(See also Adoption; Babies; Childbearing; Child Training; Families; Juvenile Delinquency; Orphans; Parents; Sons of God; Youths)
(Note centered heading below: Quotations)
2,000 years ago: g57 3/8 28
abandoned: w85 1/15 12; g84 4/22 5
by Nazis: w85 9/1 12-13
by parents: g84 4/22 5-6, 10
by strangers: g84 4/22 6, 10
preventing: g84 4/22 6-10
accidents: g78 7/8 30
bicycle riding and crossing streets: g78 1/8 29
burns from hot tap water: g77 12/22 29
choking on hot dogs: g85 1/22 31
guns: g83 12/8 31; g72 2/22 29; g65 7/8 3-4; g65 11/22 31; g62 4/8 15; g61 8/22 30
playing with matches: g61 5/8 29-30
poisonings: g71 5/8 29; g71 12/8 31; g70 2/8 29; g70 3/8 24; g69 5/8 30; g69 8/8 10-11; g65 12/8 19; g62 1/8 31; g62 5/8 25; g61 11/22 7
safeguarding: g69 8/8 8-11; g69 9/22 16-19; g67 9/8 30
skateboards: g78 2/22 31
statistics: g85 4/8 31; g72 2/22 29; g69 8/8 8; g63 9/8 18-19
surviving “drowning”: g84 6/8 30-31; g77 10/22 29; g75 8/22 31
adoption: g74 8/8 28; w72 363-364; w66 415-416; w56 511
adult “children”:
not spoiling them with many gifts: g80 6/8 14
Africa: g71 10/22 8; w70 732-735
who survive: w72 51-52, 633-634; w71 63-64; w65 175-176; w63 640; w62 494-495; w60 55; g60 10/22 27-28; sr55 215; w52 43, 350-351; w51 286-288; w50 463; w38 133, 313
associations: w85 8/15 19; g85 12/22 30; g79 12/22 11; fl 154-155, 159; w74 93; w74 271-272; qm 258-259; ms 76-77; w64 139-141, 274; w62 460-461, 491-492; w60 406; w57 676; qm55 258-259
automobile travel:
conduct improved with seat belts on: g85 9/8 30
rear seat safer: g76 11/8 29; g72 2/22 29
restraint seats: g85 7/8 6-8
baby-sitters: g71 3/22 30
baptism: g74 3/22 27-28; w72 511-512; ad 187-188; w68 85; qm 295; g66 9/22 27-29; w65 473; w62 330; g62 4/22 5; w61 37-40, 284; w60 298, 304, 763; g57 2/22 7; w56 309; g56 6/22 25-26; w55 411-412; qm55 295; g55 2/22 19; g55 8/22 25; g40 8/21 22; g37 10/6 11
Southern Baptist: g78 8/8 30
beggars: g80 4/8 29
belief in God: g76 9/22 6-9; w73 553-556, 559-563; w69 625; g64 7/8 31
England: g78 5/22 30
Italy: g78 5/8 30
beliefs regarding Jesus Christ: w84 1/1 31
Bible illiteracy: w84 1/1 31
Bible Stories book:
appreciation for cassette recordings: w85 1/15 32
use in training children: w81 4/1 28
Bible studies: tr 174, 176-177; km 2/78 2; gh 170-171; g74 2/8 9; w73 559-563; km 1/72 7-8; km 5/71 3; g69 6/8 6-7; w68 110-113, 166; qm 213-214; w64 139; w62 458-459; w61 174, 324; w58 534; qm55 213-214; w52 382-383
clergy view regarding teaching Bible to: w81 12/1 15
family Bible study: km 7/82 1, 3; w75 436-437; w71 104-107
how to report: km 6/83 4
with children in divided homes: km 1/80 3; w77 563
with nonbaptized minor children of dedicated Christians: km 6/83 4
with one’s own children: km 11/84 3
boredom: yy 67-72
born sinful: w72 359-360
Caesar’s laws: te 136-138
changes between generations of: g84 1/8 29; g73 3/8 30
cheerleader and homecoming queen: sj 23-24
child abuse: g83 5/22 14-15; g80 4/22 6; g79 5/8 8-9; g76 7/22 5-11; w75 327; g73 1/22 30; g73 9/8 29-30; w69 515; g68 11/8 30-31; w65 260; g65 1/8 30; g64 10/8 30; g63 4/8 13-16; g62 8/8 30; g62 9/8 29
Germany, Federal Republic of (West): g84 9/8 29
Italy: g84 11/22 30
sexual: g85 1/22 3-10; g85 7/22 26-28; w84 9/15 21; w83 10/1 27; g83 11/22 5-6; g82 6/22 5-12; g77 3/8 30; g67 10/22 29
United States: w84 1/15 24; w84 10/1 7; w84 11/1 3
childbirth by: g70 6/8 3-4
child helps mother deliver baby: g77 12/8 30
child labor: g55 6/22 15; g45 12/5 25; g43 9/29 4, 21; g42 12/9 4; g31 3/18 394-395; g31 11/11 84-85
India: g83 8/8 30
child molesting: g85 1/22 3-10; g85 7/22 26-28; g82 6/22 5-12
“children of God” (Ro 8:21): w85 12/1 18
“children of light” (Eph 5:8): w79 6/1 6-15; w76 308-314
child tyrants: g76 2/8 3-5
China: g80 3/8 29-30
effect of policy of one child per family: g83 4/8 30
good behavior of Chinese children: g81 4/22 29-30
church-run child-care agencies: g79 6/8 30
clergy view regarding teaching Bible to: w81 12/1 15
clothing: g72 1/8 26
communication: g80 1/22 18-19; w79 4/1 3-4
discussion: fl 146-160
when disciplining: fl 140-143, 155-157
with parents: w85 3/15 27; w85 8/15 22-23; g85 1/8 6, 8, 10; g85 1/22 17; g85 12/22 15-17; g83 5/22 17-19; g83 7/8 17-18; km 12/81 1, 3; fl 147-148; g76 1/8 29; w75 156; w72 110
at meetings: km 9/81 1, 4; w69 336-337; w67 278; w64 349-350; g62 12/22 4; w61 365
in automobiles: g85 9/8 30
in school: te 137-138; w64 378-382, 533-538
manners: g84 9/22 21-23; w78 9/15 19; w74 440
of Christian: w78 9/15 19; w76 600
reasons for growing unsocial behavior: g85 7/22 28
why they act the way they do: g81 4/8 4-8
confirmation: w71 170-171
coping with difficult home life: g85 5/22 11-13
cosmetics: g68 11/8 30
cost of rearing: g84 1/8 31; g82 3/8 29-30; g79 3/22 31; g74 10/8 30
Australia: g85 6/22 31
custody cases: g68 3/8 21-24; g68 7/8 12-16; g67 5/22 7; g67 8/8 29; g67 9/22 3-10; g66 1/8 29; yb63 69; g63 7/22 8-15; yb62 74, 105; g62 7/22 30; bd 51-55; g60 11/8 21; g59 3/22 25; g55 8/22 19; g52 1/22 16, 19; g52 10/8 7-8; g51 5/22 3-8, 28; g51 10/22 3-4; g45 12/5 26-28; g41 6/11 20-24
court decisions on divorce and child custody: km 7/81 4
judges not to determine matter on basis of religion: g79 3/22 29-30
dating: sj 24; w79 4/1 30
deaths: w74 132; g74 12/8 9; g72 6/8 5-6; g71 12/8 27-28; g56 6/22 25-26; g55 8/22 25-26; s 331-336; ff 53; af 25-26
from hunger: g84 9/22 29
what a parent feels: g85 4/22 6-7; g85 12/22 28
worldwide per day: g84 4/22 29
dedication: w64 202-203; w62 330; w55 14
delinquency: g81 4/22 30; g79 4/22 30; g79 6/8 31; w76 626; g76 5/8 30; g76 10/22 29; w75 37; w75 439; g75 11/22 5; g74 2/8 4-6; w73 552-553, 558-559; g73 11/22 30; g72 5/22 30; g72 7/8 31; g71 1/22 23; g71 9/8 29; g71 12/8 30; g69 2/22 3-15; g69 7/22 10; g69 10/22 30; w68 82-83, 87-89, 163, 292; g68 1/8 5, 8, 23, 29; g68 3/22 12-13; g68 4/8 29-30; g68 8/8 30-31; g68 10/22 4; g68 12/22 3; w67 99; g67 2/22 10-11, 13; g67 7/22 3-4, 30; g67 8/8 27-28; g67 8/22 3-4; g67 10/22 3-8, 11; g67 11/22 29; g66 1/22 16-17; g66 3/22 29; g66 10/22 5; g66 12/8 30; g65 1/22 31; g65 8/8 3; g64 3/22 8-12; g64 8/8 5; g64 8/22 16, 30; g64 10/8 30; g64 11/22 29-30; w63 155-156, 489-490; g63 1/22 30; g63 2/22 29-30; g63 7/22 4, 7; g63 8/22 4; g63 11/8 6-7; g63 12/22 11-12; w62 249, 464, 581-584; g62 1/22 30; g62 7/8 30; g62 8/22 29; g62 12/22 30; w61 323, 327; ns 167-168; g61 7/8 29; w60 80; g60 6/8 21-23; w59 227; g59 12/22 12-16; w58 351; pa 184; w57 11, 84; g56 5/8 5-8; g56 10/22 16; g56 11/22 13-15; g55 1/8 7; w54 48-49, 59-60; g54 2/8 10-11; g54 10/8 13-15; w53 446; g52 7/22 5-7; g50 10/8 9-11; g45 2/14 6-9; g43 2/17 19-20; g37 6/30 621; g31 3/18 390-393
“12 rules for raising delinquent children”: w85 3/15 27
bank robbery: g82 6/8 30; g79 12/8 30
behavior profile: g85 8/8 8
China: g80 3/8 29-30
contributing factors: w85 2/15 26; w84 2/15 7; g80 9/22 3; g77 7/8 29
crime: w85 3/15 25
father not necessarily at fault: km 7/75 3
Japan: g83 6/22 30
mother teaches four-year-old to smoke marijuana: g80 5/8 30
mugging of an elderly woman in England: g83 5/8 31
murder: g72 12/8 30
preventing: w82 1/15 14-15; g80 5/22 3-4; g80 9/22 4
robbery: g82 6/8 30; g80 5/8 30
South Africa: g83 10/8 30
vandalism: g80 12/22 29; g74 8/22 3-6
desire for independence: fl 151-155; w75 61
discipline: w85 8/15 25; w82 4/15 28-29; km 9/81 1, 4; w80 2/1 29; hp 94-95; w79 4/1 4; g79 12/22 6-7; w78 5/1 32; fl 131-145, 155-157; w77 551-552; g77 11/8 5; gh 166-167; yy 92-96; g61 7/22 5-8; g60 12/8 12-15
communication during: fl 140-143, 155-157
danger of shaking infants: g84 9/8 30
developing self-discipline: fl 136
fallacy of parental permissiveness: g85 12/8 30; w75 71
firmness with: fl 137-138
need for parental unity: fl 107-108, 110
obedience: w81 10/15 18-19; w78 9/1 5-6; w77 572; yy 74-79; g75 10/22 27; w74 119; w73 670-672; w72 362-364; w71 213; w71 259-260; te 31-34; yb71 244; g71 3/22 8; w70 149, 154-156, 437-442; g70 9/22 27-28; g69 8/8 11; w68 89-90; w67 742-743; qm 256; ms 73, 75; w64 147, 249, 494; g64 10/22 5-7; g64 11/22 10-11; w63 123, 433-434; mg63 15; w62 212-213, 489-495; w61 172-173; w60 80; w58 218; w57 182; w56 310; w55 214; qm55 256; w54 60; w53 408-409; g52 7/22 7; g49 12/8 26; w46 278
questions to ask when a child misbehaves: g81 4/8 10
rebellious children: w78 10/15 9-12; w75 156; w60 80, 287-288, 516; w58 218
results of lack of: w85 2/15 26
rod of: g83 7/8 12-13
rules for: w82 10/15 19; fl 106
screaming at children: w78 10/15 10; w71 163-164
spanking: w79 5/1 30; g79 5/8 27-28; g79 12/8 29; w78 5/1 32
spanking banned in Federal Republic of Germany (West): g80 4/8 29
spanking banned in Sweden: g79 6/22 29
spanking by teachers, approved by U.S. Supreme Court: g76 1/22 30
spanking controversy: g85 10/8 31
wayward children: w78 10/15 9-12
what to do when parents yell: g85 11/22 22-24
why needed: w85 2/15 26; w85 3/15 26-27; g85 12/8 30
discussion: w82 1/15 11-22; w82 10/15 19-30; g81 4/8 3-15; g80 1/22 17-20; w79 4/1 3-14, 16-26; fl 81-92, 94-96; w76 517-522; gh 166-173; w75 439-444; ad 311-313
dishonesty: w84 1/15 3-4
divided households: km 1/80 3; w78 9/1 9-10; fl 111; w77 562-563; w75 437-438; tp73 177; w71 212-213; w70 155-156; w66 573; w63 123, 573; w62 211-213, 465-466; w61 752-753; w60 721-722, 735-736; w59 552-554; w55 219-222; w53 408-409; w38 136-137
training children when husband is an unbeliever: w80 12/15 10-11
drugs: g80 5/8 30; g79 1/8 29; g74 2/8 5-6; g74 4/22 15; g74 5/8 3-8; w73 182, 185; g72 8/22 30; g72 9/8 29; w71 249-250; g71 9/8 29; g71 12/8 30; g70 5/8 3-8, 29; g69 5/22 30; g69 12/8 30; g67 10/22 3-8
effects of marijuana: g81 3/22 31
how to tell if one’s children are using drugs: g81 5/22 9
preventing drug abuse: g81 5/22 10
why teenagers use: w78 10/15 24
earnings: g60 8/8 21
education: g81 3/22 16; yy 80-85; w75 542-544; g75 5/8 21; g74 4/8 29
benefits of preschool training: g82 3/8 15; g82 12/22 29; g76 1/22 29
“child rights”: g79 12/8 29
comment by Ashley Montagu: w80 6/15 23
from babyhood: g80 1/8 29
importance: g84 1/22 21-23
secular: w83 6/15 19; w82 7/15 11-15
effect of—
arms race: w85 10/15 3-4
bad associations: w85 6/15 31; w85 8/15 18-19; g85 12/22 30; w82 1/15 11, 19-20
broken home: g78 10/22 6
celebrating Christmas: w84 12/15 6-7
childhood suffering on adulthood: g84 6/22 31
consideration: g73 11/22 14
divorce: g81 3/22 17-19
good associations: w85 8/15 19
heredity: g81 4/8 4
home environment: fl 90-91, 111-112, 125-126; w72 113-114
malnutrition on intelligence: g84 6/22 30
new morality: g82 6/22 3-12
parental example: w85 3/15 26-27; w85 7/1 11; g85 12/8 13, 15; w80 12/1 28-30
public protest by parents: g85 10/8 29-30
smoking by parents: w81 2/1 5-6; g80 4/8 24; g76 1/22 29
threat of nuclear war: g85 5/8 29
unhappy marriages: g78 10/22 5
emancipation: g60 8/8 22
emotional problems: g75 4/22 6-7; w57 181; g56 2/8 8; w54 232-233; g50 6/22 5; w49 29
depression: g82 8/8 31
fear: w83 9/1 27
jealousy over a new baby: fl 110
of children of the rich: w77 627
sibling strife: g77 8/8 29-30
England: g78 5/22 30
mugging of an elderly woman: g83 5/8 31
entertainment: w79 6/1 15-20; g79 1/22 6-7, 9-12; fl 138-140; g69 11/8 9-12; w65 692; w62 461, 490, 492-493; g62 10/22 17-20; g61 3/8 30; g60 5/22 23; g60 12/8 28; g57 3/8 12; g57 7/22 13-16; g57 9/22 12-15; g52 6/8 21-23
bread-dough art: g85 5/8 24-27
effect of war toys: g85 5/8 31
electronic video games: g81 12/8 30
game to stimulate interest in meetings: fl 121
rock concerts: g75 6/8 30
aiding in ministry: g69 11/8 26; yb68 177
aid to parents: w79 4/1 14; gh 171; g74 12/22 22; yb70 266; yb69 239-240; yb68 192; yb67 180-181; yb66 171, 208-209; yb65 126-127
aid to parents in single-parent families: g81 2/22 18-19
benefit of schedule: w85 9/1 11; yb66 261-262; yb65 136-137
Bible Stories book: w85 1/15 32; w81 4/1 28
Bible study with children: yb71 265; w70 630; yb69 220; g69 2/8 26; yb68 139; yb67 74-75, 95, 290; w66 187; yb66 218; w65 374; yb65 120-121, 227; g65 1/22 4; yb64 190; yb63 190, 207, 259; yb62 131
child forbidden to play: w70 506
child freed from demon harassment: w76 294
conduct at convention: yb71 109
conducting Bible studies: yb75 13-14; yb71 129, 178, 247, 264, 279; g71 4/8 23; yb70 93-94; km 7/70 4; yb69 94-95; w68 107; yb67 93, 109, 276-277; yb66 167; w64 663; yb64 200; yb63 90-91, 266; yb62 108-109, 174-175; yb61 94, 199
conduct in school impresses teacher: w76 362
conduct of third-grader reactivates teacher: w85 1/15 28
consideration for children: g73 11/22 14
contributions: yb86 10-11; w84 3/1 11; w84 12/1 21-22; w83 8/1 30-31
defense of truth: yb71 117, 138-139; yb68 150-151, 265; w67 389; yb67 87-88; yb65 120-121; yb64 164
education at home: yb69 219-220
effective Witnesses: yb85 53; g72 6/8 24; km 10/72 7; w71 368-369; yb71 109-110, 175-176, 214, 264, 292; yb70 127-128, 146, 153-154; w69 94; yb69 126-127, 171, 192-193, 233-234; yb68 107-108, 190, 233, 244, 248, 266, 277; w67 390, 644; yb67 74-75, 112, 276-277; g67 7/22 21; yb66 92-93, 96-97, 171, 240-241; yb65 62-63, 86-87, 90, 168, 183, 210-211, 217, 223, 234-235; g65 1/22 4; yb64 84, 153-154, 158, 161, 186, 216, 249, 275; yb63 92, 121, 222-223; w62 242, 464; yb62 90, 158, 189, 242, 253; g62 6/22 23; w61 732; yb61 100, 140-141, 250, 273, 280; w52 83
effect of convention: w69 119-120
effect of parental example: g85 12/8 13, 15
effect of proper training: w85 9/1 10-15; w77 436
effort to attend convention: w70 510; w69 120; yb69 252; w68 665-666; yb67 239; g67 3/8 30; w65 343
eight-year-old’s teacher uses Bible Stories book for classwork: g84 12/22 32
essay contest won: w72 444
faithful unto death: w83 5/15 10-11; w82 8/1 22
family opposition overcome: g85 4/22 17-21; yb81 171-173
five-year-old encourages her father to study the Bible: yb83 11
five-year-old studies with ten schoolmates: w85 1/15 28
flag salute: yb86 27-28; yb79 214-215; yb78 69-70, 125-126, 236-237; yb77 160-161, 176; yb74 117; yb69 213; yb67 156, 242; g67 1/8 16-18; w58 446
game to stimulate interest in meetings: fl 121
girl resists materialism and holds to truth: g81 2/22 17-18
guerrillas return captured girl: w79 10/15 21-22
handicapped child: w78 8/15 28
help family members to Bible truth: w71 369; yb71 277, 315; g70 11/8 17-18; w69 119, 179; yb69 148-149, 157, 220-221; yb68 177-178, 185-186; yb67 180, 182; g67 7/22 22-23; yb64 268-269
honesty: w84 1/15 7; w81 1/1 30
importance of training children: yb80 246-247
impression made by Bible truth: g85 4/22 17-21; yb81 179; w75 763; g74 7/22 21, 23; w73 29; g72 6/8 24; w71 106-107; yb71 138-139, 239; g71 9/22 8; yb70 186-187, 212, 228, 245-246, 282-283; yb69 113-114, 198; g69 2/8 26; w68 414-415; yb67 103-104, 209-210, 238-239, 270-271, 277, 282; g67 7/22 22; yb66 93; w63 316; w53 292
impression made by honest adult: g74 1/8 26
impression made by prayer at mealtime: g64 6/22 26
insisted on quitting church: yb74 248
integrity: yb86 22-23; w85 9/1 12-13; w84 4/1 20; w84 12/1 20; w80 10/15 30; w80 12/1 13-14; yb80 103, 105; g79 11/22 15; yb78 235-238; g75 2/22 4; yb74 117-119, 121-125; g72 6/8 24; yb71 79-80, 93-94, 214, 245, 288-290; w70 317-318; yb69 86, 143, 258-259; g69 12/22 24, 26; w68 30, 572; yb68 90-91, 93-94, 97-98; yb67 149, 206, 235, 242; g67 1/8 16-18; yb66 120-121, 142, 189, 219, 225-226; yb65 129-130; yb64 124; yb63 188-189, 199-200, 223, 307; yb61 124, 265
letter of appreciation to parents: w72 403; w71 368; w66 371
little girl helps grandmother learn truth: w84 12/1 20
meeting attendance: fl 121; yb71 239; w70 652; yb63 231
miniature assembly: yb71 113; yb64 177
prayer of a child helps father learn truth: w84 8/1 7
priest recommends obtaining Bible answer from young child: yb86 33, 40
rearing sons without a husband: w79 4/1 28-31
rearing three French boys: w77 681-684
refuse to buy cigarettes: yb83 11-12; yb75 16
religious services in school: yb71 116, 175-176, 198; yb68 77; yb67 177; yb66 96-97; yb64 127
respect for blood: yb76 8; g71 9/22 8; yb69 141; yb68 71, 78, 197; w65 276; yb64 114-115
rules and discipline wanted: yb82 15-16
search for truth: w73 318; yb70 186-187; yb69 243; yb67 87-88, 209-210; yb66 167; w64 211
six-year-old confounds religious teacher: w79 5/15 10
three-year-old impresses father: yb86 54
Watchtower articles: yb71 181
Witness children avoid kidnapping by attending assembly: w77 57
witnessing in school: yb84 32; km 9/82 4; w76 362-363; gh 172-173; g74 5/22 26; w72 402; g72 8/8 19; km 8/72 3; yb71 117, 138, 150-151, 165, 169-170, 178-179, 210-211, 228, 245-247; w70 500; yb70 85-86, 153-154, 161-162; yb69 163; yb68 192, 207, 223, 277; g68 11/8 7; yb67 87-88, 93, 95, 112, 138, 148-149, 156-157, 172, 177, 264-265, 276; w65 15-16; yb65 24-25, 144, 168, 183, 210-211; g65 9/8 24; g65 10/22 16; w64 310; yb64 186, 190, 216, 241-242, 259-260; w63 179; yb63 74, 90-91, 101, 157-158, 173-174, 181, 183-184, 191, 199-200, 207, 220, 228-229; w62 220, 464, 467; yb62 203, 216, 279-280; g62 1/22 16; g62 7/8 16; w61 119, 765; yb61 102, 283; g61 11/8 16
witnessing to teachers: yb86 43-44
Witness sings Kingdom song in class: yb86 42
Witness youth persuades gunmen to surrender: g75 1/22 30
faith and courage of captive Israelite girl who speaks to Naaman’s wife: w85 1/15 8-9
family with 37: g81 3/22 31
fatherless boys:
helping: w80 9/15 22-23, 25
female circumcision: g85 6/22 24-27
field ministry: km 11/78 8; qm 256-259; w64 451-452; w63 362, 365-367; w62 460, 464, 467, 493; g62 1/22 16; g61 8/22 23; qm55 256-259; w53 291-292; w52 47, 382-383; el 254-255; w48 7-8; g43 3/31 18-21; ci 277-279; g41 2/19 3-7; g41 3/5 3-10
training for: km 4/85 2
future for: g81 7/22 3-4
generosity: g78 8/22 31
gifts: tr 150; w74 741; g73 12/22 7; w71 345-346; te 143-146; g70 2/22 14-15; g69 5/8 8
goals: w82 1/15 21-22; w79 4/1 8-11, 28-29; w75 437, 443; g75 9/22 22-25
growth: w73 520; w72 112-113, 425; g70 5/8 14; g67 8/8 30; g64 10/22 22-23
happiness: w80 2/1 29; g74 7/22 21-23
health: g74 4/8 29
affected by parental smoking: g76 4/8 30
alcoholic beverages: yy 97-105
alcoholism: g78 1/22 29; g77 12/8 30; g77 12/22 8-9; yy 101; g75 2/8 16-18; w74 451, 453; g73 9/8 30
asthma: g85 6/22 8
bed rest for sick: g78 3/22 29-30
blindness: g68 3/22 30
defects due to parents’ incestuous marriage: w75 72-74
diarrhea: g85 9/22 23-25; g84 9/22 29
diet: g85 8/22 15-16; g81 4/8 5-6
disease: g74 6/8 30-31; g71 2/8 30; g71 4/8 29; g61 3/22 29; g61 5/22 11-12
Down’s syndrome: g51 8/8 14-16
effect of food additives disputed: g85 6/22 8
feeding: g66 6/22 8-11
foot trouble: g77 1/22 30
gonorrhea: g84 8/8 29-30
handicapped: g78 8/8 5-9; g76 5/22 5-8; g73 6/22 28-29
junk food: g77 9/22 30
malnutrition: g85 5/22 3; g80 4/8 29; g68 3/8 12-15
obesity: g85 10/8 30; g73 3/8 30
parental right to determine medical treatment: g85 11/8 25; g84 7/8 3, 5-18
poison danger from old pills: g79 1/8 30
poisonings: g85 8/22 29
safeguarding: g81 5/8 12-15
sexually transmitted diseases: g84 8/8 29-30; g82 11/22 29; g80 10/8 31; g79 8/22 29; g72 2/8 17, 19; g71 11/8 31
shaking: g73 1/22 30
sniffing aerosol products: g71 1/22 29
stunted by kidney disorder: g78 6/8 29
tall five-year-old boy: g81 6/8 31
teenage pregnancies: g84 5/8 25, 29; g84 11/22 31; g76 1/22 30
teeth: g85 6/22 30; g83 10/22 31; g70 9/8 12-15
Thailand: g78 12/22 30
tonsillectomies: g78 5/22 30
ulcers: g70 6/22 29
UNICEF report on deaths from disease and hunger worldwide: g82 4/8 30
vitamin supplements: g85 8/22 30
why born diseased: tf 116-117
with heart risk factors: g79 11/8 30
“holy” (1Co 7:14): w76 575-576
homeless: g72 4/22 30
humility: w75 298; w75 723; w63 433-434; w62 492
hyperactive: g84 6/8 23-27; g83 5/8 6-7, 9-12; g76 5/22 7-8; g75 4/22 6; g72 8/8 31
effect of food additives disputed: g85 6/22 8
illegitimate: w74 224
number born each year to teenagers between 15 and 19 years of age: g84 11/22 31
Washington, D.C.: g77 1/22 31
institutions for orphans: g36 7/1 624, 626-629; g36 7/29 694, 703; g36 11/4 76; g31 3/18 389
IQ scores:
effect of environment: w83 3/15 7
effect of racial differences: w76 135
Italy: g78 5/8 30
runaways: g78 5/8 31
delinquency: g83 6/22 30
survey as to manual skills: g84 5/8 31
Jesus’ attitude toward: w84 11/15 28; g79 12/22 27-28; w77 501; te 8
Korea, Republic of (South): g61 12/8 24-26
language development: g80 2/22 25; fl 115-116
legal rights: g60 8/8 20-23
love for brothers and sisters: w71 74-75; te 79-81
child marriages: g85 8/22 30; g62 7/22 29-30; g50 8/8 17-19; g47 11/8 7-8; g36 8/12 729; g32 1/6 211-212; g31 9/30 841
teenage marriages: g84 2/8 28; g67 6/22 25; w61 184-185, 571
materialism: g84 1/8 29; w75 495
memories: g74 7/22 21-23
mental development:
autism (abnormal daydreaming): g75 4/22 7
creativity study: sj 4-5; w75 217-218
example of early: g81 2/8 30
first four years: fl 114-115
language development: g80 2/22 25; fl 115-116
learning ability: g85 11/8 30-31; g79 11/22 27-28; g74 10/22 30; w72 112; w71 104-105; g70 4/8 7; g68 12/22 10-11; w67 390-392; g66 9/22 18; g66 11/8 10; g65 1/22 3-4
learning disability: g83 5/8 3-13
maturity: qm 258; w63 403; qm55 258
mental retardation: g81 4/22 30; g80 1/22 18-19; w76 576; g75 6/22 20-23; w63 383-384
music lessons: g80 2/22 25-28
personality development: fl 128-130; w72 112-114
potential: g80 6/22 29-30
psychology: g57 11/8 3; g50 10/22 13-16
slow learners: w67 420
missing children: g84 4/22 3-10
moral breakdown: w85 3/15 25; g76 9/8 30
pornography: w84 9/15 21; g84 8/22 30; g83 10/8 3, 8
prostitutes: g80 4/22 5
sexual immorality: g76 1/22 30; g65 3/22 18-19; w64 536; w58 219
moral responsibilities: w68 86-92
names: g72 7/8 24-26
need for—
association: km 4/75 3
love: g81 4/8 6-7; w80 6/15 23; g79 2/8 29; g79 11/22 27; g79 12/22 5-6; fl 98-99, 101; w72 457; g72 1/8 30; g72 5/22 10-11; g72 7/22 29; g72 9/8 30; g72 10/22 30; g70 4/8 4; g63 4/8 14; g63 6/22 5-6; g62 12/22 3; w61 177, 189, 327; g61 7/22 7-8; w57 181-182; g55 12/8 14-15; g54 8/22 3-4; w52 36-37; g49 2/8 25-28; g46 1/2 26-28
self-control: g81 4/8 14-15
need of listening to: w77 51
newspaper routes: g83 5/8 28
new system of things: w72 240; w59 415; w56 31, 603-605; w55 763; sr55 351-353; nh 345-346; w52 45-46, 478; el 292; w47 45-46; w46 157; w38 295, 324-325, 346; ff 51, 53
offered as sacrifices: g80 11/22 30
“only-begotten” sons and daughters: ad 1254
orphans: km 5/78 1, 7; g71 6/8 30-31
Witness children expelled from school: g85 9/8 29
peer pressure: g82 9/8 25-27; g82 9/22 17-19; w80 9/15 8; w72 475
persecution of Witnesses by: yb80 194-195
prayer: w80 6/1 16-17; fl 121; g74 12/22 22; g72 11/22 27-28; te 47-50; yb69 220-221; g65 1/22 3; w63 117, 319
prayers of: w84 8/1 6-7
regarding bearing of: lp 128
promises made to: g80 1/22 19
protecting against crime: g65 10/8 19; g65 12/8 30
questions for those thinking of having: fl 85
reading: g75 12/22 30; g74 2/8 4, 10; g71 10/22 30; g68 5/22 20-22
factors causing problems: g85 9/8 4-7
importance of: g83 12/8 22-24
parental supervision of: g84 10/22 12-14
selection of reading matter: g78 3/22 16-21
value of Bible Stories tapes: w85 1/15 32; g85 6/22 23
value of reading aloud to: g79 11/22 27-28; w77 77; g77 9/8 29; w75 519
Witness children commended: g75 12/8 22
records for: g69 12/8 25-26
relationship to congregation:
conduct at meetings: km 9/81 1, 4; w69 336-337; w67 278; w64 349-350; g62 12/22 4; w61 365
congregation’s interest in: km 4/75 3
encouraging, in congregation: km 3/76 1, 8
meeting attendance: w82 1/15 16-17; w75 61-62; w75 319-320; w73 671-672; or 92-93; w71 555; te 155-158; w69 632; w64 273, 371; yb64 261-262; w62 210-212, 459, 464, 498; w61 732; w60 49-50; w56 310; w54 50; w53 399; w52 47-48, 414-415, 735; w38 134
parental responsibility to report serious wrongdoing: w58 219
privileges in congregation: km 10/79 1-2; km 11/79 1, 7; km 4/75 3; km 2/72 7-8; qm 258; g65 1/22 4; w62 493-494; g61 10/22 28; w58 437-439; w57 701; w56 307-317; qm55 258; w52 47-48; w38 122, 134
spiritual assistance to children of other Witnesses: km 8/80 1, 3
subscriptions for children: km 6/78 4
when children of elders and ministerial servants come under a charge of debauchery: w84 5/15 30-31; w78 2/1 31-32
relationship with parents: fl 147-148
appreciation for parents: g74 12/22 6; w71 107; yb71 240; w70 419-422, 440-441; yb69 197; w68 324, 355-356
attitude toward parents: fl 161-170; yy 73-79; w72 164
confidence in parents: g85 12/22 15-17; w72 31, 259-260; g72 4/8 4; w71 587-592
desire to be understood by parents: g83 5/8 20-23
disobedience to parents: w84 10/1 5-6
encouraging, in the home: fl 121-122
honesty with parents: g83 5/22 17-18
honor due parents: w81 10/15 18; hp 91-92; g80 1/22 20; fl 109-110; g75 10/22 27-28
mother’s influence: fl 98-99, 101
neglect by parents: w78 11/1 24; g75 3/8 29; g75 4/22 9
obligations to parents: w74 119; w73 671-672; tp73 140-142; w71 259-260; ad 564; g71 3/22 8; g70 9/22 27-28; w67 548, 741-743; g67 4/8 5-6; w66 573; w65 676; w64 147-148, 260; g64 8/8 4; w63 123, 365, 433-434; g63 8/8 4; w62 212-213; g62 12/22 4; w61 327; g61 4/22 27; g60 8/8 21-22; w57 182; g56 5/8 25; w55 214; rm 133
opposed parents: w80 12/1 28-30; w73 671-672; w64 249
parental authority: g81 4/8 15; w77 572; w73 318; w72 163-164; ad 1417
parental companionship: w79 6/1 17-18; g79 12/22 5-8; w78 2/1 5-6; w78 11/1 24; fl 139; gh 169-170; g76 2/22 4-5; w75 156-157; w74 741; g74 2/8 10; g74 7/22 22-23; w73 559-561; g70 4/8 4-5; w69 547-548; g69 11/22 9-12; w67 68, 100; w66 453-454; g65 5/8 8-11; g65 7/8 19; g65 9/22 19-21; g65 10/8 11; w64 141-142, 286; w62 461; g62 10/22 17-20; w61 178, 326-327
parental example: w85 3/15 26-27; w85 7/1 11; g85 10/8 29-30; g85 12/8 13, 15; km 10/83 2; w82 10/15 30; w80 12/1 28-30; fl 109-110, 112, 124-128, 148-149; w77 557; w76 518-519; g76 1/22 29
parental expectations: g85 1/22 15-17; w83 6/15 19
parental responsibility: w82 1/15 12-17; w82 10/15 25-30; tr 173-178; g81 4/8 9-12; g80 1/22 17-20; w78 2/1 5-7; w78 11/1 24; fl 97-99, 101-103, 105-113, 131-160; w76 703-704; gh 166-173; w75 314; w75 433-437; w75 451-453; g74 2/8 7-11; g74 8/22 4-6; w72 51-52, 109-111, 360, 364, 425, 543; g72 8/8 4; g72 11/8 30; w71 170-171; w71 581-592; kj 166-167; g71 3/22 7-8; w70 82-83, 734; g70 4/8 3-7; is 95-97; g69 2/22 9-12; g69 6/8 5-7; w68 80-86, 164-166; w67 31, 100, 724; yl 29-30, 109-110, 185-186; g67 2/22 11-12; g67 7/22 5-6; g67 8/22 3-4; g67 11/22 29; km 8/66 3
parental unity: fl 107-108, 110; g72 9/22 27-28; g70 4/8 5-6
parents battered by: g79 10/8 30
parents learn by listening to: g75 7/8 30
proper view of having children live with worldly relatives for material advantage: w82 8/15 30-31; w70 732-735
proposal to allow children to divorce from parents: g80 2/22 29-30
rearing despite influence of world: w85 3/15 25-27
role in happy family: w78 2/1 4-5
what to do when parents yell: g85 11/22 22-24
relation to state: g63 7/22 8-15
attitude toward: w79 2/1 3
resilience to bad living conditions: g85 5/22 11-13
resurrection: g79 12/22 28; ts 180-181; w72 448; te 83-86; w69 223-224; g63 11/8 28; w61 40
runaways: g84 4/22 3-10; g79 2/22 30; g77 1/22 30; g71 3/22 5-9
Italy: g78 5/8 31
school: w85 1/15 8-9; w76 522; w70 114-115, 479-480; g68 12/22 3-4; qm 258; g67 9/22 30; g65 2/22 30-31; g65 12/8 12-15; w64 378-382, 533-538; g64 2/22 8-11; g64 9/8 30; g64 9/22 7; g63 9/22 9-10; w62 460-461, 464; w60 508; g60 6/8 8-11; g60 12/8 16-19; g59 5/8 9-13; g58 2/8 9-12; g58 3/22 9-12; g58 4/8 3-4; w56 306-307; g56 2/22 12; qm55 258; g55 2/8 13-16; g54 9/8 10-12; w53 132-133; w52 45-46; g51 2/22 7; g50 1/22 19; g48 5/22 17-20; g41 11/12 3-8; g38 5/18 10-11; g32 8/31 739-752
benefits of parental supervision: g85 9/22 30
benefits of preschool training: g82 3/8 15; g82 12/22 29; g79 12/22 29; g76 1/22 29
conduct in: w64 378-382, 533-538
evolution theory: ce 179-180; w71 40-42
fatigue: g78 1/8 13-16
flag salute: sj 13-15; g78 4/22 29; g65 6/8 9-12; w64 378-379; g63 7/22 16; g63 12/22 19; yb62 109; g62 4/8 8-9; yb61 113; w60 735; g60 9/22 12-15; jp 143-144, 207; g59 8/22 9-15; w58 446; g42 2/4 9-10; g41 6/11 20-24; w40 371-378; g40 4/3 16; w38 120; g37 11/3 14-15; g36 12/16 165-175
holiday activities: sj 17-21; w60 703-704
letting teachers know about Christian conscience: w82 1/15 20-21
mathematics: g75 7/22 30; g71 2/8 9-12
mothers better teachers than nursery schools: g85 12/8 30
national anthem: g63 12/22 16-19
number not in school worldwide: g84 12/22 6
parents’ interest: g85 9/22 10; g82 5/8 19-20; g78 1/8 14-15
problems in public: g79 11/22 3-14; g74 2/8 3-7; w71 584-585
proper attitude toward: km 9/85 3; g84 1/8 16-18
survey of U.S., Japan, Federal Republic of Germany, Nigeria: g85 9/22 3-10
teacher in Scotland explains why Witness children do well: w85 5/15 28
use of bad language by primary-school children: g83 7/8 30
“values education”: g85 11/22 17-19
who gets best grades: g85 9/22 30
witnessing in: km 8/85 1-2; km 9/85 3; km 9/82 4; w79 4/1 30; w75 440-443
Witness view of school activities: sj 3-31
serving Jehovah during youth: km 10/76 1, 7
Bible examples: km 10/76 7
praising Jehovah: te 107-110
remembering Creator (Ec 12:1): w79 4/1 9-14
spiritual advancement: w74 119
serving others: te 27-30; w70 341
education for children: w83 3/15 27; sj 27-28; g79 11/22 9; fl 122-124; g75 1/8 30; g74 2/8 6, 9; g72 1/22 3-9; g72 7/22 29-30; w71 589; g71 1/22 29-30; g70 5/22 3-9, 30-31; g69 6/22 29; g69 7/22 31; g68 12/8 16-19
education for teenagers: fl 150-151
health hazard to boys and girls (quote): w82 7/1 11
view of some sexologists: w82 1/15 23
shoes: g77 1/22 30; g70 12/8 14
shyness: w75 197-199; g62 11/8 17-18
single-parent families: g81 2/22 16-19; w80 9/15 19-20; g80 10/22 25-28
experiences: w79 4/1 28-31
smoking: g84 1/22 29-30; g76 8/8 29; g73 11/22 30; g71 1/22 31; g69 9/22 29; g68 6/22 30; g68 12/22 30; g67 2/22 19; g66 6/22 30; g65 10/22 20; g64 6/22 29; g64 9/8 11; g61 7/22 29
effect of exposure to maternal cigarette smoke: g84 3/8 11
girls: g82 12/8 29-30
health affected by parental: g76 4/8 30
relationship to a delinquent personality: g80 5/22 29-30
Solomon’s comment on storing up possessions for: w77 79
sports: sj 23; g82 5/22 9-11; w76 621-623; g76 5/22 30
stepchildren: g85 4/8 20-22; w84 10/15 21-25
stepfamily: g85 5/8 18-20
suicide: g75 8/22 30
heart, without blood: w85 10/15 21; g84 7/8 18; g84 9/8 30
surveys regarding—
children who are sedentary: g84 2/8 30-31
cost of rearing: g84 1/8 31
future: w85 10/15 3-4
manual skills: g84 5/8 31
smoking by children: g84 1/22 29-30
whether children assured older parents less loneliness: g83 10/22 30
whether parents or peers are the strongest force for religious orientation of: w83 10/15 27
talking to themselves: g82 10/8 29
about advertising: g80 6/8 12
about God: fl 102-103, 105; w74 84-85; g74 2/8 9; w73 553-556; w72 114-117; km 1/72 7-8; w71 599; te 5-6, 15-18; w70 293-294; g70 4/8 6-7; g68 3/8 3-8
another language: g84 6/22 18-21
babies how to read: g84 5/8 30
by means of computers: g84 8/8 30
clergy view regarding teaching Bible to: w81 12/1 15
from infancy (2Ti 3:15): g82 4/8 15
generosity: g77 8/8 16-20; te 143-146
how to pray: w84 8/1 16-17; g72 11/22 27-28
moral values: g85 11/22 17-19
respect for others: w74 90-91; w74 265-266
through play: g80 12/22 24-26
to read: g85 6/22 23; g85 9/8 4-5
to share the good news: w81 10/15 22-23
value of reading aloud to: g79 11/22 27-28; w77 77; g77 9/8 29; w75 519
wise use of money: g80 6/8 11-14
teasing by: w82 7/1 9-10
letter regarding marriages of: g84 2/8 28
needs of: w79 4/1 5-9
pregnancies: g84 5/8 25, 29; g84 11/22 31; g70 6/8 3-4
teeth: g70 9/8 12-15
parental cleaning of a child’s teeth: g83 10/22 31
value of fluoridated water: g85 6/22 30
television’s effect: g85 1/8 29-30; w83 6/15 6; g83 2/22 26-27; g82 1/8 30; g82 10/22 6-8; g81 4/8 5; g80 1/8 31; g80 4/8 9; g79 7/22 29; w78 1/1 29; w78 2/1 3; g78 4/22 3-4, 6, 12, 14-17; g78 5/22 29; w77 710; g77 6/8 22; g77 11/22 31; g76 3/8 29; g75 5/22 31; g75 12/22 30; w74 262, 272; g74 9/8 8-11; g73 1/22 31; g73 3/8 30; g73 3/22 3; g71 1/8 11; g71 3/22 30; g71 12/8 30; g70 3/8 31; g69 1/22 29; g69 2/8 30; g69 2/22 7-8; g69 6/8 31; g69 7/22 10-11; g69 9/22 30; g69 11/8 30; g64 9/8 10; g64 12/8 30; g64 12/22 30; g63 12/22 11-12
commercials: g82 4/8 29-30; g81 1/22 23; g79 1/8 30
kindergarten classes: g80 12/22 30
on obesity: g85 10/8 30
on school test scores: g81 5/8 31
rivals a father in a child’s affection: g76 2/22 30
Russian roulette “games”: w80 10/1 18
violence: w84 10/1 4-5; w84 11/1 5; g84 4/8 13-14; g82 7/22 29; g78 4/22 15-17
when watched too much: g84 12/22 22-24
television viewing:
controlling: g80 1/22 19-20; fl 139-140
time consumed: g78 1/22 29; g78 4/22 3, 12; g77 7/8 29
tendency to buy things to keep up with others: g80 6/8 13-14
children victims of malnutrition: g78 12/22 30
Third World nations:
sold into slavery or abandoned: g81 1/22 31
toys: g74 7/22 22; g71 1/8 9-12; g71 9/8 30; g71 12/8 30; g68 8/8 30; g68 8/22 24; g67 1/22 29; g67 12/8 21-24
effect of war toys: g85 5/8 31; w80 5/1 27; w76 743; g64 10/8 11
selectivity in purchasing: w84 4/15 7
training: km 10/83 1-2; tr 173-178; g81 4/8 9-12; km 9/81 1, 4; km 12/79 1-2; w78 2/1 6-7; fl 90-92, 102-103, 105-106, 114-116, 118-130; w77 555-557; gh 166-173; yy 57-58; g76 2/22 3-5; g76 10/8 12-13; w75 14-15; w75 155-157; g75 5/8 21; w74 81-94; w74 267-272; g74 7/22 23; w73 552-564; g73 2/22 17-18; g73 8/8 31; w72 109-117, 259-260; w72 360-361, 363-364; g72 5/8 5-8; g72 11/22 27-28; w71 170-171; w71 367-372; w71 555-556; ad 488; g71 9/8 8-11; w70 68, 433, 551; g70 4/8 6; g70 9/8 7; km 11/70 3-4; w69 203, 429, 560; g69 3/8 3-7; g69 6/8 6-7; g69 9/8 29-30; w68 112, 164-166; w67 146, 360, 391-392; qm 254; g67 2/22 11-12; g67 7/22 6-7; g67 8/8 27-28; g67 10/22 10; w66 453-455, 572-573; g66 9/22 17-20; g66 11/8 9-11; w65 206, 644; ms 72; g65 1/8 8; g65 1/22 3-4; g65 5/8 9-11; g65 6/8 16-19; g65 6/22 14; w64 137-143, 164, 273-274, 356, 643-644; g64 2/22 4, 11; g64 3/22 11-12, 28; g64 4/8 4; g64 8/22 16; g64 9/22 6-8; g64 10/8 22; g64 11/22 9-11; w63 77, 433-434, 490-500, 511, 529; ln 46; g63 5/22 18-20; g63 6/22 5-7; g63 8/22 15; w62 73-74, 205-206, 210-212, 249, 286, 457-466, 479, 489-491, 582-584; g62 3/8 5-8; g62 4/8 17-19; g62 7/8 20, 30; w61 88, 172-186, 305, 307, 323-324; g61 4/8 6, 8; g61 4/22 27; g61 5/22 12; g61 7/8 30; g61 9/8 29; w60 48-50, 80, 529-530; g60 4/22 19; g60 5/22 12; g60 6/22 14; g60 10/22 28; w59 551-552; g59 5/8 23; g59 7/8 6-7; g59 9/22 3-4; g59 12/22 19; w58 218, 420, 428, 595; g58 10/8 3-4; g58 12/22 3-4; w57 181-182, 676; g57 5/22 6-8; g57 8/8 8-12; w56 208, 304-317, 637; qm55 254; g55 12/8 13-14; w54 48-62; w52 36-48, 343-344, 382, 735; el 247-256; w49 27-30; g47 9/22 9-12; w46 275-284; w45 346; w41 52-53; ci 267-271, 349-350; w39 367; s 337-339; g39 1/11 6-7, 14-16; w38 115-122, 131-140; g32 8/17 721-722
avoiding unfavorable comparisons: g80 1/22 19; fl 118-119
benefit of preschool training: g82 3/8 15; g82 12/22 29; g76 1/22 29
course of self-sacrifice: w78 8/1 25
discussions based on Youth book: km 8/77 1, 4
failure of worldly guidance: g75 10/8 6
father’s influence: fl 102-103; g72 8/22 29-30
field ministry: km 4/85 2; km 7/84 1; km 6/82 4; km 7/81 1, 3; km 11/78 8; km 12/77 1, 4
firmness with: fl 137-138; w75 71
from infancy (2Ti 3:15): w84 8/1 6; g82 4/8 15
helping children draw close to God: w84 8/1 5-7
household chores: g85 2/8 10; w80 1/15 29; w80 7/1 19; w78 2/1 4-5; w78 8/1 25
importance of parental association: g85 7/22 29-30
learning a useful trade: g80 12/8 13-14
mental-regulating: w79 6/1 15
nagging: w84 4/1 28
not pampering: w82 4/15 28-29
not screaming at: w71 163-164
obedience: w81 10/15 18-19; w78 9/1 5-6; w77 572; yy 74-79; g75 10/22 27; w74 119; w73 670-672; w72 362-364; w71 213; w71 259-260; te 31-34, 136-138; yb71 244; g71 3/22 8; w70 149, 154-156, 437-442; g70 9/22 27-28; g69 8/8 11; w68 89-90; w67 742-743; qm 256; ms 73, 75; w64 147, 249, 494; g64 10/22 5-7; g64 11/22 10-11; w63 123, 433-434; mg63 15; w62 212-213, 489-495; w61 172-173; w60 80; w58 218; w57 182; w56 310; w55 214; qm55 256; w54 60; w53 408-409; g52 7/22 7; g49 12/8 26; w46 278
pagan holidays: w68 572-573
parental authority: g81 4/8 15; w77 572; w73 318; w72 163-164; ad 1417
persuading: g75 1/8 9, 12
proper view of having children live with worldly relatives for material advantage: w82 8/15 30-31; w70 732-735
questions to ask when a child misbehaves: g81 4/8 10
reasoning with children: w76 617
rebellious: w60 80, 287-288, 516; w58 218
regarding prayer: w80 6/1 16-17
through play: g80 12/22 24-26
to choose full-time ministry: g85 12/8 13, 15
to develop godly devotion: w85 8/15 22-27
to serve Jehovah: km 4/85 2; km 11/84 3; w60 530-531; w54 48-53
unselfishness: g75 6/8 14-16
use of Bible Stories book: w81 4/1 28
wayward children: w78 10/15 9-12
when husband is an unbeliever: w80 12/15 10-11
use of alcoholic beverages by, in Spain: g84 1/8 31
view of churches: g75 3/22 30; g75 8/22 29-30
when children grow up and leave home: g83 2/8 3-12
witnessing by fine conduct: km 10/72 7
witnessing in school: km 8/85 1-2; km 9/85 3; km 9/82 4; w75 440-443
witnessing to: w77 647; km 8/77 4
witnessing with one’s: km 11/78 8; km 12/77 1, 4
“wolf children”: g31 3/18 391
work: g81 2/22 18-19; w80 7/1 19; g80 10/22 6, 28; w78 8/1 25; fl 158-159; g72 5/8 5-8; w71 231-232; te 95-98
benefits from: g80 10/22 6
almost all children have no idea what Christianity is: w80 10/15 22
crisis in child training a basic cause of terrorism: w78 1/15 11
deny moral standards of right and wrong: w78 8/1 29
give me child of six, I shall make it Catholic: w60 49; ch 289; tt 46
sex is a health hazard to boys and girls: w82 7/1 11