4 So I, the prisoner in the Lord, urge you to walk in a fashion worthy of the call that was given you, 2 with all humility and meekness, patiently putting up with each other in love, 3* making a point of safeguarding the oneness of the Spirit in the tie of peace. 4* One body and one Spirit, as you were called in one hope too that belongs to your call; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, he who is over all and among all and in all. 7* But each one of us had grace given him in the measure of the Christ’s gift; 8 which is why it says “he went up on high, brought a train of captives, gave presents to men.” 9* And what does “went up” mean if not that he also came down to the lower parts, of the earth? 10 He who came down, he is the one also who went up clear above all the heavens so that he should fill everything; 11 and he gave some to be apostles and some to be prophets and some to be preachers of the gospel and some to be pastors and teachers 12 for the sound training of God’s people, for the work of service for the upbuilding of the Christ’s body, 13 until all of us attain to the oneness of the faith and of awareness of the Son of God, to a grown-up man to the measure of the adulthood of the fullness of the Christ, 14* in order that we may no longer be infants, tossed and driven about by every wind of doctrine in men’s jugglery of tricks governed by the devices of error, 15 but, telling truth in love, may every way grow up into him, him who is the head, Christ, 16* out of whom all the body, fitted together and conjoined by every joint which connects the supply, in accordance with the working of each individual part in measure, produces the growth of the body to its self-upbuilding in love.
17 So this I say and protest in the Lord, that you are no longer to go the same way as the heathen do in their fatuousness of mind, 18 darkened in their thinking as they are, cut off by unrelation from God’s life because of the ignorance they have in them because of their lumpish-heartedness—men who, 19* having lost all sensitiveness, have given themselves up to indecency to work at every sort of foulness as a competitive business. 20 But it was not in that fashion that you learned the Christ; 21* not if you heard of him and were taught in him as is truth in Jesus, 22* that as regards your former way of life you are to throw off the old man who is going bad along the line of the desires he is fooled into, 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind 24 and put on the new man who along God’s line has been created in the righteousness and godliness of truth.
25 For which reason, laying aside falsehood, each speak truth with his neighbor, because we are organs of each other; 26 “be angry and do not sin,” let the sun not go down on your exasperation, 27 and do not give the Devil a chance; 28* let him who has been stealing no longer steal but rather labor, putting his hands to work at what is good, in order to have something he can share with the one who is in need; 29* let no foul talk go out of your mouths, but any that is good, tending to the required upbuilding, to impart grace to the hearers, 30 and do not grieve God’s Holy Spirit in which you have had the seal set on you to be ready for the day of redemption; 31 let all crossness and passionateness and anger and loud and abusive language be cleared away from you, with all viciousness, 32 and be kind to each other, good-hearted, mutually making allowances in the same way as God in Christ showed grace to you.