say, “Wetin be this?” or, for Hebrew language, “man huʼ?” (Ex 16:13-15, 35) Jesus still use manna as example when e de explain something.—Joh 6:49, 50.
Media people.
This na people wey come from the family of Madai, wey be Japheth son; them live for the area for Iran wey mountains dey, and na that place come later be the country of Media. Media people be dey Jerusalem for Pentecost 33 C.E.—Ac 2:9.
Them take this word from the Hebrew word wey mean “anointed” or “anointed one.” And the Greek word wey get the same meaning na “Christ.”—Da 9:25; Joh 1:41.
This na word wey them de use to show how place far reach, and na only once them use-am for the first-first copy of the Christian Greek Scriptures, for Matthew 5:41, and e fit be say for that place, e de talk about the Rome people mile wey be the same as 1,479.5 m (4,854 ft). “Mile” still dey for three other place them, wey be Luke 24:13, John 6:19, and John 11:18. But for the first-first copy wey them write for Greek, na stadiums dey there, wey be the olden days word wey de show how something long reach. Na this one them calculate, come change-am to miles.
For the Christian Greek Scriptures, one mina dey equal with 100 drachmas. And e heavy reach 340 g (10.9 oz t).—Lu 19:13.
Ministerial servant.
Na the Greek word di·aʹko·nos, them translate as ministerial servant. And many times them de translate-am as “minister” or “servant.” “Ministerial servant” na person wey de help the body of elders for congregation. To qualify to do this special work, the person must de follow the things wey Bible talk.—1Ti 3:8-10, 12.
This na god wey Ammon people de worship; and e fit be say na im still be Malcam, Milcom, and Molech.—Ac 7:43.
Morning star.
Most Holy.
This na the room wey dey inside-inside for the tabernacle and the temple. Na there them keep the ark of the agreement; them still de call-am the Holy of Holies. As the Law of Moses talk, the only person wey fit enter the Most Holy na the high priest, and na only once every year for Day of Atonement e de enter.—Ex 26:33; Le 16:2, 17; 1Ki 6:16; Heb 9:3.
This na something wey be like gum, wey get better scent, and e de come from the body of different-different kind of chuku-chuku plants or small trees wey them de call Commiphora. Myrrh na one of the things wey them de use make the holy anointing oil. Them de put-am for things like cloths or bed to make them get scent, and them de add-am to oil wey them de use do massage and for body cream. Them de mix-am with wine to make-am catch person or make-am no feel anything. Them still de use myrrh rub dead body, to prepare-am for burial.—Ex 30:23; Pr 7:17; Mr 15:23; Joh 19:39.
This na oil wey get better scent and e cost well-well. E get red color, and them de get-am from one plant wey them de call spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi). That time, because nard cost well-well, many times, people de mix-am with other oil wey no good reach-am, so them de get fake nard sometimes. No wonder Mark and John talk say na “original nard” the woman pour ontop Jesus.—Mr 14:3; Joh 12:3.
Nazarene; Nazareth person.
New moon.
This na the first day of every month for Jew people calendar. Na day wey them de gather together, de chop, and do different-different special sacrifice. Later, e come be the day when the whole nation de do important festival, and people no de work for that day.—Nu 10:10; 2Ch 8:13; Col 2:16.
This na the name of the first month for Jew people holy calendar, and na the seventh month for their normal calendar. Na Abib them first de call-am, but them start to call-am Nisan after them come back from Babylon. The month start from the middle of March go reach the middle of April. (Ne 2:1) Na Nisan 14 Jew people de do Passover, and na that day Jesus Christ start the Lord evening meal. (Lu 22:15, 19, 20) Na that same day them kill-am for the torture pole.—Lu 23:44-46.
Open eye de do bad things with no shame.
This one na from the Greek word a·selʹgei·a and e concern serious bad things wey person de do to break the law of God and wey show say the person really know say wetin e de do bad; this kind character show say the person no get respect for authority and laws, or e de even see them as nothing. This word no de talk about bad thing wey person do wey no serious.—Ga 5:19; 2Pe 2:7.
This na man wey e be say im main work na to put eye for the people for congregation and take care of them. The main meaning of the Greek word e·piʹsko·pos na to put eye for person to make sure say nothing happen to-am. The word “overseer” and “elder” (pre·sbyʹte·ros) de talk about the same work for the Christian congregation. “Elder” na word wey show say the person get the character wey them de use know who don mature, and “overseer” show the kind work wey the person de do.—Ac 20:28; 1Ti 3:2-7; 1Pe 5:2.
Palace Guard.
This na group of soldiers for Rome wey de guard Rome people king. Later, this group come get power well-well, sotey them fit support the king make e continue to rule or comot-am.—Php 1:13.
This na place wey fine well-well, like fine garden. Na Eden be the first place wey be like that, and na Jehovah make-am for Adam and Eve. When Jesus de talk to one of the criminals wey them hang near-am for the torture pole, wetin e talk show say the earth go be paradise. For 2 Corinthians 12:4, e clear say the paradise wey them mention for there, na the one wey de come for front. And for Revelation 2:7, e de talk about paradise for heaven.—Ca 4:13; Lu 23:43.
This na festival wey them de do once every year for the 14th day of the month of Abib (wey them later call Nisan). Them de do-am to remember the time wey God free Israel people from Egypt. When them de do-am, them de kill lamb (or goat) and roast-am. Then, them go chop-am with leaf wey de bitter and bread wey no get yeast.—Ex 12:27; Joh 6:4; 1Co 5:7.
This one na the second festival out of the three big festivals wey all the men wey be Jew must do for Jerusalem. Pentecost mean “Fiftieth (Day).” Them call-am Pentecost for Christian Greek Scriptures, but for Hebrew Scriptures, them call-am Festival of Harvest or Festival of Weeks. When them count from Nisan 16, na the 50th day them de do the festival.—Ex 23:16; 34:22; Ac 2:1.
People wey de follow Epicurus.
Epicurus na one Greek person wey de teach the sense of this world (341-270 B.C.E.). The main thing wey the people wey de follow-am de teach na say the number one reason why person dey this life na to just de enjoy life.—Ac 17:18.
Person wey de do magic.
This na person wey de use power wey come from wicked spirits do things.—Acts 13:6.
People wey de follow Zeno.
This na group of Greek people wey know book well-well, wey believe say if person want happy, e must de think well so that e go understand the law wey de guide the things wey e de see around-am, and follow-am. To them, person wey really get sense, na person wey no care even when e de feel pain or wey no care about enjoyment.—Ac 17:18.
Person wey de use clay mold things.
This na person wey de use clay mold things like pots, plates, and other things like that. Them de use the power wey the person get to do the clay as e like, as example to show say Jehovah get the power to rule people and nations as e like.—Isa 64:8; Ro 9:21.
Person wey join Jew religion.
This na the name wey them de call kings for Egypt. Them mention the name of five pharaohs for Bible (Shishak, So, Tirhakah, Nechoh, and Hophra), but them no mention the names of the other ones, like the ones wey do things well-well with Abraham, Moses, and Joseph.—Ex 15:4; Ro 9:17.
Pharisee people.
This na one group for Jew people religion wey people know well-well for Jesus and apostle their time. Pharisee people no come from priest family, but them de follow the Law reach ground, and na the same way them want make people follow the traditions wey them use mouth teach them. (Mt 23:23) Them no want make people do anything wey come from Greek people culture, and because say them know the Law and Jew people tradition well-well, them get power to control the people as them like. (Mt 23:2-6) Some Pharisee people na members of the Sanhedrin too. Plenty times, them quarrel with Jesus about Sabbath matter, traditions, and say e de do things with sinners and people wey de collect tax. Some of them come later be Christians, and one of them na Saul wey come from Tarsus.—Mt 9:11; 12:14; Mr 7:5; Lu 6:2; Ac 26:5.
This na something wey stand straight, wey them build to hold house. Them use pillars hold the temple and the king house them wey Solomon build. For the Christian Greek Scriptures, them use pillar as example of something wey de support another thing (1Ti 3:15) and something wey im position no go change (Re 3:12).—Jg 16:29; 1Ki 7:21.
Place wey them de make wine.
This na two pits wey them de normally dig for one rock wey them de call limestone. One pit de high pass the other one, and them de put one small hole to connect the two pit. As the people de match the vine fruits for the pit wey dey ontop, the water from the fruits dey flow enter the pit wey dey under. Bible still use the word talk about God judgment.—Re 19:15.
This na pole wey stand straight, wey them de tie person wey them want kill put. For olden days, for some nations, them de use-am kill people, or them go hang dead body of people ontop pole as warning for other people, or to disgrace the person. When Assyria people wey be say them de kill people anyhow, want kill people wey them catch for war, them de use pole wey the mouth sharp take chuk the person for belle, and e go come out for im chest, then, them go hang the person like that. But Jew people law talk say if person do something wey bad well-well, like, to talk against God, or to worship idol, them go first stone-am till e die, or use other way kill-am, before them go hang im dead body for pole, or tree, as warning for other people. (De 21:22, 23; 2Sa 21:6, 9) Sometimes, when Rome people want kill person, them go just tie-am for pole. So the person fit still dey alive for some days, until e go die because of pain, im throat wey dry, hunger, or sun wey de burn-am for body. But sometimes, like e happen when them kill Jesus, them go nail the person hand and leg for pole. (Lu 24:20; Joh 19:14-16; 20:25; Ac 2:23, 36)—Check TORTURE POLE.
This na the name wey them de call the day before the Sabbath, and na this day Jew people de prepare things wey them suppose prepare for Sabbath. The preparation day de end when sun don go down for the day wey be Friday for this our time, and na that time the Sabbath de start. Na from evening go reach another evening be one day for Jew people.—Mr 15:42; Lu 23:54.
Price to free people.
This na price wey them de pay to free people wey be slaves, to free people from punishment, suffer-suffer, sin, or from something wey person suppose do. No be every time them de use money pay this price. (Isa 43:3) E get different-different situations wey people need to pay some price to fit free. For example, na Jehovah get all firstborn boys or firstborn male animals for Israel. This one mean say na only Jehovah work them suppose use them do. But to free them from this one, e get price wey them need to pay. (Nu 3:45, 46; 18:15, 16) And if person wey get bull no put eye for-am well, e come kill person, them go kill the owner. But to fit free imself make them no kill-am, e get price wey e go pay. (Ex 21:29, 30) But e no get any price wey them go pay to free person wey open eye kill another person. (Nu 35:31) The price wey important pass wey Bible talk say them pay to free people, na the one wey Christ pay as e die to free people wey obey God from sin and death.—Ps 49:7, 8; Mt 20:28; Eph 1:7.
This one na man wey de represent God for the people wey e de work as priest for. E de teach them about God and im laws. Priests still de do work of middleman between God and people. Them de do sacrifice for the people, and de beg God to forgive the people. Before God give Israel people the Law, na papa de do priest work for im family. When them start to follow the Law of Moses, na the men from the tribe of Levi wey come from the family of Aaron, come be priests. The other men from the tribe of Levi de help them. When the new agreement start, the Israel of God come be priests, and na Jesus Christ be High Priest.—Ex 28:41; Heb 9:24; Re 5:10.
Proconsul; Governor.
This one na the main governor wey de rule one of the areas wey the Senate for Rome de control. E get the power to judge people and control army for im area. Na true say people for the Senate get the power to check how e de rule, but na im still be oga kpatakpata for the area wey e de rule.—Ac 13:7; 18:12.
This na special promise wey person make to God say e go do something, do offering or give gift, say e go start to do some kind work, or say e no go do some things, even though say e no bad to do those things. This kind promise really dey serious, like wetin person swear put.—Mt 5:33.
This one na message wey come from God. E fit be message wey God use show person wetin e want or the one wey e tell person to announce. Prophecy fit be message to teach people how God want make them live their life, commandment or judgment wey come from God, or to tell people wetin go happen for future.—Mt 13:14; 2Pe 1:20, 21.
This one na person wey de do sex wey no clean, especially to get money. (The Greek word porʹne, wey them translate as “prostitute,” come from one word wey mean “to sell something.”) Na woman them de normally use this word for, even though say Bible still talk about men wey be prostitute. For the Law wey Jehovah give Israel people, e talk say make nobody be prostitute. And if anybody use the money wey e get from prostitute work as contribution for Jehovah temple, Jehovah no go accept-am. But people wey de worship idols de do opposite. Them de use people wey be prostitute for their temple to make money. (De 23:17, 18; 1Ki 14:24) Bible still call some people, nations, or group of people, prostitute because them de claim say them de worship God but them de put hand for idol worship. For example, the book of Revelation call “Babylon the Great” prostitute because e de claim say e de worship God but e de join hand with people wey de rule for the world so that e go get power and money.—Re 17:1-5; 18:3; 1Ch 5:25.
This one na wetin person talk wey really make sense, or short story wey de teach person better lesson with just small words. Bible Proverb fit get deep meaning and fit hard to understand. Proverb de use plain language talk something wey be truth, but plenty times, e no de talk-am direct. Some proverbs come later be wetin people de talk when them want laugh some kind people or to show say them no be anything.—Ec 12:9; 2Pe 2:22.
This na song wey them de use praise God. Them de use the words wey dey inside Psalms form music and people wey de worship Jehovah de sing them, even when them gather for im temple for Jerusalem to worship-am.—Lu 20:42; Ac 13:33; 1 Co 14:26.
Put hand ontop.
This na when person wey don die, come back to life. The Greek word a·naʹsta·sis mean “to make person stand up.” Bible talk about nine people wey them resurrect, and one of them na Jesus wey Jehovah resurrect. Na true say na Elijah, Elisha, Jesus, Peter, and Paul, resurrect the other people, but e clear say na God give them the power to do-am. The “people wey do the correct thing for God eye and people wey no do the correct thing for God eye” wey God go resurrect for this earth, na important part of wetin go make the thing wey God want happen. (Ac 24:15) Bible still talk about people wey go resurrect go heaven, and na this one be “the first” or “early” resurrection, and na people wey God don choose with im spirit to rule with Jesus, go get this kind resurrection.—Php 3:11; Re 20:5, 6; Joh 5:28, 29; 11:25.
This rod na the one wey person wey de rule de carry, wey show say e get authority to rule as king.—Ge 49:10; Heb 1:8.
Rulers for the city.
For the cities wey Rome people de rule, na the rulers for the city de make sure say peace dey, na them de control money matter, judge people wey break law, and na them de talk say make them punish person.—Ac 16:20.
This word come from the Hebrew word wey mean “to rest; to stop work.” Na the seventh day for Jew people their week (from Friday evening go reach Saturday evening). Other days wey them still call sabbath na some of the days wey them de do festival every year, plus the 7th and 50th year. For Sabbath day, them no de do any work, apart from the work wey the priest them de do for temple. Any year wey be Sabbath year, them no de plant anything for farm and no Israel person fit hold another Israel person wey de owe-am, to force-am make e pay. The things wey them write for the Law about Sabbath dey easy for person to do, but na small-small the leaders for religion that time start to add other things join. Na im make, e come hard people for Jesus time to fit follow the Sabbath law.—Ex 20:8; Le 25:4; Lu 13:14-16; Col 2:16.
This one na strong cloth wey them de use make sack bags or other bags, like the ones wey them de put rice inside. Na the hair of black goat them de normally use make-am, and when people de mourn that time, na im them de wear.—Ge 37:34; Lu 10:13.
This na wetin person give God to thank-am, or to show say e don do bad thing, and to get better friendship with-am again. From the time wey Abel do sacrifice, people don use their own mind do different-different kind of sacrifice, and na animals some of them use. But from the time wey God use Moses give Israel people the Law and make agreement with them, to do sacrifice come be must. Then, after Jesus don give im life as sacrifice, people no come need to use animal do sacrifice. But Christians still de do things wey be like sacrifice as them de worship God.—Ge 4:4; Heb 13:15, 16; 1Jo 4:10.
Sadducee people.
This na one group for Jew people religion wey people know well-well. The people wey dey this group of religion na big-big men wey get money, wey be priests, and them get power well-well to control the things wey people de do for temple. Them no gree follow those plenty traditions and other beliefs wey Pharisee people de follow. Sadducee people no believe say people wey don die fit come back to life, or say angels dey. And them no like Jesus at all.—Mt 16:1; Ac 23:8.
This na the capital city of the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel for about 200 years, and na im still be the name of all that area. Them build the city ontop one mountain wey im name na Samaria. For Jesus time, Samaria na the name of one area wey dey the middle of Galilee and Judea. Galilee dey north side, and Judea dey south side. Jesus no de normally gree preach for that area when e de travel, but sometimes e pass inside-am and preach give some people wey de live for there. Peter use the second key of the Kingdom for the time wey the Samaritan people receive holy spirit.—1Ki 16:24; Joh 4:7; Ac 8:14.
Samaritan people.
Before, na Israel people wey be dey the ten-tribe kingdom for north side, them de call this name. But after Assyrian people don win Samaria for 740 B.C.E., them come bring people from other place them to stay for there, and na this name them de call them too. For Jesus time, when them mention this name, people no de think about one tribe or group for politics. Instead, them de normally use-am call the people wey dey one religion wey be dey around the area wey them de call Shechem and Samaria for olden days. Some things wey people for this religion believe dey different from the ones wey people for Jew religion believe.—Joh 8:48.
This one na Jew people high court for Jerusalem. For Jesus time, na 71 members e get. The people wey be part of the Sanhedrin na, the high priest, other people wey be high priest before, people wey come from families wey them de choose high priest, elders, people wey be head of tribe and family, and scribes.—Mr 15:1; Ac 5:34; 23:1, 6.
This na person wey de write the things wey dey the Hebrew Scriptures from one place put for another place. For Jesus time, them de use this name call one group of men wey sabi the Law well-well. This people no like Jesus at all.—Ezr 7:6, ftn.; Mr 12:38, 39; 14:1.
This one na long paper wey them make with animal skin or papyrus. Na one side of-am them de write things put, and them de roll-am round stick. Na scrolls them write the Word of God put, and na still scrolls them later copy them put. For the time wey them write Bible, na scrolls be like book wey people de normally write things put.—Lu 4:17-20; 2Ti 4:13.
Scroll wey them make with animal skin.
This na wetin them de write things put, and na the skin of sheep, goat, or small cow them de use make-am. E de last pass papyrus, and na im them use make the scrolls wey them use write Bible. E fit be say the scrolls wey them make with animal skin, wey Paul talk say make Timothy bring na some parts of the Hebrew Scriptures. Na animal skin them use make some of the scrolls wey them see for the Dead Sea.—2Ti 4:13.
Seal; Stamp.
This na wetin them de use put mark for something (normally na ontop clay or something wey be like candle wey don melt) to show who get-am, to show say na original, or as way to sign agreement. And if them seal documents, or other things like doors or even grave, this one fit make people no touch-am or near-am. For olden days, na something wey strong (like stone, ivory, or wood) them de use make seal, and the things wey them write put for the seal or the design wey e get, de dey upside down. Bible still use seal to talk about something wey them don stamp as original, or mark wey show the person wey get something, or something wey them hide or wey be secret.—Joh 6:27; Eph 1:13; Re 5:1; 9:4.
Sex wey no clean.
This word come from the Greek word wey be por·neiʹa, and for Bible, e mean different-different kind of sex matter wey God hate. Example of this kind sex na, person wey don marry wey sleep with another person, person wey be prostitute, people wey no marry wey sleep with each other, man wey sleep with man, or woman wey sleep with woman, and people wey sleep with animal. For the book of Revelation, Bible talk say “Babylon the Great,” wey be all the lie-lie religion for the world, de put hand for sex wey no clean. This na because e de join hand with people wey de rule for the world so that e go get power and money. (Re 14:8; 17:2; 18:3; Mt 5:32; Ac 15:29; Ga 5:19)—Check PROSTITUTE.
Sin offering.
This na sacrifice wey them de do for sin wey person do by mistake because of sin wey full our body. Na different-different animals them de use do this sacrifice. Na the position wey the person wey sin get or how things be for-am, na im them go use decide the kind animal wey e go bring. The animal fit big, like bull, or even small like pigeon.—Le 4:27, 29; Heb 10:8.
Solomon Veranda.
This na one place for the temple for Jesus time. Na place wey them cover with roof, wey people de pass, and e dey the east side of the first open area for the temple. Plenty people talk say this na part of the place wey remain for Solomon temple. Jesus waka for there for “cold season,” and the first-first Christians be de gather for there to worship God.—Joh 10:22, 23; Ac 5:12.
Something wey no dey clean.
Son of David.
Son of man.
Na about 80 times this word dey for the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Na Jesus Christ be Son of man, and this word show say them really born-am for this earth, no be spirit wey change im body to person own. This word still show say na Jesus be the person wey go make wetin dey Daniel 7:13, 14 happen. For Hebrew Scriptures, them call Ezekiel and Daniel this name, and this one show say this men wey talk the message of God different from God wey give them the message.—Eze 3:17; Da 8:17; Mt 19:28; 20:28.
Sorrow; To mourn.
This na wetin person de do to show say e de really pain-am say person die, or say another bad thing happen. For Bible time, e get the number of days wey people de mourn. People wey de mourn de cry well-well. Them still de wear special cloths, put ashes for their head, tear their cloths, and nack their chest. Sometimes them de pay people money to come cry well-well when them de bury person.—Es 4:3; Mt 11:17; Mr 5:38; Joh 11:33; Re 21:4.
This na the translation of the Hebrew word neʹphesh and the Greek word psy·kheʹ. When we look the way Bible use this words, e clear say wetin them mean na (1) people, (2) animals, or (3) person or animal life. (Ge 1:20; 2:7; Nu 31:28; 1Pe 3:20; check ftns too.) Wetin many religions talk say “soul” mean dey different from wetin Bible talk. Bible show say when neʹphesh and psy·kheʹ de talk about things wey God create for this earth, them mean something wey we fit hold, see, and wey fit die. For many place for this Bible, them translate this words according to wetin them mean for where them appear. So them translate-am as “life,” “thing wey God make,” “person,” “person whole life,” or just “I,” instead of “my soul.” But many times, them put “soul” for footnote. So when them use the word “soul” for the main Bible or footnote, e mean any of those things wey we talk for up. When Bible talk say make person do something with all im soul, e mean say e go do-am with all im heart, or with all im life. (De 6:5; Mt 22:37) For some place, Bible fit use this neʹphesh and psy·kheʹ to talk about the thing wey person or animal want. Them fit still mean person wey don die or dead body.—Nu 6:6; Pr 23:2; Isa 56:11; Hag 2:13.
Special favor.
The main meaning of the Greek word na, something wey good and fine well-well. Many times, them de use-am talk about better gift, or the better mind wey person take give gift. When Bible use the word talk about the special favor of God, e mean the free gift wey God give people because e get open-hand, and e no de expect say them go pay-am back. So this one de show how God de use all im heart give people, and e still show the big love and better mind wey e get for people. Them still use other words like “favor” and ‘gift wey person give from im heart’ take translate the Greek word. No be say them de give person this gift because of how e work reach, or say e get the right to get-am. Instead, na because the person wey give-am the gift get open-hand well-well.—2Co 6:1; Eph 1:7.
The Hebrew word ruʹach and the Greek word pneuʹma, wey them de translate as “spirit,” get different-different meaning. But all the meaning still de talk about something wey people no fit see, but wey them fit see the things wey e de do. Them de use the Hebrew and Greek word for spirit take talk about (1) breeze, (2) the breath of life wey dey the things wey God make for this earth, (3) the thing wey de move person to talk or do things the way e de do, (4) message them wey be like say them come from spirits, (5) God, angels, and demons, and (6) the power wey God de use do things, or holy spirit.—Ex 35:21; Ps 104:29; Mt 12:43; Lu 11:13.
This na wetin person talk to show say something na true, or special promise wey person make say e go do something or e no go do-am. Plenty times, na promise wey person de make to person wey high pass-am, especially to God. Jehovah swear to prove say e go really keep the agreement wey e make with Abraham.—Ge 14:22; Heb 6:16, 17.
The meaning of this word na “to bring people together; to gather together,” but for plenty place for Bible, them use-am talk about the building or place where Jew people de gather to read God word, listen to instruction, to preach, and to pray. For Jesus time, each town for Israel wey people plenty small de get synagogue, and the big-big cities de get pass one.—Lu 4:16; Ac 13:14, 15.
Syria; Syria people.
For Christian Greek Scriptures, Syria na one of the areas wey Rome people de rule, and na Antioch be the capital. Plenty part of the area wey them call Syria (wey them still call Aram) for Hebrew Scriptures, still be part of this one wey Rome people de rule. Na the governor of Syria de take care of the whole Palestine too.—Lu 2:2; Ac 18:18; Gal 1:21.
This na two big areas wey be part of sea for Libya, for North Africa, but wey the water no deep. Sailors for olden days de fear this place well-well, because the water wey de move up and down de always make the plenty sand wey dey there change position.—Ac 27:17.
System(s) of things; World.
This one na the translation for the Greek word ai·onʹ when e de talk about the condition of things wey make one period of time different from another one. When Bible de talk about the way things be for the world and the way people de live their life, e use the word, “world of our time.” (2Ti 4:10) When God use the Law of Moses make agreement with Israel people, this one start one period of time wey some people fit call Israel people or Jew people their time. When Jesus use im life do sacrifice, Jehovah use-am start another period of time, and the people wey start-am na the anointed Christians. Na this one come start one new period of time, wey show the real thing wey the Law agreement stand for. When the word dey for plural, e mean different-different period of time, or different-different conditions, wey be don dey or wey de come for front.—Mt 24:3; Mr 4:19; Ro 12:2; 1Co 10:11.
For all the things wey Hebrew people de use measure how something heavy reach and how money plenty reach, na talent big pass. One talent de heavy reach 34.2 kg (75.5 lb; 91.75 lb t; 1,101 oz t). Greek people talent small pass this one. E heavy reach about 20.4 kg (44.8 lb; 54.5 lb t; 654 oz t).—1Ch 22:14; Mt 18:24.
For Christian Greek Scriptures, this word mean condition wey be like prison, and na there God throw the angels wey no obey-am for Noah time. As 2 Peter 2:4 use the word tar·ta·roʹo (wey be to “throw inside Tartarus”), e no mean say God throw “the angels wey sin” inside one place wey people wey de worship idols de call Tartarus (wey them talk say na, prison wey dey inside ground wey darkness full-am, and wey small-small gods de stay). Instead, e mean say God comot them from heaven and collect the different-different position wey them be get, e come make their mind dark well-well so that them no go fit know anything wey concern the better-better things wey God want do. The darkness still show wetin go happen to them last-last, because the Word of God show say God go destroy them with Satan the Devil, wey be their ruler. So Tartarus de show say na the worse condition of disgrace God put this angels wey disobey. Tartarus no be the same thing with “the abyss” wey Bible talk about for Revelation 20:1-3.
The permanent building for Jerusalem wey Israel people de go worship God, and na this building replace the tabernacle, wey them be de carry from place to place. Na Solomon build the first temple and na Babylon people destroy-am. Zerubbabel come build the second one, after them don free Israel people from Babylon. Herod the Great come still build-am again. Sometimes, Bible call-am the “house.”—Mt 21:13; Lu 11:51; 1Ch 29:1; 2Ch 2:4; Mt 24:1.
Tenth part (tithe).
This na wetin person get wey e divide into ten part, e come use one part do gift or do contribution, especially for religion matter. (Mal 3:10; De 26:12; Mt 23:23; Heb 7:5) The Law of Moses talk say every year, to support Levi people, make Israel people de give them the tenth part of wetin their land produce and the tenth part of their animals, as the animals de plenty more-more. Levi people go still give the tenth part of wetin the people give them, to the priests wey come from the family of Aaron, to support them. E still get some other tithes wey Israel people de pay. Bible no talk say Christians must pay tithe.
The cover of the ark.
This one na the cover of the ark of the agreement, wey the priest de stand for the front to sprinkle the blood of the animal wey them use do sin offerings for Atonement Day. The Hebrew word for “cover” come from one word wey mean “to cover (sin)” or e fit be “to clean (sin) comot.” Them make-am with correct gold. Them still make two cherubs ontop-am, one for one side and the other one for the other side. Sometimes, na just “the cover,” them de call-am.—Ex 25:17-22; 1Ch 28:11; Heb 9:5.
The wicked person.
Time when the system of things don de end.
Na the period of time wey dey just before the end of the world, or the end of things wey Satan de control. This time na the same period of time wey Bible talk say Christ go dey around. Jesus go direct the angels make them “separate wicked people from righteous people” and destroy the wicked people. (Mt 13:40-42, 49) The disciples of Jesus be really want know about that time when the system of things don de end, or the “last days.” (Mt 24:3) Before Jesus go back to heaven, e promise im disciples say e go dey with them go reach that time.—Mt 28:20.
To do things with demons.
This one na wetin people de do because them believe say when person die, something dey im body wey no de die, and say the people wey don die fit talk and de talk with people wey dey alive. Them believe say plenty times, the people wey don die de use person (or something) wey them de control take talk with people. The Greek word na phar·ma·kiʹa, and e mean “to use drugs.” Them come de use-am talk about to do things with demons, because for olden days, them de use medicine when them want call demons to give them power to do magic.—Ga 5:20; Re 21:8.
To repent.
For Bible, to repent mean say person go change im mind, and e go regret the bad life wey e don live before, the bad things wey e do, or the things wey e suppose do, wey e no do. When person don really repent, e de do things wey de show-am. E de comot hand from the bad things wey e de do before.—Mt 3:8; Ac 3:19; 2Pe 3:9.
To separate grain from plant; Place wey them de separate grain from plant.
To remove the grain from the plant, them go spread the plants for ground, person go come de use rod nack the plants. If the ones wey them want comot plenty, them go use something like big wide plank or something wey get tire, wey animal de drag. The animal de drag-am ontop the plants wey them spread for ground so that the grains go de separate from the plant. The place wey them de separate grain from plant na area wey round, and the ground dey flat. The area de high, so that breeze go de blow for there well-well.—Le 26:5; Isa 41:15; Mt 3:12.
Torture Pole.
This na the translation of the Greek word stau·rosʹ, wey mean pole wey stand straight, like the one wey them nail Jesus put. E no get anything wey show say the meaning of the Greek word na cross, like the one wey people wey de worship idols use for their worship for many-many years before Jesus time. Na “Torture pole” bring out the correct meaning of the Greek word, since Bible still use the word stau·rosʹ take show the kind torture, suffer, and shame wey Jesus disciples go face. (Mt 16:24; Heb 12:2)—Check POLE.
Tree of life.
This na one tree for the garden of Eden. Bible no talk say the fruit for the tree de give person life; instead, the tree de show say, God go surely give people wey e allow to chop the fruit of the tree, life wey no go end. For the book of Revelation, e stand for the things wey go come from God wey go make people continue to get life.—Ge 2:9; 3:22; Re 2:7; 22:19.
This one na wetin them use iron make, wey them de use mouth blow. Them de use-am announce something, and them de use-am play music. Many times, them de blow trumpets when them de announce Jehovah judgment message them, or other important things wey God talk say go happen.—1Co 15:52; Re 8:7–11:15.
Turn against true worship (Apostasy).
The main meaning of the Greek word (a·po·sta·siʹa) wey them translate as “turn against true worship,” come from one word wey mean “to comot from.” This one na “to leave something, to abandon something, or to dey against something.” The main way wey them use this word “apostasy” for Christian Greek Scriptures, na to talk about people wey leave true worship.—Pr 11:9; Ac 21:21; 2Th 2:3.
This one na person wey de guard people or place, especially for night, so that bad thing no go happen to them. And when e see danger, e fit blow alarm. Watchmen de normally dey ontop the walls of city and inside tall house them, so that them go from far place see people wey de come. Them de call soldier wey be watchman, guard or sentry.—Mt 27:65; 28:4.
Way; The Way.
This na word wey Bible de use talk about character or the way person de do things, wey Jehovah like or hate. For Bible, when people de talk about the disciples of Jesus Christ, them say them be people wey de follow “The Way,” that one mean say, the way them de live their life show say them put faith for Jesus Christ, and de follow im example.—Ac 19:9.
Wey No Get Yeast.
Wine bag wey them use animal skin make.
Na the skin of animals, like goat or sheep, them de use make this bag or bottle wey them de put wine inside. Na inside new wine bags them de put wine. This na because as the wine de sour, e de bring out one gas wey them de call carbon dioxide, wey fit burst the bag or bottle. New bag fit swell, but e no go burst; but if na old bag, e go just burst.—Jos 9:4; Mt 9:17.
Wine offering.
Them de pour this offering ontop the altar and them de give-am together with plenty other offerings. Paul use-am for another way to mean say e ready to use imself help im Christian brothers and sisters.—Nu 15:5, 7; Php 2:17.
This one na something wey them de add to flour wey them don mix to make-am rise, or to liquid to make-am sour; especially part of flour wey them don mix with yeast and wey them take from another one wey them don already mix keep. Many times, Bible de use the word to mean sin and something wey de rotten, and to show say something de hide grow and de spread.—Ex 12:20; Mt 13:33; Ga 5:9.
This one na long wood or pole wey people de put for shoulder, them go come put load for the two sides. E still mean wood or iron wey them put for the neck of two animals (wey dey normally be cow) wey them tie together to drag wetin them de use work for farm, or wagon. Because say slaves de normally use yoke carry heavy load, Bible talk about-am as something wey mean to be slave or to dey under another person. E still use-am as example of person wey them de oppress, or suffer-suffer. To comot yoke or to break-am mean, to free people wey be slaves, wey them de oppress, and wey them de cheat.—Le 26:13; Mt 11:29, 30.
This one na the god wey high pass among the gods wey Greek people de worship. For Lystra, people be de think say Barnabas na Zeus. Some olden day things wey them write, wey them see near Lystra mention “Zeus priests” and “Zeus wey be the sun-god.” The ship wey Paul enter from the island of Malta, get one sign wey talk say, “Sons of Zeus,” wey their name be, Castor and Pollux, and them be twins.—Ac 14:12; 28:11.
Zion; Mount Zion.
This one na the name of the strong city of Jebus people, and e be dey ontop hill wey dey the east side for Jerusalem. After David don take over the city, e build im king house for there, wey them later call “the City of David.” (2Sa 5:7, 9) When David carry the Ark go Zion, the mountain come be holy mountain for Jehovah. Later, them come de call the area ontop Mount Moriah wey them build the temple, Zion. And sometimes, na so them de call the whole city of Jerusalem. When them mention Zion for Christian Greek Scriptures, plenty times, e de stand for something.—Ps 2:6; 1Pe 2:6; Re 14:1.